
1st may 2023,Monday 

[01/05/23, 10:27:22 AM] ~ Dr. Meesum Abbas: Op no. 20230500392
36y/F with erosive gastritis and right maxillary sinusitis 
Getting admitted

[01/05/23, 10:29:46 AM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: Also mention the illness duration.

[01/05/23, 10:31:20 AM] ~ Dr. Meesum Abbas: Retrosternal pain 6 months and maxillary pain on bending forward since 2 years

[01/05/23, 10:39:01 AM] ~ Dr. Meesum Abbas: Op no. 20210518524
47y/F with dragging type of headache since 20 days associated with neck pain, decreased sleep and blurring of vision 
Not willing for admission

[01/05/23, 10:49:48 AM] ~ A.R.T.TEJASRI: 7) A 30 year old female chief complaints of neck pain since 1 month ,radiating to head  and bilateral upper limbs since 1 month ,no rom 
? cervical spondylosis

[01/05/23, 10:50:28 AM] ~ A.R.T.TEJASRI: not willing to admit

[01/05/23, 10:58:08 AM] ~ Dr. Meesum Abbas: OP no. 20230500462
C/o retrosternal Chest pain since 3 days, burning type, non radiating. 
Abdominal bloating +
? Atypical Chest pain
Patient not willing to get admitted

[01/05/23, 10:59:22 AM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: Get a fundus examination  

No other tests 

Ask her to get admitted later at her convenience for further evaluation

[01/05/23, 11:00:37 AM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: Tab paracetamol 500 mg every six hours for two days. 

No other tests now. 

Ask her to get admitted later at her convenience for further evaluation

[01/05/23, 11:01:54 AM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: Please CLEARLY mention that she has been advised admission for cardiac evaluation

[01/05/23, 11:02:29 AM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: Serial number 7?

[01/05/23, 11:07:22 AM] ~ Dr. Meesum Abbas: Op no. 20230500016
30 y/o F
C/o chest pain, burning type, radiating to right hand and back since 2 months
Pain aggravated on excessive talking and eating spicy food
Holocranial Headache since 2 months, non radiating, decreases with sleep

[01/05/23, 11:09:19 AM] ~ A.R.T.TEJASRI: OPD cases 
1)A 48 year old female came for followup diabetic since 10years ,hypertensive since 8 years , low back pain since 1month,no restriction of movements

2)A 47 YAER old female chief complaints of ankle edema since 2 years relieved on rest aggravated on prolonged sitting and facial puffiness since 2 days
presumptive : ?hypothyroidism , renal failure
b 3)a 44 year old male  for follow up  diabetic since 4 years using glimeperife and metformin 
4) a 62 F diabetic and hypertensive since 10 years complaints  increased frequency of micturition since 5 days ,no burning micturition  ,on metformin,glimi and telmisartan  .
 5)A 62 m known case of diabetic since 5 years on unknown medication came for followup .

[01/05/23, 11:09:45 AM] ~ A.R.T.TEJASRI: we missed their op number sir till 9:30 am

[01/05/23, 11:14:16 AM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: How many patients have we seen in opd since morning?

[01/05/23, 11:14:46 AM] ~ A.R.T.TEJASRI: 9  sir

[01/05/23, 11:18:19 AM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: How many shared above?

[01/05/23, 11:18:24 AM] ~ Rana Darshanam: OPD no: 20230500532
A 40 year old male patient with
C/O: B/L knee pain with swelling since 1 week followed by pain in 
B/L calf region associated with tightness and B/L pedal edema till knees (pitting type) associated with facial puffiness
Advised admission and getting admitted

[01/05/23, 11:19:26 AM] ~ A.R.T.TEJASRI: from opd 1 sir.

[01/05/23, 11:28:23 AM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: Write in short 

40M knee pain swelling, edema 1 week

[01/05/23, 11:29:11 AM] ~ A.R.T.TEJASRI: 8)op no: 20230521078
A 51 year male tingling and numbness sensation of bilateral feet and hands since 10 days and generalized weakness since 10 days
no h/o nocturia,polyuria, polydypsia ,burning micturition
visceral fat present ,no pallor
presumptive diagnosis: peripheral neuropathy ( diabetic , b12 def?)

[01/05/23, 11:29:23 AM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: Diabetes since ?

[01/05/23, 11:30:32 AM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: Write in short :

51M neuropathic pain 10.days diabetes (duration)

[01/05/23, 11:33:12 AM] ~ A.R.T.TEJASRI: 8)op no: 20230521078
A 51M neuropathic pain since 10 days.
 nondiabetic ,checked 2 years ago .

[01/05/23, 11:34:36 AM] ~ Rana Darshanam: OP.No:20230500529
A 50 M
C/O: Headache, neck pain associated with giddiness since 1 year

[01/05/23, 11:40:41 AM] ~ A.R.T.TEJASRI: opno :20230500526
A 40 F , diabetic since 5 years with LUTI also came for followup for diabetes

[01/05/23, 11:40:58 AM] ~ Rana Darshanam: A 55M 
C/O chest pain, retrosternal, burning type,non radiating associated with belchings, not associated with SOB, palpitations, sweatings since 1 week

[01/05/23, 11:42:44 AM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: Please CLEARLY mention in the opd slip that he has been advised admission for cardiac evaluation

[01/05/23, 11:44:08 AM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: Please add up the above numbers and provide an idea of how many patients have been seen from 9:00 AM till now

[01/05/23, 11:46:10 AM] ~ Rana Darshanam: OP.No: 20210220648
A  57 F
C/O: Dragging type of pain in left upper limb, radiating from left shoulder joint to left hand
associated with tingling sensation and numbness since 5-6 months
[01/05/23, 11:48:18 AM] ~ A.R.T.TEJASRI: OP no :2023050053
60 F with tension type of headache since 6 months

[01/05/23, 11:51:00 AM] ~ A.R.T.TEJASRI: advised  hba1c and cue.

[01/05/23, 11:52:31 AM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: No testing! 

Ask her to get admitted asap 

Otherwise ask her to come later at her convenience 

Was she admitted earlier? Where's her case report and PaJR link?

[01/05/23, 11:56:51 AM] ~ A.R.T.TEJASRI: op no: 20210520423
39 F , patient came for follow up ,patient is on rosuvastatin with high triglycerides 384, patient wants fasting lipid profile to check her triglycerides and ldl cholesterol

[01/05/23, 11:57:05 AM] ~ A.R.T.TEJASRI: ok sir..not admitted

17 F primary immunodeficiency disorder with nystagmus and B/l optic nerve atrophy is coming to opd for MRI Brain. 
Spoke to venkat sir and asked her to shift for MRI after an hour.

[01/05/23, 11:59:57 AM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: Does she have a PaJR group? Get her admitted overnight to probe her details of why and what of her triglycerides. Pancreatitis in the past?

[01/05/23, 12:00:34 PM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: Ask her to get admitted asap

[01/05/23, 12:03:04 PM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: Logged till now since morning

Please check the numbers. Looks like 20 although I'm sure we saw more than 30 till now 

Share an image of the sister's register after covering the names but showing the opd numbers 

[5/1, 10:27 AM]: Op no. 20230500392

36y/F with erosive gastritis and right maxillary sinusitis 

Getting admitted

Retrosternal pain 6 months and maxillary pain on bending forward since 2 years

[5/1, 10:39 AM]: Op no. 20210518524

47y/F with dragging type of headache since 20 days associated with neck pain, decreased sleep and blurring of vision 

Not willing for admission

[5/1, 10:49 AM] 7) A 30 year old female chief complaints of neck pain since 1 month ,radiating to head  and bilateral upper limbs since 1 month ,no rom 


? cervical spondylosis

[5/1, 10:50 AM] : not willing to admit

[5/1, 10:58 AM]: OP no. 20230500462


C/o retrosternal Chest pain since 3 days, burning type, non radiating. 

Abdominal bloating +

? Atypical Chest pain

Patient not willing to get admitted

[5/1, 11:07 AM]: Op no. 20230500016

30 y/o F

C/o chest pain, burning type, radiating to right hand and back since 2 months

Pain aggravated on excessive talking and eating spicy food

Holocranial Headache since 2 months, non radiating, decreases with sleep


[5/1, 11:09 AM]: OPD cases 

1)A 48 year old female came for followup diabetic since 10years ,hypertensive since 8 years , low back pain since 1month,no restriction of movements

2)A 47 YAER old female chief complaints of ankle edema since 2 years relieved on rest aggravated on prolonged sitting and facial puffiness since 2 days

presumptive : ?hypothyroidism , renal failure

3)a 44 year old male  for follow up  diabetic since 4 years using glimeperife and metformin 

4) a 62 F diabetic and hypertensive since 10 years complaints  increased frequency of micturition since 5 days ,no burning micturition  ,on metformin,glimi and telmisartan  .

 5)A 62 m known case of diabetic since 5 years on unknown medication came for followup .

[5/1, 11:18 AM] : OPD no: 20230500532

A 40 year old male patient with

C/O: B/L knee pain with swelling since 1 week followed by pain in 

B/L calf region associated with tightness and B/L pedal edema till knees (pitting type) associated with facial puffiness

Advised admission and getting admitted

[5/1, 11:28 AM] Rakesh Biswas: Write in short 

40M knee pain swelling, edema 1 week

[5/1, 11:29 AM] 8)op no: 20230521078

A 51 year male tingling and numbness sensation of bilateral feet and hands since 10 days and generalized weakness since 10 days

no h/o nocturia,polyuria, polydypsia ,burning micturition

visceral fat present ,no pallor

presumptive diagnosis: peripheral neuropathy ( diabetic , b12 def?)

[5/1, 11:30 AM] Rakesh Biswas: Write in short :

51M neuropathic pain 10.days diabetes (duration)

[5/1, 11:33 AM]: 8)op no: 20230521078

A 51M neuropathic pain since 10 days.

 nondiabetic ,checked 2 years ago .

[5/1, 11:34 AM]: OP.No:20230500529

A 50 M

C/O: Headache, neck pain associated with giddiness since 1 year

[5/1, 11:40 AM] : opno :20230500526

A 40 F , diabetic since 5 years with LUTI also came for followup for diabetes

[5/1, 11:40 AM] : A 55M 

C/O chest pain, retrosternal, burning type,non radiating associated with belchings, not associated with SOB, palpitations, sweatings since 1 week

[5/1, 11:46 AM] : OP.No: 20210220648

A  57 F

C/O: Dragging type of pain in left upper limb, radiating from left shoulder joint to left hand

associated with tingling sensation and numbness since 5-6 months

[5/1, 11:48 AM]: OP no :2023050053

60 F with tension type of headache since 6 months

[01/05/23, 12:05:17 PM] ~ Rana Darshanam: OP.No: 20210212730
A 41 M
C/O: Pricking sensation in B/L hands and legs since 10 days

[01/05/23, 12:06:10 PM] ~ A.R.T.TEJASRI: op no: 72 year male 
hypertensive since 28 years on amlokind- AT, c/k/o asthma ,( salbutamol 100micrograms)came for regular followup.

[01/05/23, 12:07:42 PM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: Such acute pains can be given paracetamol six hourly for two days if they are unwilling to get admitted but no testing unless indicated by clinical examination. 

Any testing without admission if absolutely needed please text share here first

[01/05/23, 12:09:32 PM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: Only 23 fresh + 6 review +5 (miscell) seen since morning?

[01/05/23, 12:09:33 PM] ~ A.R.T.TEJASRI: op no:20230500933
 72 year male 
hypertensive since 28 years on amlokind- AT, c/k/o asthma ,( salbutamol 100micrograms)came for regular followup.
not willing to admit

[01/05/23, 12:10:41 PM] ~ Dr. Meesum Abbas: 17 review cases sir

[01/05/23, 12:10:49 PM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: Continue his meds and ask him to come for his PaJR link at his convenience or take his number and share it with the UGs who can prepare it telephonically

[01/05/23, 12:11:29 PM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: Total 23+17 till now ?

How many shared above?

[01/05/23, 12:22:39 PM] ~ saicharankulkarni: Okay sir. 

28F non diabetic and hypertensive with CKD relative of patient advocate who is biochem technician coming to opd for admission and evaluation. Please admit her.

[01/05/23, 12:30:13 PM] ~ Rana Darshanam: OP.No: 20210307293
A 17 F 
C/O: followup C/O autoimmune hemolytic anemia
? Common variable immunodeficiency syndrome with recurrent RTI's
No new complaints

[01/05/23, 12:32:59 PM] ~ Rana Darshanam: OP.No: 20230501038
A 50 F 
C/O: Pain in abdomen (burning type) in umbilical region associated with nausea and indigestion +

[01/05/23, 12:46:23 PM] ~ Rana Darshanam: OP.No: 20230501481
A 70 F 
C/O: B/L lower limb edema, progressive from ankle to mid leg region since 20 days

[01/05/23, 12:51:53 PM] ~ A.R.T.TEJASRI: A 29 year old male with  tingling sensation of right index finger since 8days
  ?right median nerve compression.
advised tab .neurokind and gabapentin for 7 days

[01/05/23, 12:52:13 PM] ~ Dr. Meesum Abbas: Op no. 20230501031
A  35 F
C/O left sided chest pain since 1 month, non radiating, palpitations +
Admission advised but refused

[01/05/23, 12:53:09 PM] ~ A.R.T.TEJASRI: op no: 2023500521 
A 29 year old male with  tingling sensation of right index finger since 8days
  ?right median nerve compression.
advised tab .neurokind and gabapentin for 7 days

[01/05/23, 12:57:07 PM] ~ A.R.T.TEJASRI: op no: 20230501458 
chest pain radiating to left upperlimb , jaw and back , intermittent in nature ,draggjng type of pain since 2days , aggravated on activity.
no palpitations and sob
hypertensive since 3 years
H/o bloating and belcing sensation
diagnosis: ? ANGINA ? Acid peptic disease
not will to admit

[01/05/23, 1:07:53 PM] ~ A.R.T.TEJASRI: 20210112960 
A 26F 
patient came 10days ago withchief complaimts of fever (highgrade ) with chills and rigors with cough with muclid sputum associated with sob
h/o using iv antibiotics for 4days ( crp-2.4 mg/dl),it relieved, patient wants to get crp

[01/05/23, 1:17:01 PM] ~ A.R.T.TEJASRI: 20230436909 A72M
clinical case of liver abcess, for 1month , came for follow up, previous usg (20% liquefaction).

[01/05/23, 2:26:21 PM] Rakesh Biswas Sir:What were her recent complaints?

[01/05/23, 2:29:54 PM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: Age gender? 

Please CLEARLY mention in the opd slip that he has been advised admission for cardiac evaluation

[01/05/23, 2:30:20 PM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: Repeat

[01/05/23, 2:31:17 PM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: No testing!! 


[01/05/23, 2:32:02 PM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: Admit

[01/05/23, 2:32:48 PM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: Please CLEARLY mention in the opd slip that 'she has been advised admission for cardiac evaluation 

[01/05/23, 2:35:49 PM] ~ A.R.T.TEJASRI: 20230501029
37yr old male ,  driver by occupation, complaining of  left shoulder pain since 2 months , intermittent in nature,aggravated on movement
o/e of left  shoulder  pain on internal rotation and adduction ,no joint line  tenderness, rom of not restricted
H/o joint pains in pip ,elbow intermittent in nature aggravated on work,  using etoricoxib for it since 6 months
o/e no swelling ,no tenderness, rom not restricted.

not willing to admit

[01/05/23, 2:37:40 PM] ~ A.R.T.TEJASRI: op no: 20230501458 
32 F chest pain radiating to left upperlimb , jaw and back , intermittent in nature ,draggjng type of pain since 2days , aggravated on activity.
no palpitations and sob
hypertensive since 3 years
H/o bloating and belching sensation
diagnosis: ? ANGINA ? Acid peptic disease
not will to admit

[01/05/23, 2:38:38 PM] ~ A.R.T.TEJASRI: not willing to admit sir.

[01/05/23, 2:38:52 PM] ~ Rana Darshanam: OP.No:20210513632
A 32 M
C/O: generalized body pain H/O increased on physical activity since 1week

[01/05/23, 2:47:51 PM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: This patient is being presented thrice!! 

[01/05/23, 2:48:34 PM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: 👆

[01/05/23, 2:56:59 PM] ~ A.R.T.TEJASRI: OP NO:20230501540
60 M
c/o bilateral pedal edema since 1 month , intermittent 
c/o decreased urinary output
c/o burning micturition  , fever ( low grade)since 20 days
not willing to admit sir

[01/05/23, 2:57:58 PM] Rakesh Biswas Sir:  Are you ensuring that no one is getting tested unnecessarily?

[01/05/23, 2:59:03 PM] ~ Rana Darshanam: OP.No: 20230501495
A 65 M
C/O: Decreased speech since 3 days not associated without any weakness of upper and lower limbs H/O RTA

[01/05/23, 3:01:56 PM] ~ saicharankulkarni: Asymptomatic nystagmus sir, with b/l optic nerve atrophy sir came for MRI and admission.

[01/05/23, 3:06:50 PM] ~ Rana Darshanam: OP.No:20230500463 
A 28 M
C/O:Fever since 15 days not associated with chills and rigor,low grade,no diurnal variation

[01/05/23, 3:11:30 PM] ~ Rana Darshanam: OP.No:20210415001
A 33 F
C/O: left sided chest pain since afternoon non radiating, pricking type 
not associated with local tenderness, sweating,palpitations,SOB, syncopal attacks

[01/05/23, 3:20:05 PM] ~ A.R.T.TEJASRI: op no: 20230501484
26 M
low back pain since 4 days following trauma aggravated on climbing steps
no swelling no tenderness.
advised ultracet for pain relief.

[01/05/23, 3:22:24 PM] ~ Rana Darshanam: OP.No:20210510503
A 33 F
C/O: Headache with neck pain since 5 months,not associated with photophobia, phonophobia,nausea,vomiting,lacrimation

[01/05/23, 3:44:26 PM] ~ Rana Darshanam: OP.No:20230500969
A 24 F
C/O: Multiple joint pains since 2 months,
right elbow and shoulder since 1 month, right wrist pain since 15 days
No H/O fever

[01/05/23, 4:08:59 PM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: Fundus image?

[01/05/23, 4:10:40 PM] ~ Rana Darshanam: OP.No:20230501565
A 55 F
C/O: left sided chest pain since 2 months, localised pin point pain,non radiating
H/O RTA 2 months 
O/e tenderness present on 3rd rib

[01/05/23, 4:12:10 PM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: Total the number of cases seen and the number admitted asap. Share the numbers in the OP register

[01/05/23, 4:12:55 PM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: Mention admission status for every case with reason for non admission

[01/05/23, 9:33:48 PM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: 👆

[01/05/23, 10:19:49 PM] ~ ✍🏼: 4 admissions sir

[01/05/23, 10:21:18 PM] ~ Nishi: 5 patients have been admitted sir but one patient absconded sir

[01/05/23, 10:21:46 PM] Ankit 18: Total 40 patients have been seen sir and 5 admitted , but 1 patient absconded mid day sir

[01/05/23, 10:46:15 PM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: Please provide the above list of seen patients in one text message with their serial numbers today and everyday

[01/05/23, 11:03:42 PM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: May 1 opd  Total 41 patients have been seen and 5 admitted , but 1 patient absconded mid day 

1) 5/1, 10:27 AM] : Op no. 20230500392

36y/F with erosive gastritis and right maxillary sinusitis 

Getting admitted

Retrosternal pain 6 months and maxillary pain on bending forward since 2 years

2)(5/1, 10:39 AM] : Op no. 20210518524

47y/F with dragging type of headache since 20 days associated with neck pain, decreased sleep and blurring of vision 

Not willing for admission

3)[5/1, 10:49 AM]: 7) A 30 year old female chief complaints of neck pain since 1 month ,radiating to head  and bilateral upper limbs since 1 month ,no rom 


? cervical spondylosis

[5/1, 10:50 AM] : not willing to admit

4) [5/1, 10:58 AM] : OP no. 20230500462


C/o retrosternal Chest pain since 3 days, burning type, non radiating. 

Abdominal bloating +

? Atypical Chest pain

Patient not willing to get admitted

5) [5/1, 11:07 AM] : Op no. 20230500016

30 y/o F

C/o chest pain, burning type, radiating to right hand and back since 2 months

Pain aggravated on excessive talking and eating spicy food

Holocranial Headache since 2 months, non radiating, decreases with sleep


6) [5/1, 11:09 AM] : 

A 48 year old female came for followup diabetic since 10years ,hypertensive since 8 years , low back pain since 1month,no restriction of movements

7)A 47 YAER old female chief complaints of ankle edema since 2 years relieved on rest aggravated on prolonged sitting and facial puffiness since 2 days

presumptive : ?hypothyroidism , renal failure

8)a 44 year old male  for follow up  diabetic since 4 years using glimeperife and metformin 

9) a 62 F diabetic and hypertensive since 10 years complaints  increased frequency of micturition since 5 days ,no burning micturition  ,on metformin,glimi and telmisartan  .

 10)A 62 m known case of diabetic since 5 years on unknown medication came for followup .

11) [5/1, 11:18 AM] : OPD no: 20230500532

A 40 year old male patient with

C/O: B/L knee pain with swelling since 1 week followed by pain in 

B/L calf region associated with tightness and B/L pedal edema till knees (pitting type) associated with facial puffiness

Advised admission and getting admitted

[5/1, 11:28 AM] Rakesh Biswas: Write in short 

40M knee pain swelling, edema 1 week

12) [5/1, 11:29 AM] : 8)op no: 20230521078

A 51 year male tingling and numbness sensation of bilateral feet and hands since 10 days and generalized weakness since 10 days

no h/o nocturia,polyuria, polydypsia ,burning micturition

visceral fat present ,no pallor

presumptive diagnosis: peripheral neuropathy ( diabetic , b12 def?)

[5/1, 11:30 AM] Rakesh Biswas: Write in short :

51M neuropathic pain 10.days diabetes (duration)

[5/1, 11:33 AM]: 8)op no: 20230521078

A 51M neuropathic pain since 10 days.

 nondiabetic ,checked 2 years ago .

13) [5/1, 11:34 AM] : OP.No:20230500529

A 50 M

C/O: Headache, neck pain associated with giddiness since 1 year

14) [5/1, 11:40 AM] : opno :20230500526

A 40 F , diabetic since 5 years with LUTI also came for followup for diabetes

15) [5/1, 11:40 AM] : A 55M 

C/O chest pain, retrosternal, burning type,non radiating associated with belchings, not associated with SOB, palpitations, sweatings since 1 week

16) [5/1, 11:46 AM] : OP.No: 20210220648

A  57 F

C/O: Dragging type of pain in left upper limb, radiating from left shoulder joint to left hand

associated with tingling sensation and numbness since 5-6 months

17) [5/1, 11:48 AM] : OP no :2023050053

60 F with tension type of headache since 6 months

18) [5/1, 12:05 PM]: OP.No: 20210212730

A 41 M

C/O: Pricking sensation in B/L hands and legs since 10 days

19) [5/1, 12:06 PM]: op no: 72 year male 

hypertensive since 28 years on amlokind- AT, c/k/o asthma ,( salbutamol 100micrograms)came for regular followup.

20) [5/1, 12:09 PM] : op no:20230500933

 72 year male 

hypertensive since 28 years on amlokind- AT, c/k/o asthma ,( salbutamol 100micrograms)came for regular followup.

not willing to admit

21) [5/1, 12:22 PM] Sai Charan Kulakarni Kims Med: 

28F non diabetic and hypertensive with CKD relative of patient advocate ( )who is biochem technician coming to opd for admission and evaluation. Please admit her.

22) [5/1, 12:30 PM]: OP.No: 20210307293

A 17 F 

C/O: followup C/O autoimmune hemolytic anemia

? Common variable immunodeficiency syndrome with recurrent RTI's

No new complaints

23) [5/1, 12:32 PM] : OP.No: 20230501038

A 50 F 

C/O: Pain in abdomen (burning type) in umbilical region associated with nausea and indigestion +

24) [5/1, 12:46 PM]: OP.No: 20230501481

A 70 F 

C/O: B/L lower limb edema, progressive from ankle to mid leg region since 20 days

25) [5/1, 12:51 PM] : A 29 year old male with  tingling sensation of right index finger since 8days

  ?right median nerve compression.

advised tab .neurokind and gabapentin for 7 days

26) [5/1, 12:52 PM]: Op no. 20230501031

A  35 F

C/O left sided chest pain since 1 month, non radiating, palpitations +

Admission advised but refused

27) [5/1, 12:53 PM]: op no: 2023500521 

A 29 year old male with  tingling sensation of right index finger since 8days

  ?right median nerve compression.

advised tab .neurokind and gabapentin for 7 days

28) [5/1, 12:57 PM] : op no: 20230501458 

chest pain radiating to left upperlimb , jaw and back , intermittent in nature ,draggjng type of pain since 2days , aggravated on activity.

no palpitations and sob

hypertensive since 3 years

H/o bloating and belcing sensation

diagnosis: ? ANGINA ? Acid peptic disease

not will to admit

29) [5/1, 1:07 PM]OP: 20210112960 

A 26F 

patient came 10days ago withchief complaimts of fever (highgrade ) with chills and rigors with cough with muclid sputum associated with sob

h/o using iv antibiotics for 4days ( crp-2.4 mg/dl),it relieved, patient wants to get crp

30) 5/1, 1:17 PM] OP: 20230436909 A72M

clinical case of liver abcess, for 1month , came for follow up, previous usg (20% liquefaction).

31) 5/1, 2:35 PM] Op: 20230501029

37yr old male ,  driver by occupation, complaining of  left shoulder pain since 2 months , intermittent in nature,aggravated on movement

o/e of left  shoulder  pain on internal rotation and adduction ,no joint line  tenderness, rom of not restricted

H/o joint pains in pip ,elbow intermittent in nature aggravated on work,  using etoricoxib for it since 6 months

o/e no swelling ,no tenderness, rom not restricted.

not willing to admit

32) 5/1, 2:37 PM]: op no: 20230501458 

32 F chest pain radiating to left upperlimb , jaw and back , intermittent in nature ,draggjng type of pain since 2days , aggravated on activity.

no palpitations and sob

hypertensive since 3 years

H/o bloating and belching sensation

diagnosis: ? ANGINA ? Acid peptic disease

not will to admit

33) [5/1, 2:38 PM]: OP.No:20210513632

A 32 M

C/O: generalized body pain H/O increased on physical activity since 1week

34) 5/1, 2:56 PM]: OP NO:20230501540

60 M

c/o bilateral pedal edema since 1 month , intermittent 

c/o decreased urinary output

c/o burning micturition  , fever ( low grade)since 20 days

not willing to admit sir

35) 5/1, 2:59 PM]: OP.No: 20230501495

A 65 M

C/O: Decreased speech since 3 days not associated without any weakness of upper and lower limbs H/O RTA


[5/1, 3:06 PM] : OP.No:20230500463 

A 28 M

C/O:Fever since 15 days not associated with chills and rigor,low grade,no diurnal variation

37) 5/1, 3:11 PM] : OP.No:20210415001

A 33 F

C/O: left sided chest pain since afternoon non radiating, pricking type 

not associated with local tenderness, sweating,palpitations,SOB, syncopal attacks

38) 5/1, 3:20 PM] : op no: 20230501484

26 M

low back pain since 4 days following trauma aggravated on climbing steps

no swelling no tenderness.

advised ultracet for pain relief.

39) 5/1, 3:22 PM: OP.No:20210510503

A 33 F

C/O: Headache with neck pain since 5 months,not associated with photophobia, phonophobia,nausea,vomiting,lacrimation

40) 5/1, 3:44 PM]: OP.No:20230500969

A 24 F

C/O: Multiple joint pains since 2 months,

right elbow and shoulder since 1 month, right wrist pain since 15 days

No H/O fever

41)5/1, 4:10 PM] : OP.No:20230501565

A 55 F

C/O: left sided chest pain since 2 months, localised pin point pain,non radiating

H/O RTA 2 months 

O/e tenderness present on 3rd rib

[5/1, 10:21 PM]: Total 41 patients have been seen sir and 5 admitted , but 1 patient absconded mid day sir

2nd May,2023,Tuesday 

[02/05/23, 8:52:15 AM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: can you spot which OPD patient here does the PaJR below belong to? 

Project: 10 years of right knee pain 37F

[5/2, 8:39 AM] Rakesh Biswas: Right knee is not visible. Just focus on the knee and zoom onto the area of pain with a pointer

[5/2, 8:41 AM] Rakesh Biswas: Yesterday's opd admission?

[5/2, 8:42 AM]: Yes sir

[02/05/23, 9:21:23 AM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: 👆Also can you spot this IP patient PaJRed below among the opd patients listed here? 

Project : Admitting 'so called routine" opd patients" with diabetes, hypertension and other NCDs for PaJR testing and therapy 

[5/2, 9:10 AM] Navya KIMs Pg 2022: 30Male
No complains came for regular checkup 
Complains of Backpain occasionally aggreviated on lifting weights 
Complains of tingling sensation in bilateral hands and feet occasionally
Complains of sob grade 2 MMRC aggreviated on exertion

Known case of HTN DM Hypothyroidism since 4 years 
On tab metformin 500mg po/BD( three years ago due to high sugars he was on insulin for 20days and changed to ohas)
On tab telmasartan and metprolol 40/25mg po/Od
Used medications for hypothyroidism for two months and stopped

On examination
Pt is c/c/c
BP 130/90mmhg
PR 80bpm
RR 17cpm
GRBS 511mg/dl
CNS : sensory normal 
Tone normal  power 5/5 in all limbs
CVS s1s2 present no murmur
RS bilateral air entry present
P/A soft NT

[5/2, 9:15 AM] Rakesh Biswas: The detailed history needs to start from 4 years back 

Why did he visit the doctor at that time?

How about sharing his images of visceral fat and muscle mass?

[02/05/23, 9:25:29 AM] Rakesh Biswas Sir:Who are the SRs, JRs and interns responsible for sharing the opd workflow today.

[02/05/23, 9:34:00 AM] ~ Navya Lakkakula:

[02/05/23, 9:34:01 AM] ~ Rachana Gangula: 2/5/23 Serial no 1 
Op no. 20210114454

A 67Y F
Came for regular checkup 
K/C/o DM since 10 years on regular medication T.Metformin 500mg PO/OD 
K/C/o HTN since 10 years on regular medication T.ATENOLOL 50mg PO/OD 
K/C/o hypercholestolemia since 4 years (using unknown medication)

[02/05/23, 9:39:35 AM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: Only two interns? 

Yesterday there were three who barely managed the entire list of patients? Also why again today in opd ?

[02/05/23, 9:41:50 AM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: No testing to be done for any patient without admission. Who's the senior Resident today in the opd? Who are the second year PGs?

[02/05/23, 9:42:13 AM] ~ Dr. Meesum Abbas: Pre op interns have been posted today sir

[02/05/23, 9:42:55 AM] ~ Dr.Abhi: Sir I’m the SR in opd sir

[02/05/23, 9:43:23 AM] ~ Navya Lakkakula: Narshimha sir

[02/05/23, 9:46:24 AM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: Please ensure that everyone's opd slip contains this written in block letters:

Advised admission for further evaluation 

Please avoid sending any tests from p

Please text me here or in pm if you need to send any tests from opd

[02/05/23, 9:46:46 AM] ~ Dr. Meesum Abbas: 2. Op no. 20210508591
17 y/ F
C/O fever with chills since 5 days with cold, sore throat and two episodes of vomitings, non bilious
No C/O cough 
H/O occasional abdomen pain 
Advised admission. Patient not willing. Wanted to come 4 days later

[02/05/23, 9:46:48 AM] ~ Dr.Abhi: Okkay sir…

[02/05/23, 9:49:53 AM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: Please ensure that everyone's opd slip contains this written in block letters:

Advised admission for further evaluation 

Please avoid sending any tests from Opd 

Please text me here or in pm if you need to send any tests from opd

[02/05/23, 9:50:13 AM] ~ Rachana Gangula: 3. Op no. 20230444980

A 38Y F
C/O burning micturition since 5 to 6 days
A/W fever, chills and suprapubic pain. 

Getting Admitted in AMC

[02/05/23, 9:50:27 AM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: Are you in opd daily ?

[02/05/23, 9:52:02 AM] ~ Dr. Meesum Abbas: Just yesterday and today sir

[02/05/23, 9:52:06 AM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: 👆Please share this with and Who may not have time otherwise to see this message

[02/05/23, 9:53:15 AM] ~ Navya Lakkakula: Ok sir

[02/05/23, 10:16:10 AM] ~ Dr. Meesum Abbas: 4. Op no. 20210425179
C/O 4-5 episodes of hard stools since 5 days, not associated with food
No H/O tenesmus, pain abdomen, vomiting
K/C/O DM since 10 years, HTN since 11 years

[02/05/23, 10:16:24 AM] ~ Rachana Gangula: Serial no 5 
Op no. 20230502304
A 52Y/M 
C /0 Bloating sensation and abdominal discomfort since 6 days. C/O burning sensation of abdomen since 6 days.
K/C/O DM since 6yrs (regular medication- Tab. Glimiperide 2mg PO/OD)

[02/05/23, 10:26:40 AM] ~ Nitish Dampuru: S.NO :- 2
Op no :- 20230501857
A 45Y/M
C/O pain in episgastric region since 2 months.
Increase in pain after taking meals 

[02/05/23, 10:27:22 AM] ~ Rachana Gangula: Serial no 6 
Op no. 20230502323
A 26Y/F
C/o Lower Back pain since 4 days, associated with B/L lower limb pain
C/ o frontal Headache since 1 day 
No h/O fever, giddiness, nausea, vomiting, burning micturition. 
Advised Admission, patient not willing for admission.

[02/05/23, 10:36:55 AM] ~ Dr. Meesum Abbas: 8. Op no. 20210511847
C/O Neck pain since 3 months radiating to right side, associated with tingling sensation, lower backache radiating to right side 
Weight gain of 5 kgs since 1 month, increased appetite, hair loss

[02/05/23, 10:40:13 AM] ~ Rachana Gangula: 7 Op no. 20230502334
A 65/M 
c/o Headache since 10 days, Giddiness since 10 days 
giddiness aggravated on positional change- sitting to standing 
K/C/O HTN since 4 years  on Tab Amlo 5mg and Atenolol 50mg 
Advised Admission, patient not willing for admission. 
Advised ENT opinion I/v/o ?BPPV

[02/05/23, 10:48:51 AM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: Don't refer these chronic patients here and there. Also don't write any treatment. Just mention your history and clinical findings well and write advised admission for further evaluation. 

Otherwise the whole objective of the current strategy to help them completely is lost 

Please text here or in pm if they need any treatment or referral asap

[02/05/23, 10:49:36 AM] Rakesh Biswas 👆 Please also inform 

[02/05/23, 10:49:45 AM] ~ Rachana Gangula: Okay sir

[02/05/23, 10:50:23 AM] ~ Pavan kumar Kasaraneni: Okay sir

[02/05/23, 10:50:43 AM] ~ Dr.Abhi: Okay sir

[02/05/23, 11:05:54 AM] ~ Nitish Dampuru: 9 Op no. 20230502374
A 46/M 
c/o pain in the left side of chest since 2 months 
C/o pain abdomen in episgastric region since 2 Months 
Pain relieved after taking food
Adivised for admission for further cardiac evaluation but patient denied

[02/05/23, 11:23:37 AM] ~ Nitish Dampuru: 10
 Op no. 20230502876
A 42/M
c/o left hand pain since 2 days 
Radiating till elbow which is aggrevated at night 
C/o palpitations 2 days
Adiviced for cardiac evaluation but patient denied admission

[02/05/23, 11:26:10 AM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: Only 10 patients from 9Am to 11:30 Am?

[02/05/23, 11:28:43 AM] ~ Nitish Dampuru: 11
 Op no. 20230502873
A 42/M
C/o generalised weakness since 2months
C/o fatigue since 2 months
Tingling sensation of both upper limbs and lower limbs since 2 months

[02/05/23, 11:29:31 AM] ~ Nitish Dampuru: He ia k/c/o Dm since 5 years  on (metformin 500 mg )

[02/05/23, 11:29:48 AM] ~ Nitish Dampuru: Patient is not willing for admission

[02/05/23, 11:33:50 AM] ~ Nitish Dampuru: 12
 Op no. 20230502899
A 17/F
C/o fever since 1 month 
A/w chills and rigor and aggrevated at night and relieved in the morning 
Generalised myalgia , abdominal around umbilicus , nausea

Advised for further evaluation of fever but patient is not willing to get admitted

[02/05/23, 11:43:02 AM] ~ Nitish Dampuru: 13
 Op no. 20230502897
A 16/F
C/o 2 painless swellings in the right breast 

No tenderness no discharge 
Refer to surgery opd

[02/05/23, 11:44:51 AM] ~ Nitish Dampuru: 14
 Op no. 20230502898
A 40/F

C/o  painless swelling in the right breast since 10 years

No tenderness no discharge 
Refer to surgery opd

[02/05/23, 11:49:27 AM] ~ Dr. Meesum Abbas: 15. 
Op no. 20210527571
25y/F pregnant (2nd trimester)
C/O cold since 10 days with running nose
Cough since 10 days with sputum(white)
No fever, wt loss
Culture sensitivity negative, CBNAAT negative 
Advised admission for further evaluation but not willing to

[02/05/23, 11:49:55 AM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: Please mention all these information In a single text

[02/05/23, 11:51:49 AM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: Mention respiratory rate in all such patients with cough and fever

[02/05/23, 11:52:15 AM] ~ Dr. Meesum Abbas: Ok sir

[02/05/23, 11:52:51 AM] ~ Dr. Meesum Abbas: RR- 20 cpm
Temp- Afebrile

[02/05/23, 11:56:00 AM] ~ Nitish Dampuru: 16

Op no 20230502301

A 50/F
C/o neck pain since 1 week radiating to shoulder 
C/o headache  diffuse in nature since 1 week
C/o itching on the right side of the flank scaly lesion 
Refered to DVL
Patient is not willing to get admitted for further evaluation

[02/05/23, 12:03:23 PM] ~ Nitish Dampuru: Sno 17 
Op no 20230502895
A 27/F
Chest Discomfort since 1 year
Breast pain since 2 months 
C/o cough -dry, associated with chest increasing when bending forwards 

Patient advised for admission for further evaluation 
But not willing for admission

[02/05/23, 12:23:53 PM] ~ Nitish Dampuru: Sn no 19
Op no 20230502382
Swelling of B/L lower limbs (below knee) on & off since 10days, relieved on it's own. C/o tingling sensation of b/l lower limbs 
H/o burning sensation and chest pain in the chest region since 15 days.
Consumes toddy daily.

Patient not willing for admission

[02/05/23, 12:30:48 PM] ~ Nitish Dampuru: Sn no 20
Op no 20230502909
C/o headache abd neck pain since 1 month 

Head ache in the occipital region aggrevated in extreme weather 
Patient advised for admission but not prepared and willing  for admission

[02/05/23, 12:37:55 PM] ~ Nitish Dampuru: Sn no 21
Op no 20230502956
C/o swelling over the occipital region
C/o headache since 1 week
Patient advised for admission but not prepared and willing  for admission

[02/05/23, 12:41:44 PM] ~ Nitish Dampuru: S no 22 
Op no 20230502926
C/o chest pain diffuse and dragging type and dyspnoea on exertion sob grade 2

Patient advised for admission for further cardiac evaluation but not prepared and willing  for admission

[02/05/23, 12:53:14 PM] ~ Nitish Dampuru: Sno 
Op no 20230502977
C/o generalised weakness
Pallor + 
Has been skipping breakfast since last 1 year.
Patient advised for admission but not prepared and willing  for admission

[02/05/23, 12:56:49 PM] ~ Nitish Dampuru: Sno 24
Op no 20230502952
C/opain in chest since 1 month
Pain in b/l lower limb since 1 month dragging type 
Pedal edema extending upto knee
Patient advised for admission but  willing  for admission
Admitted under unit 2

[02/05/23, 1:04:44 PM] ~ Nitish Dampuru: Sno 15
Op no 20230502961
C/o fever since 1 week
Low grade intermittent a/w chills aggrevated in nights relieved after medication
Cough + dry
Generalised myaldia + loss of appetite +

Patient advised for admission but not prepared and willing  for admission

[02/05/23, 1:05:00 PM] ~ Nitish Dampuru: Sno 25*

[02/05/23, 1:10:44 PM] ~ Nitish Dampuru: Sno 26
Op no 20230502975
C/o fever since one day a/w chills and rigors 
Cough since 1 day 
Low back ache since 6 months.
Patient advised for admission but not prepared and willing  for admission

[02/05/23, 1:38:37 PM] ~ Nitish Dampuru: Sno 27
Op no 20230502995
C/o B/L lower limb sensation pitting type of edema +
Giddiness and rotating feeling when moved from sleeping position to sitting position 

Patient advised for admission but not prepared and willing  for admission

[02/05/23, 1:42:36 PM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: Well done Nitish. You seem to be working alone today!

[02/05/23, 1:49:56 PM] ~ Nitish Dampuru: Sno 28
Op no 20230502875
C/o b/l leg pain since 10 days  a/w pitting type of edema 

Chronic smoker since 40 years 
Chutta( cigar ) from last 15 years

Patient advised for admission but not prepared and willing  for admission

[02/05/23, 1:55:33 PM] ~ Nitish Dampuru: Sno 29
Op no 20230503385
C/o dark skin under arms itching+ 

C/o left knee pain after slippage 

Send for dvl referral and ortho referral

[02/05/23, 2:13:20 PM] ~ Nitish Dampuru: Sno 
Op no 20210111747
C/o k/c/o DM since 5 years, but on medication for last 6 months no fresh complaints per say 
She is on METFORMIN 500 mg
Patient advised for admission but not prepared and willing  for admission.

[02/05/23, 2:13:32 PM] ~ Nitish Dampuru: Sno 30*

[02/05/23, 2:40:34 PM] ~ Rachana Gangula: Sno 31
Op no- 20230502980

c/o right sided headache associated with tingling sensations since 1 month. 
Aggravated by strain and physical activity. 
H/O head trauma 15 years back. Not associated with vomitings or ENT bleed. 
K/C/O DM since 3 years 
Advised admission but patient not prepared and not willing

[02/05/23, 2:48:01 PM] ~ Rachana Gangula: Sno 32 
Op no- 20230502986
C/O swelling of B/L lower limbs since 1 week
Swelling developed after prolonged sitting while travelling in bus.
H/O similar complaints in past, relieved on its own by taking rest 
K/C/O HTN since 6 years 

[02/05/23, 2:54:15 PM] ~ Rachana Gangula: Sno 33 
Op no 20210427068
C/0 tingling sensation of both upper and lower limbs since 1 week 
Polyuria present. No polydipsia or polyphagia 
Not a K/C/o DM/ HTN 
Advised admission for further evaluation but patients not willing

[02/05/23, 2:57:27 PM] ~ Rachana Gangula: S no 36
Op no 20230502974
28Y/ F
C/o neck pain since 5 months 
Headache since 5 months, blurring of vision since 2 months. Not using spectacles for refractive error. 
Sent for ophthal referral

[02/05/23, 3:07:57 PM] ~ Dr. Meesum Abbas: 37. 
Op no. 20230503305
C/O neck pain since 6 months, increased on bending forward. No restriction of movements with tingling sensation of left upper hand
Advised admission for further evaluation but patient not willing

[02/05/23, 3:09:02 PM] ~ Rachana Gangula: Sno 38
Op no- 20230431840
C/O burning and itching sensation of right side of chest region 
H/o electric shock at the age of 12 years 
Sent for dermatology referral

[02/05/23, 3:10:58 PM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: Zoster?

[02/05/23, 3:11:50 PM] ~ Rachana Gangula: No lesions at the site sir

[02/05/23, 3:33:57 PM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: Then why dermatology?

[02/05/23, 3:37:56 PM] ~ Rachana Gangula: Sno 45 
Op no- 20230503366
C/O neck pain since 1 month associated with headache and tingling sensation of both hands. 
H/O lower back pain, dragging type, radiating to lower limbs and associated with tingling sensations.
Sent for Orthopaedics referral

[02/05/23, 3:41:14 PM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: Shouldn't have sent for referral. This is supposed to be diagnosed and treated by us!!
If we keep referring all our patients what are we doing?

[02/05/23, 3:53:06 PM] ~ Dr. Meesum Abbas: 46. 
Op no. 20230503417
C/O joint pains since 5 months ( wrist, elbow and ankle joints) with H/O joints stiffness on and off
H/O low fever on and off
H/O swelling over joints on and off
Anti CCP Positive 
RA factor positive
Esr elevated 
Advised admission for further evaluation but not will. Wants to get admitted later

[02/05/23, 3:56:43 PM] ~ Rachana Gangula: Sno 47
Op no 20230503411
C/O weakness & shivering at Night since 1 years 
C/O SOB on Lifting heavy weights 
K/C/O DM since 2 years on irregular Medication
Patient advised for admission but not willing to get admitted.

[02/05/23, 4:03:26 PM] ~ Rachana Gangula: Sno 48 
Op no 20230503413
C/O lower back pain radiating along right lower limb associated with h/o tingling sensation since 1 week 
No h/o trauma. N/k/c/o DM, HTN. 
Advised admission for further evaluation but patient not prepared and not willing for admission

[02/05/23, 4:05:10 PM] ~ Dr. Meesum Abbas: 49. 
Op no. 20210326126
C/O SOB 2 days back for 1 hour which reduced on medication (Asthalin)
H/O consumption of non veg food and alcohol after which the complaint developed 
Advised admission for further evaluation but denied

[02/05/23, 4:11:15 PM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: How many admitted today out of 50 seen?

[02/05/23, 4:14:06 PM] ~ Rachana Gangula: Sno 50 
Op no 20230503415
C/O chest pain and shortness of breath since yesterday 
H/O blunt trauma to chest yesterday in a road traffic accident. No H/O palpitations. 
Advised admission for further evaluation but patient not prepared and not willing for the same

[02/05/23, 4:17:06 PM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: 👆

[02/05/23, 4:32:22 PM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: 👆

[02/05/23, 4:40:27 PM] ~ Afeefa Farzana: 4 admissions sir

[02/05/23, 4:45:39 PM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: Thanks

3rd May 2023, Wednesday 

[03/05/23, 6:54:58 AM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: May 2, 2023 OPD audit of cases seen and admitted with reasons for non admission 

[5/2, 9:34 AM] : 2/5/23 Serial no 1 

Op no. 20210114454

A 67Y F

Came for regular checkup 

K/C/o DM since 10 years on regular medication T.Metformin 500mg PO/OD 

K/C/o HTN since 10 years on regular medication T.ATENOLOL 50mg PO/OD 

K/C/o hypercholestolemia since 4 years (using unknown medication)

[5/2, 9:46 AM]: 

2. Op no. 20210508591

17 y/ F

C/O fever with chills since 5 days with cold, sore throat and two episodes of vomitings, non bilious

No C/O cough 

H/O occasional abdomen pain 

Advised admission. Patient not willing. Wanted to come 4 days later

[5/2, 9:50 AM]: 

3. Op no. 20230444980

A 38Y F

C/O burning micturition since 5 to 6 days

A/W fever, chills and suprapubic pain. 

Getting Admitted in AMC

[5/2, 10:16 AM]: 

4. Op no. 20210425179


C/O 4-5 episodes of hard stools since 5 days, not associated with food

No H/O tenesmus, pain abdomen, vomiting

K/C/O DM since 10 years, HTN since 11 years

[5/2, 10:16 AM] +91 82472 12237:

 Serial no 5 

Op no. 20230502304

A 52Y/M 

C /0 Bloating sensation and abdominal discomfort since 6 days. C/O burning sensation of abdomen since 6 days.

K/C/O DM since 6yrs (regular medication- Tab. Glimiperide 2mg PO/OD)

[5/2, 10:26 AM] Nitish Dampuru Kims 2018 Ug: S.NO :- 2

Op no :- 20230501857

A 45Y/M

C/O pain in episgastric region since 2 months.

Increase in pain after taking meals 


[5/2, 10:27 AM]: 

Serial no 6 

Op no. 20230502323

A 26Y/F

C/o Lower Back pain since 4 days, associated with B/L lower limb pain

C/ o frontal Headache since 1 day 

No h/O fever, giddiness, nausea, vomiting, burning micturition. 

Advised Admission, patient not willing for admission.

[5/2, 10:36 AM] : 

8. Op no. 20210511847


C/O Neck pain since 3 months radiating to right side, associated with tingling sensation, lower backache radiating to right side 

Weight gain of 5 kgs since 1 month, increased appetite, hair loss



[5/2, 10:40 AM]: 7 Op no. 20230502334

A 65/M 

c/o Headache since 10 days, Giddiness since 10 days 

giddiness aggravated on positional change- sitting to standing 

K/C/O HTN since 4 years  on Tab Amlo 5mg and Atenolol 50mg 

Advised Admission, patient not willing for admission. 

Advised ENT opinion I/v/o ?BPPV

[5/2, 11:05 AM] Nitish Dampuru Kims 2018 Ug: 9 Op no. 20230502374

A 46/M 

c/o pain in the left side of chest since 2 months 

C/o pain abdomen in episgastric region since 2 Months 

Pain relieved after taking food

Adivised for admission for further cardiac evaluation but patient denied

[5/2, 11:23 AM] Nitish Dampuru Kims 2018 Ug: 10

 Op no. 20230502876

A 42/M

c/o left hand pain since 2 days 

Radiating till elbow which is aggrevated at night 

C/o palpitations 2 days

Adiviced for cardiac evaluation but patient denied admission

[5/2, 11:28 AM] Nitish Dampuru Kims 2018 Ug: 11

 Op no. 20230502873

A 42/M

C/o generalised weakness since 2months

C/o fatigue since 2 months

Tingling sensation of both upper limbs and lower limbs since 2 months

He ia k/c/o Dm since 5 years  on (metformin 500 mg )

Patient is not willing for admission

[5/2, 11:33 AM] Nitish Dampuru Kims 2018 Ug: 12

 Op no. 20230502899

A 17/F

C/o fever since 1 month 

A/w chills and rigor and aggrevated at night and relieved in the morning 

Generalised myalgia , abdominal around umbilicus , nausea

Advised for further evaluation of fever but patient is not willing to get admitted

[5/2, 11:43 AM] Nitish Dampuru Kims 2018 Ug: S. 13

 Op no. 20230502897

A 16/F

C/o 2 painless swellings in the right breast 

No tenderness no discharge 

Refer to surgery opd

[5/2, 11:44 AM] Nitish Dampuru Kims 2018 Ug: 14

 Op no. 20230502898

A 40/F

C/o  painless swelling in the right breast since 10 years

No tenderness no discharge 

Refer to surgery opd

[5/2, 11:49 AM]: 


Op no. 20210527571

25y/F pregnant (2nd trimester)

C/O cold since 10 days with running nose

Cough since 10 days with sputum(white)

No fever, wt loss

Culture sensitivity negative, CBNAAT negative 

Advised admission for further evaluation but not willing to

[5/2, 11:56 AM] Nitish Dampuru Kims 2018 Ug: 16

Op no 20230502301

A 50/F


C/o neck pain since 1 week radiating to shoulder 

C/o headache  diffuse in nature since 1 week

C/o itching on the right side of the flank scaly lesion 

Refered to DVL

Patient is not willing to get admitted for further evaluation

[5/2, 12:03 PM] Nitish Dampuru Kims 2018 Ug: 

Sno 17 

Op no 20230502895

A 27/F

Chest Discomfort since 1 year

Breast pain since 2 months 

C/o cough -dry, associated with chest increasing when bending forwards 

Patient advised for admission for further evaluation 

But not willing for admission

[5/2, 12:23 PM] Nitish Dampuru Kims 2018 Ug: 

Sn no 19

Op no 20230502382


Swelling of B/L lower limbs (below knee) on & off since 10days, relieved on it's own. C/o tingling sensation of b/l lower limbs 

H/o burning sensation and chest pain in the chest region since 15 days.

Consumes toddy daily.

Patient not willing for admission

[5/2, 12:30 PM] Nitish Dampuru Kims 2018 Ug: 

Sn no 20

Op no 20230502909


C/o headache abd neck pain since 1 month 

Head ache in the occipital region aggrevated in extreme weather 

Patient advised for admission but not prepared and willing  for admission

[5/2, 12:37 PM] Nitish Dampuru Kims 2018 Ug: 

Sn no 21

Op no 20230502956


C/o swelling over the occipital region

C/o headache since 1 week


Patient advised for admission but not prepared and willing  for admission


[5/2, 12:41 PM] Nitish Dampuru Kims 2018 Ug: S no 22 

Op no 20230502926


C/o chest pain diffuse and dragging type and dyspnoea on exertion sob grade 2

Patient advised for admission for further cardiac evaluation but not prepared and willing  for admission

[5/2, 12:53 PM] Nitish Dampuru Kims 2018 Ug: Sno 

Op no 20230502977


C/o generalised weakness

Pallor + 

Has been skipping breakfast since last 1 year.

Patient advised for admission but not prepared and willing  for admission

[5/2, 12:56 PM] Nitish Dampuru Kims 2018 Ug: 

Sno 24

Op no 20230502952


C/opain in chest since 1 month

Pain in b/l lower limb since 1 month dragging type 

Pedal edema extending upto knee

Patient advised for admission but  willing  for admission

Admitted under unit 2

[5/2, 1:04 PM] Nitish Dampuru Kims 2018 Ug: 

Sno 15

Op no 20230502961


C/o fever since 1 week

Low grade intermittent a/w chills aggrevated in nights relieved after medication

Cough + dry

Generalised myaldia + loss of appetite +

Patient advised for admission but not prepared and willing  for admission

[5/2, 1:10 PM] Nitish Dampuru Kims 2018 Ug:

 Sno 26

Op no 20230502975


C/o fever since one day a/w chills and rigors 

Cough since 1 day 

Low back ache since 6 months.

Patient advised for admission but not prepared and willing  for admission

[5/2, 1:38 PM] Nitish Dampuru Kims 2018 Ug: 

Sno 27

Op no 20230502995


C/o B/L lower limb sensation pitting type of edema +

Giddiness and rotating feeling when moved from sleeping position to sitting position 

Patient advised for admission but not prepared and willing  for admission

[5/2, 1:49 PM] Nitish Dampuru Kims 2018 Ug: 

Sno 28

Op no 20230502875


C/o b/l leg pain since 10 days  a/w pitting type of edema 

Chronic smoker since 40 years 

Chutta( cigar ) from last 15 years

Patient advised for admission but not prepared and willing  for admission

[5/2, 1:55 PM] Nitish Dampuru Kims 2018 Ug: 

Sno 29

Op no 20230503385


C/o dark skin under arms itching+ 


C/o left knee pain after slippage 

Send for dvl referral and ortho referral

[5/2, 2:13 PM] Nitish Dampuru Kims 2018 Ug: Sno 

Op no 20210111747


C/o k/c/o DM since 5 years, but on medication for last 6 months no fresh complaints per say 

She is on METFORMIN 500 mg

Patient advised for admission but not prepared and willing  for admission

[5/2, 2:40 PM]: 

Sno 31

Op no- 20230502980


c/o right sided headache associated with tingling sensations since 1 month. 

Aggravated by strain and physical activity. 

H/O head trauma 15 years back. Not associated with vomitings or ENT bleed. 

K/C/O DM since 3 years 

Advised admission but patient not prepared and not willing

[5/2, 2:48 PM]: 

Sno 32 

Op no- 20230502986


C/O swelling of B/L lower limbs since 1 week

Swelling developed after prolonged sitting while travelling in bus.

H/O similar complaints in past, relieved on its own by taking rest 

K/C/O HTN since 6 years 


[5/2, 2:54 PM]: 

Sno 33 

Op no 20210427068


C/0 tingling sensation of both upper and lower limbs since 1 week 

Polyuria present. No polydipsia or polyphagia 

Not a K/C/o DM/ HTN 

Advised admission for further evaluation but patients not willing

[5/2, 2:57 PM]: 

S no 36

Op no 20230502974

28Y/ F

C/o neck pain since 5 months 

Headache since 5 months, blurring of vision since 2 months. Not using spectacles for refractive error. 

Sent for ophthal referral

[5/2, 3:07 PM]: 


Op no. 20230503305


C/O neck pain since 6 months, increased on bending forward. No restriction of movements with tingling sensation of left upper hand

Advised admission for further evaluation but patient not willing

[5/2, 3:09 PM]: 

Sno 38

Op no- 20230431840


C/O burning and itching sensation of right side of chest region 

H/o electric shock at the age of 12 years 

Sent for dermatology referral

[5/2, 3:37 PM]: 

Sno 45 

Op no- 20230503366


C/O neck pain since 1 month associated with headache and tingling sensation of both hands. 

H/O lower back pain, dragging type, radiating to lower limbs and associated with tingling sensations.

Sent for Orthopaedics referral

[5/2, 3:53 PM]: 


Op no. 20230503417


C/O joint pains since 5 months ( wrist, elbow and ankle joints) with H/O joints stiffness on and off

H/O low fever on and off

H/O swelling over joints on and off

Anti CCP Positive 

RA factor positive

Esr elevated 

Advised admission for further evaluation but not will. Wants to get admitted later

[5/2, 3:56 PM]: 

Sno 47

Op no 20230503411


C/O weakness & shivering at Night since 1 years 

C/O SOB on Lifting heavy weights 

K/C/O DM since 2 years on irregular Medication

Patient advised for admission but not willing to get admitted.

[5/2, 4:03 PM]:

 Sno 48 

Op no 20230503413


C/O lower back pain radiating along right lower limb associated with h/o tingling sensation since 1 week 

No h/o trauma. N/k/c/o DM, HTN. 

Advised admission for further evaluation but patient not prepared and not willing for admission

[5/2, 4:05 PM]: 


Op no. 20210326126


C/O SOB 2 days back for 1 hour which reduced on medication (Asthalin)

H/O consumption of non veg food and alcohol after which the complaint developed 

Advised admission for further evaluation but denied

[5/2, 4:14 PM]: 

Sno 50 

Op no 20230503415


C/O chest pain and shortness of breath since yesterday 

H/O blunt trauma to chest yesterday in a road traffic accident. No H/O palpitations. 

Advised admission for further evaluation but patient not prepared and not willing for the same

50 cases seen and 4 admitted  

[03/05/23, 6:55:57 AM] Rakesh Biswas Sir:Please inform the SR and interns on OPD duty today who will be responsible for this daily communication today asap

[03/05/23, 9:50:10 AM] ~ Parvez Ansari: 1. 
Op no. 20230503695
C/O palpitations with left sided chest pain 3 times 2 months ago
Advised admission for further evaluation 
Patient getting admitted

[03/05/23, 9:58:03 AM] ~ Parvez Ansari: 2. 
Op no. 20230503701
C/O Pain and burning sensation in epigastric region for 3 days
No h/o vomiting and loose stools

Advised admission for further evaluation but not willing to admit

[03/05/23, 10:02:39 AM] ~ Parvez Ansari: 3.
Op no. 20210523356
C/O neck pain not radiating to both upper limbs for 1 week
C/O burning sensation in chest after having food for 3 months
No C/O palpitations, excessive sweating and difficulty in breathing
Advised admission for further evaluation but patient not willing to admit

[03/05/23, 10:06:14 AM] ~ Navya: 4. 
Op no. 20230503963
C/O Headache since 1 year B/L frontal and temporal region A/W aura, giddiness, photophobia, relieved with medication
C/O neck pain radiating to b/l shoulder and upper limbs
No h/o nausea, vomitings, pain abdomen, loose stools

Advised admission for further evaluation but not willing to admit

[03/05/23, 10:14:42 AM] ~ Parvez Ansari: 5.
Op no. 20230504135
F/C/O of type 2 DM
Stopped medications 2 months ago. 
Advised admission further evaluation but not willing to get admitted

[03/05/23, 10:20:54 AM] ~ Parvez Ansari: 6
Op no. 20230504136
C/O fever for 6 months
C/O low back ache non radiating for 10 days
Advised admission for further evaluation 
Patient is getting admitted

[03/05/23, 10:30:42 AM] ~ Parvez Ansari: 7.
Op no. 20230504117
C/O fever high grade associated with chills
C/O severe pain in right hypochondrium region non radiating
Advised admission for further evaluation 
Patient getting admitted

[03/05/23, 10:33:01 AM] ~ Parvez Ansari: Will get admitted after patient's attender comes

[03/05/23, 10:39:03 AM] ~ Parvez Ansari: 8.
Op no. 20230504112
C/O fever intermittent associated with chills for 10 days not subsided on medications
C/O cough with sputum(white coloured) for 10 days
Advised admission for further evaluation 
Patient is not willing to get admitted

[03/05/23, 10:44:59 AM] ~ Parvez Ansari: 9.
Op no. 20210213183
C/O pain in epigastric region for 1 day
C/O of lower back ache for 1 day
K/c/o bronchial asthma and on homeopathic medication
Advised admission for further evaluation 
Patient denied getting admission.

[03/05/23, 10:54:45 AM] ~ Parvez Ansari: 10
Op no. 20230504162
C/O headache (temporal and parietal region) for 1 year
C/O neck pain for 1 year
Advised admission for further evaluation 
Patient is not willing to admit

[03/05/23, 11:03:25 AM] ~ Navya: 11.
Op no. 20230504157
C/O left lower limb swelling (putting type) since 50 years?? Filariasis
C/O pain in right lower limb upto knee and swelling below the knee since 1 month, tingling and numbness present, burning sensation present
H/O trauma to right lower limb
H/O tingling and numbness to left shoulder 1 year back and relieved one month back

K/c/o DM 2 for 20 years and on medications glimeperide 2 mg and metformin 100 mg
K/c/o hypertension for 20 years and on medication TELMA 40
K/c/o asthma since 6 years and on inhaler:salmeterol 50 mcg, fluticasone 100 mcg

Advised admission for further evaluation
Patient is not willing to admit

[03/05/23, 11:06:59 AM] ~ Navya: 12.
Op no:20230504162
C/O Headache since 1 year B/L frontal and temporal region a/w aura, photophobia, phonophobia
C/O neck pain since 1 year
No h/o nausea, vomitings, pain abdomen, loose stools

Advised admission for further evaluation but not willing to admit

[03/05/23, 11:07:14 AM] ~ Navya: 72/F

[03/05/23, 11:29:08 AM] ~ Parvez Ansari: 13
Op no. 20230504168
C/O headache in Rt. Parietal region and occipital region for 6 months 
C/O Neck pain radiating to right hand for 2 months
H/O giddiness( 3 episodes) 3 months ago 
Advised admission for further evaluation 
Patient is getting admitted

[03/05/23, 11:29:27 AM] ~ Parvez Ansari: 14
Op no. 20230504197
C/O swelling of both upper and lower limbs for 3 months
H/o slip and fall 3 months back
H/o difficulty in swallowing for 10 years
Advised admission for further evaluation 
Patient is getting admitted

[03/05/23, 11:37:34 AM] ~ Navya: 15.
Op No. 20230504185
C/O pain in b/l lower limbs and tingling and numbness since 1 year
Burning micturition since 6 months, increased frequnecy and pain during micturition
H/O similar complaints 2 years ago
H/O significant post void residue
Difficulty and pain during passing stools 

Advised admission for further evaluation 
Will get admitted after patients attender comes

[03/05/23, 11:46:19 AM] ~ Navya: 16.
Op no. 20230504219
C/O cough since one month (dry cough) (during mrng) 
C/O sneezing since one month (more during mrng) 
Dust allergy present
C/o cold since 1 month (more during winter season)

Advised admission for further evaluation but not willing to admit

[03/05/23, 11:59:19 AM] ~ Navya: 17.
Op no. 20230504591
C/O fever since yesterday night a/w chills and rigor
C/O cold since 3 days
H/O burning micturition since 3 days and resolved

Advised admission for further evaluation but not willing to admit

[03/05/23, 12:03:33 PM] ~ Navya: 18.
Op no. 20210322749
C/O headache since yesterday, intermittent, b/l frontotemporal
Vomiting since yesterday- 4 episodes of vomiting, watery type, non projectile

K/c/o HTN since 2 years on telma 40mg 

Advised admission for further evaluation but not willing to admit

[03/05/23, 12:21:28 PM] ~ Navya: 19.
Op no. 20210322749
C/O swelling in left groin region ( painless) 

Refferred to general surgery opd

[03/05/23, 12:23:59 PM] ~ Navya: 20.
Op no. 20210421630
B/L pedal edema since 5 months extended upto knee, putting type
Epigastric pain since 5 days
B/L knee pain, aggravtes on walking

Advised admission for further evaluation but not willing to admit

[03/05/23, 12:33:57 PM] ~ Navya: 21.
Op no. 20210422474
C/O fever since 5 days (more during morning) 
C/o tingling, numbness in both upper limbs since one month
C/O neck pain radiating to both upper limbs
Advised admission for further evaluation but not willing to admit

[03/05/23, 1:21:12 PM] ~ Parvez Ansari: 22.
Op no. 20230505125
C/O of bilateral pedal edema for 1 week
F/C/O of alcoholic hepatitis with alcoholic liver disease
Advised admission for further evaluation and patient is getting admitted

[03/05/23, 2:41:10 PM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: Only 22 patients since morning?

[03/05/23, 2:49:21 PM] ~ Navya: 23.
Op no. 20230504730
Came for regular checkup
No h/O sob, palpitations, cest pain, giddiness
No h/O fever, cough

Advised admission for further evaluation but not willing to admit

[03/05/23, 2:57:07 PM] ~ Navya: 24.
Op no. 20230501038
Pain abdomen burning type in umbilical region since 5-6 days a/w nausea, aggravated after taking food
2 episodes of vomiting yesterday(non bilious, non projectile, containing food particles) 
C/O neck pain present

Advised admission for further evaluation on Monday and patient is getting admitted today

[03/05/23, 3:00:51 PM] ~ Navya: 25.
Op no. 20230503695
Palpitations with left sided chest pain 
H/O similar complaints 3 times 2 months ago 
Advised admission for further evaluation and patient is getting admitted

[03/05/23, 3:25:23 PM] ~ Parvez Ansari: 26
Op no. 20230505172
C/O chest pain for 2 months
Aggravated on food intake
Radiating to left arm
No h/o nausea vomiting palpitations
Advised admission for further evaluation but patient refused getting admitted

[03/05/23, 3:40:34 PM] ~ Parvez Ansari: 27
Op no. 20230500998
Case Reffered from dermatology i/v/o low Hb(9.8gms/dl) 
Advised admission for further evaluation but patient refused getting admitted

[03/05/23, 3:54:16 PM] ~ Parvez Ansari: 28
Op no. 20230505180
C/O headache for 6 months
(Bilateral temporal and parietal) 1 episode everyday(15-20 mins) 
H/o photophobia, nausea 

Advised admission for further evaluation but patient refused getting admitted

[03/05/23, 4:01:32 PM] ~ Parvez Ansari: 29
Op no. 20230505179
Complaints of headache for 1 year (frontal and occipital)
 Increases on stress
No h/o phonophobia phonophobia nausea vomiting
Advised admission for further evaluation but patient refused getting admitted

[03/05/23, 4:05:26 PM] ~ Navya: 30.
Op no. 20230504112
C/O fever since 10 days, more during night, not relived on medication
A/w chills and rigor since 1 week
C/O cough with sputum since 5-6 months
K/C/O DM-2 since 5 years on medication glimiperide 1 mg+metformin 500 mg

Advised admission for further evaluation and patient is getting admitted

[03/05/23, 4:15:04 PM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: 30 total opd patients seen today? 

How many admitted?

[03/05/23, 4:16:20 PM] ~ Ajay Kumar Reddy: 32 patients are seen in OPD  sir 
5 pts admitted through OPD 
1 pt admitted through casualty

[03/05/23, 4:21:56 PM] ~ Navya: 31.
Op no. 20210209916
C/O lethargy since 1 week
A/w low grade fever
Decreased apetite
Burning micturition present
H/O wheeze present,increased since 10 days
H/O atopy present to cold weather
No h/O usage of nebulizers and inhalers

Advised admission for further evaluation but patient is not willing for admission

[03/05/23, 10:49:10 PM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: May 3, 2023 OPD case audit with opd to inpatient status and barriers 

One patient adviced to get admitted on Monday came and got admitted today!  

[5/3, 9:50 AM]: 


Op no. 20230503695


C/O palpitations with left sided chest pain 3 times 2 months ago

Advised admission for further evaluation 

Patient getting admitted

[5/3, 9:58 AM]: 


Op no. 20230503701


C/O Pain and burning sensation in epigastric region for 3 days

No h/o vomiting and loose stools

Advised admission for further evaluation but not willing to admit

[5/3, 10:02 AM]: 


Op no. 20210523356


C/O neck pain not radiating to both upper limbs for 1 week

C/O burning sensation in chest after having food for 3 months

No C/O palpitations, excessive sweating and difficulty in breathing

Advised admission for further evaluation but patient not willing to admit

[5/3, 10:06 AM]: 


Op no. 20230503963


C/O Headache since 1 year B/L frontal and temporal region A/W aura, giddiness, photophobia, relieved with medication

C/O neck pain radiating to b/l shoulder and upper limbs

No h/o nausea, vomitings, pain abdomen, loose stools

Advised admission for further evaluation but not willing to admit

[5/3, 10:14 AM]: 


Op no. 20230504135

F/C/O of type 2 DM

Stopped medications 2 months ago. 

Advised admission further evaluation but not willing to get admitted

[5/3, 10:20 AM]: 


Op no. 20230504136


C/O fever for 6 months

C/O low back ache non radiating for 10 days

Advised admission for further 

[5/3, 10:30 AM]: 


Op no. 20230504117


C/O fever high grade associated with chills

C/O severe pain in right hypochondrium region non radiating

Advised admission for further evaluation 

Patient getting admitted

[5/3, 10:33 AM]: Will get admitted after patient's attender comes

[5/3, 10:39 AM]: 


Op no. 20230504112


C/O fever intermittent associated with chills for 10 days not subsided on medications

C/O cough with sputum(white coloured) for 10 days

Advised admission for further evaluation 

Patient is not willing to get admitted

[5/3, 10:44 AM]: 


Op no. 20210213183


C/O pain in epigastric region for 1 day

C/O of lower back ache for 1 day

K/c/o bronchial asthma and on homeopathic medication

Advised admission for further evaluation 

Patient denied getting admission.

[5/3, 10:54 AM]: 


Op no. 20230504162


C/O headache (temporal and parietal region) for 1 year

C/O neck pain for 1 year

Advised admission for further evaluation 

Patient is not willing to admit

[5/3, 11:03 AM]: 


Op no. 20230504157

C/O left lower limb swelling (putting type) since 50 years?? Filariasis

C/O pain in right lower limb upto knee and swelling below the knee since 1 month, tingling and numbness present, burning sensation present

H/O trauma to right lower limb

H/O tingling and numbness to left shoulder 1 year back and relieved one month back

K/c/o DM 2 for 20 years and on medications glimeperide 2 mg and metformin 100 mg

K/c/o hypertension for 20 years and on medication TELMA 40

K/c/o asthma since 6 years and on inhaler:salmeterol 50 mcg, fluticasone 100 mcg

Advised admission for further evaluation

Patient is not willing to admit

[5/3, 11:06 AM]: 


Op no:20230504162


C/O Headache since 1 year B/L frontal and temporal region a/w aura, photophobia, phonophobia

C/O neck pain since 1 year

No h/o nausea, vomitings, pain abdomen, loose stools

Advised admission for further evaluation but not willing to admit

[5/3, 11:29 AM]: 


Op no. 20230504168


C/O headache in Rt. Parietal region and occipital region for 6 months 

C/O Neck pain radiating to right hand for 2 months

H/O giddiness( 3 episodes) 3 months ago 

Advised admission for further evaluation 

Patient is getting admitted

[5/3, 11:29 AM]: 


Op no. 20230504197


C/O swelling of both upper and lower limbs for 3 months

H/o slip and fall 3 months back

H/o difficulty in swallowing for 10 years

Advised admission for further evaluation 

Patient is getting admitted

[5/3, 11:37 AM]: 


Op No. 20230504185


C/O pain in b/l lower limbs and tingling and numbness since 1 year

Burning micturition since 6 months, increased frequnecy and pain during micturition

H/O similar complaints 2 years ago

H/O significant post void residue

Difficulty and pain during passing stools 

Advised admission for further evaluation 

Will get admitted after patients attender comes

[5/3, 11:46 AM]: 


Op no. 20230504219


C/O cough since one month (dry cough) (during mrng) 

C/O sneezing since one month (more during mrng) 

Dust allergy present

C/o cold since 1 month (more during winter season)

Advised admission for further evaluation but not willing to admit

[5/3, 11:59 AM]: 


Op no. 20230504591


C/O fever since yesterday night a/w chills and rigor

C/O cold since 3 days

H/O burning micturition since 3 days and resolved

Advised admission for further evaluation but not willing to admit

[5/3, 12:03 PM] 


Op no. 20210322749


C/O headache since yesterday, intermittent, b/l frontotemporal

Vomiting since yesterday- 4 episodes of vomiting, watery type, non projectile

K/c/o HTN since 2 years on telma 40mg 

Advised admission for further evaluation but not willing to admit

[5/3, 12:21 PM]: 


Op no. 20210322749


C/O swelling in left groin region ( painless) 

Refferred to general surgery opd

[5/3, 12:23 PM]: 


Op no. 20210421630

B/L pedal edema since 5 months extended upto knee, putting type

Epigastric pain since 5 days

B/L knee pain, aggravtes on walking

Advised admission for further evaluation but not willing to admit

[5/3, 12:33 PM]: 


Op no. 20210422474

C/O fever since 5 days (more during morning) 

C/o tingling, numbness in both upper limbs since one month

C/O neck pain radiating to both upper limbs

Advised admission for further evaluation but not willing to admit

[5/3, 1:21 PM]: 


Op no. 20230505125

C/O of bilateral pedal edema for 1 week

F/C/O of alcoholic hepatitis with alcoholic liver disease

Advised admission for further evaluation and patient is getting admitted

[5/3, 2:49 PM]: 


Op no. 20230504730



Came for regular checkup

No h/O sob, palpitations, cest pain, giddiness

No h/O fever, cough

Advised admission for further evaluation but not willing to admit

[5/3, 2:57 PM]: 


Op no. 20230501038


Pain abdomen burning type in umbilical region since 5-6 days a/w nausea, aggravated after taking food

2 episodes of vomiting yesterday(non bilious, non projectile, containing food particles) 

C/O neck pain present

Advised admission for further evaluation on Monday and patient is getting admitted today

[5/3, 3:00 PM]:


Op no. 20230503695


Palpitations with left sided chest pain 

H/O similar complaints 3 times 2 months ago 

Advised admission for further evaluation and patient is getting admitted

[5/3, 3:25 PM]: 


Op no. 20230505172


C/O chest pain for 2 months

Aggravated on food intake

Radiating to left arm

No h/o nausea vomiting palpitations

Advised admission for further evaluation but patient refused getting admitted

[5/3, 3:40 PM]: 


Op no. 20230500998


Case Reffered from dermatology i/v/o low Hb(9.8gms/dl) 

Advised admission for further evaluation but patient refused getting admitted

[5/3, 3:54 PM]: 


Op no. 20230505180


C/O headache for 6 months

(Bilateral temporal and parietal) 1 episode everyday(15-20 mins) 

H/o photophobia, nausea 

Advised admission for further evaluation but patient refused getting admitted

[5/3, 4:01 PM]: 


Op no. 20230505179


Complaints of headache for 1 year (frontal and occipital)

 Increases on stress

No h/o phonophobia phonophobia nausea vomiting

Advised admission for further evaluation but patient refused getting admitted

[5/3, 4:05 PM] : 


Op no. 20230504112


C/O fever since 10 days, more during night, not relived on medication

A/w chills and rigor since 1 week

C/O cough with sputum since 5-6 months

K/C/O DM-2 since 5 years on medication glimiperide 1 mg+metformin 500 mg

Advised admission for further evaluation and patient is getting admitted

[5/3, 4:16 PM] Ajay Reddy 2022 Med PG Kims: 32 patients are seen in OPD  sir 

5 pts admitted through OPD 

1 pt admitted through casualty

[5/3, 4:21 PM]: 


Op no. 20210209916


C/O lethargy since 1 week

A/w low grade fever

Decreased apetite

Burning micturition present

H/O wheeze present,increased since 10 days

H/O atopy present to cold weather

No h/O usage of nebulizers and inhalers

Advised admission for further evaluation but patient is not willing for admission

4th May 2023,Thursday 

[04/05/23, 9:30:32 AM] ~ haqansari7863: 1.
OP no. 20210125184
36/ F
Complaints of excessive menstrual bleeding since 2 months
Generalised weakness and and tingling sensation of bilateral upper and lower limb
Decreased appetite constipation palpitations and excessive hair loss
k/c/o hyperthyroidism since 7 years
Advised admission for further evaluation but patient is not willing to get admitted

[04/05/23, 9:41:36 AM] ~ Tejasri Devaruppala: 2.

OP no:20230505544


K/C/O of hypothyroidism since 8 yrs. On thyronorm 25mg.

Came for routine checkup.

[04/05/23, 9:42:53 AM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: No testing without admission

[04/05/23, 9:45:10 AM] ~ Tejasri Devaruppala: Patient was advised admission but they are not  willing for admission sir.

[04/05/23, 9:52:32 AM] ~ Tejasri Devaruppala: 5.

OP no:20230505543


C/O pain abdomen since 5days.
-SOB on exertion (grade -2)
-bleching (+ve)
H/o abdominal distension  and bloating.
-constipation since 20days.

Patient was advised admission but they are not  willing for admission .

[04/05/23, 9:54:22 AM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: Please make sure there is no testing without admission.

Who are the duty PGs there today?

[04/05/23, 9:56:15 AM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: But write their detailed history and clinical findings also in the inpatient file supplied to OPD and make sure to keep the files safely with us , to be reused once the patient returns

[04/05/23, 9:56:34 AM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: 👆

[04/05/23, 9:57:43 AM] ~ Tejasri Devaruppala: Venkat sai sir  n Nithin sir

[04/05/23, 10:09:31 AM] ~ haqansari7863: 6.
73 year old male 
Complaints of bilateral knee pain since 5 months (lt >rt) difficulty in walking aggravated since 15-30 days
generalized weakness  since 15days
h/o pain in 1st metatarsophalangeal joint of right leg f/b pain in other small joint for which he was found to have gouty arthritis and was on medication
 k/c/o hypothyroidism since 15 years on tab.thyronorm 100mcg

h/o gout since 10years on tab.febuxostat 40mg
Patient was advised admission but was not willing to get admitted

[04/05/23, 10:18:40 AM] ~ Tejasri Devaruppala: 7.

OP no:202305058


C/O chest pain since  10days.(left sided)
-burning type,non radiating
-local tenderness present.

-Generalised weakness present.

K/C/O DM2 since 6yr on tab.metformin -1gm.
K/C/O hypothyroidism since 1yr on tab.thyronorm 12.5mg.
H/O hysterectomy and cholecystectomy.

Patient was advised for further investigation and admission but they are not  willing for admission.

[04/05/23, 10:25:01 AM] ~ haqansari7863: 11 20230505878
C/O Fever since 20days associated with chills
Cough and hoarseness of voice

Patient was advised admission and is getting admitted

[04/05/23, 10:26:52 AM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: Don't worry. Just advice them to come back at their convenience. Create their PaJR group and ask them to buy a glucometer and follow up sugars fasting and post prandial online weekly and food plates daily every time they eat 

Make their detailed paper and online file 

If you all can save on test and treatment writing time you can actually get done some of the things we are primarily admitting them for, which is creating their case reports and PaJR link for regular follow up. All of us should realize that this is the only thing that will matter in their long run

[04/05/23, 10:32:05 AM] ~ Tejasri Devaruppala: 8.

OP no:20230505541


C/O SOB since 1month. (Grade 1)
No palpitations,giddiness,chest pain.
- pain in scrotal sac since  4days. Swelling present since 6months.
Referred to OPD.

[04/05/23, 10:32:31 AM] ~ Tejasri Devaruppala: Ok sir.

[04/05/23, 10:36:10 AM] ~ haqansari7863: 14.

C/O epigastric pain since 3 months palpitations present ,pedal edema present 
 k/c/o hypothyroidism since 4 yrs using thyronorm 
k/c/o DM2 since 6 yrson Glimi M2,HTN since 4 years using amlodipine 2.5mg

Pt was advised admission but patient is not willing to get admitted

[04/05/23, 10:44:39 AM] ~ Tejasri Devaruppala: 12.

OP no:20230505900

C/O chest pain since 1 
month,dragging type of pain
SOB grade 2( on exertion)
H/o trauma 2months back ,injury to chest.

RS:BAE present 
Grunting present

Pt was advised admission and further investigations and they are not willing.

[04/05/23, 10:44:47 AM] ~ haqansari7863: 13)

C/Opainless swelling over thyroid region since 2yrs
no dysphagia moving eith deglutition 
surgical opinion i/v/o swelling

[04/05/23, 10:50:02 AM] ~ haqansari7863: 14) 20210206935

C/O Retrosternal chest pain since 2months,pricking type

 since 6 yrs on Telma 40mg
K/C/O DM since 5 yrs on gliclazide 80mg and metformin 500mg

advised admission but not willing to get admitted

[04/05/23, 10:52:07 AM] ~ haqansari7863: 28/F 20210413773

C/O cough since 2 months 

Came for review

[04/05/23, 10:55:44 AM] ~ Tejasri Devaruppala: 18.

OP no:20210210409


C/o neck pain since yesterday night

no restricted movements , radiating to lower

Patient was advised admission and they are not willing

[04/05/23, 11:08:42 AM] ~ haqansari7863: 20)


C/O fever since 3m ,high grade associated with chills
Excessive sleepiness
C/O cough since 2wks
Sputum whitish in colour

Adviced admission bit patient is not willing to get admitted

[04/05/23, 11:10:39 AM] ~ Tejasri Devaruppala: OP no:20210523541

C/O  giddiness since 20days.
Profuse sweating present
 -Fever since 20days,low grade ,relieved on rest.

Ophthalmology opinion was advised,in view of dimension of vision.

[04/05/23, 11:19:02 AM] ~ Tejasri Devaruppala: OP no:20230506484

C/O- B/L breast pain  during menstruation since 2-3months.
A/W  tenderness.

OBG opinion was advised in view of breast pain and tenderness.

[04/05/23, 11:54:33 AM] ~ haqansari7863:

41y /M 
C/O tingling sensation in b/l upper and lower limb since 2months
Generalised weakness present
Alcohol intake(weeklyonce)

Advised admission but patient is not willing to get admitted

[04/05/23, 11:55:06 AM] ~ Tejasri Devaruppala: OP no:20230506486

C/O - chest pain ,burning type ,retrosternal associated with left arm pain.

K/C/O hypothyroidism on thyronorm  25mcg

Patient was advised for further investigation and admission ,they are not willing.

[04/05/23, 11:58:21 AM] ~ Tejasri Devaruppala: OP no:20230506457

C/O-chest pain since 1 day (on and off),non radiating,dull aching type.

Patient was advised for further investigation and admission ,they are not willing .

[04/05/23, 12:03:50 PM] ~ haqansari7863: Op.no20230506509


C/O b/l groin pain since 20 days
Burning micturition  and decreased urine output

Patient was advised admission but patient is not willing to get admitted

[04/05/23, 12:04:00 PM] ~ Tejasri Devaruppala: OP no:20230506510

C/o - giddiness since 3months.
No positional variation 

Patient was advised for admission and they are not willing.

[04/05/23, 12:10:15 PM] ~ Tejasri Devaruppala: OP no:20230506513

C/O-cold since 6months.
A/W running nose, watery discharge.

ENT opinion in view of turbinate hypertrophy.

[04/05/23, 12:12:10 PM] ~ haqansari7863: Op. No. 20230506511
C/O swelling of both legs since 4days
Pitting type on and off
H/O similar complaints in the past
K/C/O HTN on medications tab.Atenolol 50mg

Patient was advised admission but patient is not willing to get admitted

[04/05/23, 12:21:09 PM] ~ haqansari7863: Op No.20230506552
38y /F
C/O headache since 1yr holocranial  ,neckpain present
C/O nausea and vomiting

Advised admission but not willing to get admitted

[04/05/23, 12:24:08 PM] ~ Tejasri Devaruppala: OP no:20230506586


 C/o-pain in left scapular region since  10 years aggravated since 2 months.
H/o trauma 10yrs back(fall from bike) 

Tingling/paraesthesia of left UL since 2months.

Orthopedics opinion was advised in view of left scapular region pain

[04/05/23, 12:37:31 PM] ~ haqansari7863: Op.on.20230506601

C/O chest pain since 6-7months not relieved on taking rest
Not associated with sob/palpitations

Patient was advised admission but patient is not willing to get admitted

[04/05/23, 12:50:39 PM] ~ Tejasri Devaruppala: OP no:20230506591


C/O- deviation of mouth to left side since 3days.

Weakness of left UL and LL since 3days.
 Slurry speech since 3days.

Similar complaints in the past. 

Patient was advised for admission,they are not willing to get admitted

[04/05/23, 1:00:34 PM] ~ Tejasri Devaruppala: OP no:20230506933


C/o-pain in hands and legs since one year.
Tingling sensation present.

K/C/O HTN since 20yrs .
On telma 40mg.

Epigastric pain ,belching,abdominal bloating -present.

Patient was advised for admission ,they are not willing to get admitted.

[04/05/23, 2:22:54 PM] ~ haqansari7863: Op no.20230506555
C/O easy fatigability on excersion and palpitations since 3months
Hair loss present
K/c/o HTN since 6 yrson telma 40mg

Patient was advised admission but patient is not willing to get admitted

[04/05/23, 2:25:43 PM] ~ Tejasri Devaruppala: OP no:20230506359


C/o-neck pain since 6days increased pain since 3 days radiating to shoulder and arms.
Tingling sensation in hands and feet.
H/O trauma behind left ear  6-7months ago.

Referred to ent in view of earache,tinnitus

[04/05/23, 2:31:57 PM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: No serial numbers after this! 

Please mention the serial numbers

[04/05/23, 2:35:19 PM] ~ haqansari7863: Op. No. 20230507008
C/O increased frequency of urine since 5days no burning micturation
C/O throat pain  since 20days

Advised admission but patient is not willing to get admitted

[04/05/23, 2:39:07 PM] ~ haqansari7863: 31.

Op no. 20230507002

C/O headache since 1month associated with nausea and vomiting
Photophobia and phonophobia present

 Patient was advised admission but patient is not willing to get admitted

[04/05/23, 2:41:18 PM] ~ haqansari7863: 32)
Op no.20220221210
K/c/o DM 2 since 6yrs using glimiperide 2mg and metformin 500mg

K/c/o HTN since 14yrs

[04/05/23, 2:47:04 PM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: 👆Admitted?

[04/05/23, 2:47:43 PM] ~ haqansari7863: Patient not willing to get admitted

[04/05/23, 2:49:43 PM] ~ Tejasri Devaruppala: 33.

Op no:20230507004


C/o- neck pain since  6months.
 Right sided chest pain since 5months.
A/W swelling in axillary region.
 Tingling sensation in right side of body.

Patient was advised admission but they are not willing to get admitted.

[04/05/23, 2:54:36 PM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: Yesterday's OPD patient?👇

[04/05/23, 3:22:41 PM] ~ Parvez Ansari: 34
Op no:20230507052

C/o- headache for 2 weeks(over temporal region) 
C/O vomitings 2 episodes(non projectile) 
Patient was advised admission but they are not willing to get admitted.

[04/05/23, 4:27:51 PM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: Summarize:

How many admitted out of 34?

What did we do for those not admitted?

[04/05/23, 4:51:11 PM] ~ Keerthi Madireddi: no admissions sir

[04/05/23, 4:51:50 PM] ~ Keerthi Madireddi: only 3 patients were willing for admission but by the time they kept a casesheet they absconded sir

5th May 2023,Friday

[05/05/23, 6:46:33 AM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: May 4 OPD admission audit 

[5/4, 9:30 AM]:


OP no. 20210125184

36/ F

Complaints of excessive menstrual bleeding since 2 months

Generalised weakness and and tingling sensation of bilateral upper and lower limb

Decreased appetite constipation palpitations and excessive hair loss

k/c/o hyperthyroidism since 7 years

Advised admission for further evaluation but patient is not willing to get admitted

[5/4, 9:41 AM]: 2.

OP no:20230505544


K/C/O of hypothyroidism since 8 yrs. On thyronorm 25mg.

Came for routine checkup.

[5/4, 9:52 AM]: 5.

OP no:20230505543


C/O pain abdomen since 5days.

-SOB on exertion (grade -2)

-bleching (+ve)

H/o abdominal distension  and bloating.

-constipation since 20days.

Patient was advised admission but they are not  willing for admission .

[5/4, 10:09 AM]: 6.

73 year old male 

Complaints of bilateral knee pain since 5 months (lt >rt) difficulty in walking aggravated since 15-30 days

generalized weakness  since 15days

h/o pain in 1st metatarsophalangeal joint of right leg f/b pain in other small joint for which he was found to have gouty arthritis and was on medication

 k/c/o hypothyroidism since 15 years on tab.thyronorm 100mcg

h/o gout since 10years on tab.febuxostat 40mg


Patient was advised admission but was not willing to get admitted

[5/4, 10:18 AM]: 7.

OP no:202305058


C/O chest pain since  10days.(left sided)

-burning type,non radiating

-local tenderness present.

-Generalised weakness present.

K/C/O DM2 since 6yr on tab.metformin -1gm.

K/C/O hypothyroidism since 1yr on tab.thyronorm 12.5mg.

H/O hysterectomy and cholecystectomy.

Patient was advised for further investigation and admission but they are not  willing for admission.

[5/4, 10:25 AM]: 11 20230505878


C/O Fever since 20days associated with chills

Cough and hoarseness of voice

Patient was advised admission and is getting admitted

[5/4, 10:32 AM] : 8.

OP no:20230505541


C/O SOB since 1month. (Grade 1)

No palpitations,giddiness,chest pain.

- pain in scrotal sac since  4days. Swelling present since 6months.

Referred to OPD.

[5/4, 10:36 AM]: 14.



C/O epigastric pain since 3 months palpitations present ,pedal edema present 

 k/c/o hypothyroidism since 4 yrs using thyronorm 

k/c/o DM2 since 6 yrson Glimi M2,HTN since 4 years using amlodipine 2.5mg

Pt was advised admission but patient is not willing to get admitted

[5/4, 10:44 AM]: 12.

OP no:20230505900


C/O chest pain since 1 

month,dragging type of pain

SOB grade 2( on exertion)


H/o trauma 2months back ,injury to chest.


RS:BAE present 

Grunting present

Pt was advised admission and further investigations and they are not willing.

[5/4, 10:44 AM]: 13)


C/Opainless swelling over thyroid region since 2yrs

no dysphagia moving eith deglutition 

surgical opinion i/v/o swelling

[5/4, 10:50 AM]: 14) 20210206935

C/O Retrosternal chest pain since 2months,pricking type


 since 6 yrs on Telma 40mg

K/C/O DM since 5 yrs on gliclazide 80mg and metformin 500mg

advised admission but not willing to get admitted

[5/4, 10:52 AM]: 28/F 20210413773

C/O cough since 2 months 

Came for review

[5/4, 10:55 AM]: 18.

OP no:20210210409


C/o neck pain since yesterday night

no restricted movements , radiating to lower


Patient was advised admission and they are not willing

[5/4, 11:08 AM]: 20)



C/O fever since 3m ,high grade associated with chills

Excessive sleepiness

C/O cough since 2wks

Sputum whitish in colour

Adviced admission bit patient is not willing to get admitted

[5/4, 11:10 AM] : OP no:20210523541

C/O  giddiness since 20days.

Profuse sweating present

 -Fever since 20days,low grade ,relieved on rest.

Ophthalmology opinion was advised,in view of dimension of vision.

[5/4, 11:19 AM]: OP no:20230506484

C/O- B/L breast pain  during menstruation since 2-3months.

A/W  tenderness.

OBG opinion was advised in view of breast pain and tenderness.

[5/4, 11:54 AM]:

41y /M 

C/O tingling sensation in b/l upper and lower limb since 2months

Generalised weakness present

Alcohol intake(weeklyonce)

Advised admission but patient is not willing to get admitted

[5/4, 11:55 AM]: OP no:20230506486

C/O - chest pain ,burning type ,retrosternal associated with left arm pain.

K/C/O hypothyroidism on thyronorm  25mcg

Patient was advised for further investigation and admission ,they are not willing.

[5/4, 11:58 AM]: OP no:20230506457

C/O-chest pain since 1 day (on and off),non radiating,dull aching type.

Patient was advised for further investigation and admission ,they are not willing .

[5/4, 12:03 PM]: Op.no20230506509


C/O b/l groin pain since 20 days

Burning micturition  and decreased urine output

Patient was advised admission but patient is not willing to get admitted

[5/4, 12:04 PM]: OP no:20230506510

C/o - giddiness since 3months.

No positional variation 

Patient was advised for admission and they are not willing.

[5/4, 12:10 PM]: OP no:20230506513

C/O-cold since 6months.

A/W running nose, watery discharge.

ENT opinion in view of turbinate hypertrophy.

[5/4, 12:12 PM]: Op. No. 20230506511


C/O swelling of both legs since 4days

Pitting type on and off

H/O similar complaints in the past

K/C/O HTN on medications tab.Atenolol 50mg

Patient was advised admission but patient is not willing to get admitted

[5/4, 12:21 PM]: Op No.20230506552

38y /F

C/O headache since 1yr holocranial  ,neckpain present

C/O nausea and vomiting

Advised admission but not willing to get admitted

[5/4, 12:24 PM]: OP no:20230506586


 C/o-pain in left scapular region since  10 years aggravated since 2 months.

H/o trauma 10yrs back(fall from bike) 

Tingling/paraesthesia of left UL since 2months.

Orthopedics opinion was advised in view of left scapular region pain

[5/4, 12:37 PM]: Op.on.20230506601


C/O chest pain since 6-7months not relieved on taking rest

Not associated with sob/palpitations

Patient was advised admission but patient is not willing to get admitted

[5/4, 12:50 PM]: OP no:20230506591


C/O- deviation of mouth to left side since 3days.

Weakness of left UL and LL since 3days.

 Slurry speech since 3days.

Similar complaints in the past. 

Patient was advised for admission,they are not willing to get admitted

[5/4, 1:00 PM]: OP no:20230506933


C/o-pain in hands and legs since one year.

Tingling sensation present.

K/C/O HTN since 20yrs .

On telma 40mg.

Epigastric pain ,belching,abdominal bloating -present.

Patient was advised for admission ,they are not willing to get admitted.

[5/4, 2:22 PM]: Op no.20230506555


C/O easy fatigability on excersion and palpitations since 3months

Hair loss present

K/c/o HTN since 6 yrson telma 40mg

Patient was advised admission but patient is not willing to get admitted

[5/4, 2:25 PM]: OP no:20230506359


C/o-neck pain since 6days increased pain since 3 days radiating to shoulder and arms.

Tingling sensation in hands and feet.

H/O trauma behind left ear  6-7months ago.

Referred to ent in view of earache,tinnitus

[5/4, 2:35 PM]: Op. No. 20230507008


C/O increased frequency of urine since 5days no burning micturation

C/O throat pain  since 20days

Advised admission but patient is not willing to get admitted

[5/4, 2:39 PM]: 31.

Op no. 20230507002


C/O headache since 1month associated with nausea and vomiting

Photophobia and phonophobia present

 Patient was advised admission but patient is not willing to get admitted

[5/4, 2:41 PM]: 32)

Op no.20220221210


K/c/o DM 2 since 6yrs using glimiperide 2mg and metformin 500mg

K/c/o HTN since 14yrs

[5/4, 2:49 PM]: 33.

Op no:20230507004


C/o- neck pain since  6months.

 Right sided chest pain since 5months.

A/W swelling in axillary region.

 Tingling sensation in right side of body.

Patient was advised admission but they are not willing to get admitted.

[5/4, 3:22 PM]: 34

Op no:20230507052


C/o- headache for 2 weeks(over temporal region) 

C/O vomitings 2 episodes(non projectile) 


Patient was advised admission but they are not willing to get admitted.

[5/4, 4:27 PM] Rakesh Biswas: Summarize:

How many admitted out of 35?

What did we do for those not admitted?

[5/4, 4:51 PM] Keerthi 2021 Kims Pg: no admissions sir

[5/4, 4:51 PM] Keerthi 2021 Kims Pg: only 3 patients were willing for admission but by the time they kept a casesheet they absconded sir

[05/05/23, 9:23:24 AM] ~ Tharunkumar: 1.Op no:20210500513  


C/o knee pain since 2 yrs,non radiating, insidious and gradually progessive 
C/o cough since 2 days a/w sputum whitish,non blood tinged. 
K/c/o hypertension since 7 yrs(telma 40mg)
K/c/o Hypothyroidism since 10yrs

Patient was advised admission and getting admitted.

[05/05/23, 9:27:00 AM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: What treatment or tests were given? 

Please mention that too 

As far as treatment is concerned the patient can be adviced to continue the previous treatment. For tests they need to plan and come with two days of mental preparation for admission

[05/05/23, 9:29:10 AM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: Interns and PGs once freed from the mindless testing work will have more opportunity to interact with their patients and understand their true requirements that may even reflect in their short notes/texts about their patients

[05/05/23, 9:34:06 AM] Deepthi Ma’am : 2.op no: 20210212968
 69 Y/M
Patient came for general health check up 
K/c/o type2 DM since 10years on TAB.GLIMI M2 and TAB .VOGLIBOSE 
Not a k/c/o HTN 
Advised admission but not willing  for admission

[05/05/23, 9:41:44 AM] ~ Tharunkumar: 3.Op no:20230507427


C/o headache since 3yrs in occipital region, on&off, relieved with medication 
Nausea+,phonophobia + 
C/o burning micturition since 2 yrs,on &off  
C/o loin to groin pain since 2 yrs
C/o Neck pain radiating down to spine since 1wk.
N/K/c/o hypertension,DM, epilepsy,thyroid

Patient was advised admission and getting admitted. 
Tests advised- CUE, Cervical spine Ap&Lateral.

[05/05/23, 9:50:30 AM] ~ Tharunkumar: Not willing for admission

[05/05/23, 9:51:21 AM] Deepthi Ma’am : 4.op no20230907434
C/o diminition of vision in both eyes since 4years
No h/0 headache
No h/o watering of eyes
K/c/o DM since 6 years and on regular medication

Patient was advised admission but not willing for admission

[05/05/23, 9:51:24 AM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: The check up needed for a 10 years of diabetes is to assess his 

1) History sequence of events from 10 years 

2) Capture clinical images of visceral fat and muscle mass (preferably standing lateral and ap views) and share it in a case report used to continue his checkup through regular follow up 

3) Gather available Radiology of the patient's problem (anatomic diagnosis) only if indicated. In this case it can be done through clinical examination alone if he's asymptomatic 

4) Available electrophysiology (physio-logic diagnosis) 

Check old ecg 

5) Relevant blood and fluid biochemistry (biochemical diagnosis)

Fbs, ppbs, hba1c ,only if he gets admitted for 1-3

6) Readiness and signed informed consent to create a PaJR group for daily information continuity through a special whatsapp group with a representative image of his problem in the DP 

7) Check his readiness to benefit from our informational summary about his check up (aka case report) and provide signed information to become part of a similar patient project ProJR group description (each and every PaJR is part of a ProJR). ProJR is project journey record that contains many PaJRs

[05/05/23, 9:52:47 AM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: What's the cause for his diminution of vision? Cataract?

Or refractory errors due to uncontrolled blood sugars? Any polyuria or polydipsia (osmotic symptoms suggesting poor control)?

[05/05/23, 10:00:29 AM] ~ Tharunkumar: 5.op no:20230507439  
C/o pain in both lower limbs since 1yr. (Dragging type)
No h/o tingling sensation 
K/c/o DM since 2 yrs and  not on regular medication. 
No h/o polyuria, polydipsia,polyphagia 

Patient was advised admission but not willing for admission

[05/05/23, 10:01:02 AM] Deepthi Ma’am : Cause of his diminition of vision is cataract sir .no history of polyuria and pilydipsia

[05/05/23, 10:02:50 AM] Deepthi Ma’am : Ok sir.

[05/05/23, 10:10:09 AM] Deepthi Ma’am : 6.op no 20210206372
C/o pain at right shoulder region since4 days which increased on movement
H/o pain at right and left elbow joint,right and left wrist region 
H/0 pain at bilateral knee region  since 1 week
K/c/o type2 DM since 1 month and not on any medication 
Patient was advised admission but not willing for admission

[05/05/23, 10:14:16 AM] ~ Tharunkumar: 7.op no: 20210413773 
C/o cough since 2 months alw sputum whitish present throughout the day more at night.  
CBNAAT -Negative 
Sputum for AFB/GS- Normal flora
During pregnancy diagnosed hypothyroidism on thyronorm 2.5mcg stopped after delivery.  

Patient was advised admission but not willing for admission.

[05/05/23, 10:19:00 AM] Deepthi Ma’am : 8.op no 2021056545
33/ f
C/0 generalised body pain since 1month
Patient came for follow up , h/o hypothyroidism since 3years  on TAB THYRONORM 25 mg
No h/o fever, decreased appetite
No h/0  irregular menatrual cycles no h/o DM ,HTN
Patient was advised admission and not willing for admission
Tests advised: T3,T4,TSH

[05/05/23, 10:20:40 AM] ~ Tharunkumar: 9.op no:20230507441  
Came for general checkup 
K/c/o type 2 DM since 1yr.  
On medication metformin 1000mg and glimiperide 2mg
C/o tingling sensation in both hand&feet since 1 yr. 
Patient was advised admission but not willing for admission

[05/05/23, 10:26:15 AM] ~ Tharunkumar: 10.op no: 20230507856 
C/o breathlessness since 10days not a/w wheeze 
Pedal edema + since 3 days extending upto knee 
Abdominal distension+ 
K/c/o CAD underwent stenting 13 yrs back
Not k/c/o DM,HTN
Patient was advised 
admission and getting admitted

[05/05/23, 10:28:11 AM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: @919491489659 ProJR

[05/05/23, 10:37:35 AM] Deepthi Ma’am : 11.op no20230507444
C/o generalized body pain since2years
C/0 burning sensation of lower limbs since 1 year
No h/0 polydipsia ,nocturia, burning micturition ,fever
K/c/o-DM since 1year  
And HTN since4 years
 Patient advised admission and not willing for adnission

[05/05/23, 10:47:49 AM] ~ Tharunkumar: 12.op no:20230507858 
C/o weakness in both upper and lower limbs since 10days 
C/o difficulty in mixing food 
C/o difficulty in buttoning and unbuttoning shirt 
C/o difficulty in getting up from squatting position 
H/o alcohol consumption since 20yrs (>180ml) 
Withdrawal tremors + 
Power -4/5 in all four limbs 
Reflexes- B T S A K P absent 
Patient was advised admission and getting admitted

[05/05/23, 11:04:21 AM] ~ Tharunkumar: 13.op no: 20230507455 
C/o burning micturition since 3months
No urgency, hesitancy, frequency  
C/o generalized body pains since1 month 
Pedal edema +
K/c/o PTCA+DES to LAD and RCA  
AKI on CKD underwent 2HD 
N/k/c/o DM and HTN 
Patient was advised admission but not willing for admission

[05/05/23, 11:09:33 AM] Deepthi Ma’am : 14.op no 20230507436
C/opedal edema since 2days
Subsiding on taking rest

No h/o  sob
No h/0 burning micturition
No h/o abdominal pain
No h/o fever 

H/0 HTN since1 year
 Patient was advised admission but not willing for admission

[05/05/23, 11:22:52 AM] ~ Tharunkumar: 15.op no 20230507879 
H/o swelling over parietal region(?cyst) 13 yrs back underwent local excision 
Thereafter c/o pain at that site.
C/o neck pain since 1.5 month radiating to b/l shoulder region  
Giddiness - 
Photophobia - 
Phonophobia -
Vomiting -
Underwent cataract surgery of both eyes 7 yrs back
Patient was advised admission to get x-ray cervical spine but not willing for admission

[05/05/23, 11:29:47 AM] ~ Tharunkumar: 16.op no 20230507888 
C/o body pains since 3 days 
H/o fatigue and myalgia 
N/k/c/o DM ,HTN, epilepsy, thyroid 
Patient was advised admission but not willing for admission

[05/05/23, 11:32:04 AM] Deepthi Ma’am : 16. Op 20230507875
C/o giddiness since 20days
C/o blurring of vision on and off
C/o  burning sensation in epigastrium since 3months
No h/o  chestpain, palpitation,orthopnea,pnd,sob
 K/c/o CVA  1year back ,left hemiparesis infarct in thalamo capsular parieto temporal region
K/c/o HTNsince1year (not on medication)
K/c/0DM since 1year on METFORMIN 500mg 
K/c/o epilepsy since 1year
 Patient advised for admission amd not willing for admission

[05/05/23, 11:39:04 AM] Deepthi Ma’am : 18 op no 2023050832
15 / F
C/o headache  more pn the occipital region 
C/0 watering of eyes
H/o irregular menstrual cycles

Patient advised admission  but not willing for admission

[05/05/23, 11:39:22 AM] ~ Tharunkumar: 19.op no 20230507885 
C/o neck pain since 6 months radiating to b/l shoulder region a/w tingling sensation in left upper limb.  
H/o spondylosis present 
K/c/o HTN since 4 months not on medication since 1 month 
Patient was advised admission but not willing for admission

[05/05/23, 11:48:50 AM] Deepthi Ma’am : 20.20230507883
C/o pain in right upper arm and forearm ,tingling sensation of fingers
No h/o trauma 
No h/o neck pain
K/c/o DM since 4years
N/k/cO of HTN 
Patient advised admission not willing for admission

[05/05/23, 11:48:56 AM] ~ Tharunkumar: 21.op no 20210218352
C/o pain in left hypochodrium region since 10days 
C/o pain in left loin region    
C/o decreased appetite 
C/o passing hard stools 
C/o heaviness in chest region and palpitations 
H/o consumption of toddy daily (lastly 2 days back)
Not k/c/o DM,HTN 
Patient was advised admission but not willing for admission

[05/05/23, 11:57:29 AM] Deepthi Ma’am : 22.20210517642
C/o chest tightness
C/0 difficulty in swallowing in throat since 1week
Patient advised admission not willing for admission

[05/05/23, 12:01:57 PM] ~ Tharunkumar: 23.op no  20230508485
C/o pain in sternal region since yesterday tenderness+ 
No breathlessness no radiation. 
Increased on bending adduction internal rotation and external rotation of both shoulders 
Patient was advised admission but not willing for admission

[05/05/23, 12:08:47 PM] ~ Tharunkumar: 24.op no 20230508428 
C/o abdominal distension since 9 months  
No SOB,chest pain, palpitations,orthopnea,PND 
No fever, burning micturition 
N/k/c/o DM & HTN

[05/05/23, 12:11:23 PM] ~ Tharunkumar: Patient was advised admission but not willing for admission

[05/05/23, 12:12:41 PM] ~ Rithika: 25. Op no 20230508456
Complaints of vomitings two episodes since yesterday night
Complaints of pain in left elbow joint and knee joint
Food as content in vomiting , non bilious , non projectile, no foul smelling, no loose stools
No abdominal pain, no fever ,no outside food intake
Patient was advised for admission but not willing.

[05/05/23, 12:14:29 PM] Deepthi Ma’am : 26op no20230508380
C/0 tingling and numbness in toes
K/c/o DM since 2 years  on medication   ( TAB METFORMIN)
K/c/o HTN (TAB AMLODIPINE) patient advised for admission and  not willing for admission

[05/05/23, 12:24:37 PM] Deepthi Ma’am : 27.
Op no 20230508531
C/o sob since 4 days
C/o fever on and off since 4 days
C/0 headache 
No h/0 cough
N/k/c/o DM ,HTN
No h/0 burning micturition
No h/o abdminal pain ,vomitings
Patient advised for admission and not willing for admission

[05/05/23, 12:26:26 PM] ~ Tharunkumar: 28. Op no 20230500479 
C/o back pain since 3 years 
C/o leg pains since 3yrs 
K/c/o CKD since 1 yr 3 HD done 
K/c/o HTN since 5yrs on T.CLINIDIPINE 10MG 
N/k/c/o DM, epilepsy,Tb 
Patient was advised admission but not willing for admission

[05/05/23, 12:36:26 PM] ~ Rithika: 29.op no 20230502986
55  male
Complaints of swelling of bilateral limbs since one week
Swelling developed on prolonged sitting but not relieved after rest
History of similar complaints in the past while travelling by bus 2 years back relieved on its own after taking rest
Pedal edema Present, pitting type
K/c/o hypertension since six years on regular medication
Known case of diabetes mellitus since 10 years and on regular medication
Patient was advised admission but not willing

[05/05/23, 12:49:09 PM] Deepthi Ma’am : 30. 
Op no 20230508426
C/o pedal edema both legs and ulcers in both feet
Burning sensation of feet
K/c/o DM since3 years
K/c/o HTN since 6months
Patient advised admission and not willing for admission

[05/05/23, 2:36:11 PM] Deepthi Ma’am : 31
Op no20230508514
C/o joint pains early morning since 2days
C/o dyspnea on exertion
Pedal edema
No h/o fever , burning micturition,abdominal pain , vomitings
Past h/o hysterectomy 
Patient advised admission and not willing for admission

[05/05/23, 2:52:26 PM] Deepthi Ma’am : 32.op  no 20230508958
26/ F
 C/o headache Right side since 2days
C/o photophobia 
Lacrimation of right eye
No h/o nausea ,vomitings
No h/o giddiness , fever, burning micturition , sob , chestpain ,palpitations
N/k/c/o DM ,HTN, epilepsy, thyroid disorders 
Patient advised admission and not willing for admission

[05/05/23, 3:02:33 PM] Deepthi Ma’am : 33. Op no 20230508997
C/o neck pain since 10days
Dragging type ,non radiating
H/o fever since 1week (on and off)
No h/0 burning micturition,sob ,chestpain,pain abdomen,orthopnea,pnd
K/c/o HTN since 10days
N/k/c/o DM,thyroid ,epilepsy
Patient advised for admission and not willing for admission

[05/05/23, 3:05:08 PM] ~ Rithika: 34
Op no. 20210427000
Complaints of sob grade 2 - 3 since 1 week
complaints of cough and cold since 4days
Complaints of low grade fever since one week
Complaints of swelling of both legs since 1 week
No chest pain, palpitations present occasionally,no orthopnea , pnd , no decreased urine output
Patient advised admission but not welling

[05/05/23, 3:14:37 PM] ~ Rithika: 35
Op no 20230508997
Complaints of neck pains since 10 days, dragging type , non radiating not associated with headache 
History of fever since one week on and off,low grade ,not ass with chills and rigor
Known case of hypertension since one week on regular medication 
Patient advised admission but not willing

[05/05/23, 3:19:57 PM] ~ Rithika: 36 
op no 20230509059
57  /M
Complaints of loose watery stools 4 to 5 episodes/ day since 1 month not associated with pain abdomen
Complaints of weakness since 1 month
No history of fever
Patient advised admission but not willing

[05/05/23, 3:23:19 PM] ~ Rithika: 37
Op no.20230509024
Complaints of chest pain since4 days
Complaints of tingling sensation in upper limbs lower limbs since 4 days
Known case of hypertensions since 2 years on regular medication

[05/05/23, 3:23:35 PM] ~ Rithika: Patient was advised admission but not willing

[05/05/23, 3:27:59 PM] Deepthi Ma’am : 38.
Op 20230509031
 Giddiness since 5days associated with sweating and increased standing and sitting from sleeping posture 
 H/O lap chloecystectomy 5months back 

Advised for admissionbut patient is not willing to get admitted

[05/05/23, 3:40:51 PM] ~ Rithika: 39
Op no.20230508437
Complaints of generalised body pain since one year
Complaints of burning sensation in the epigastrium on consumption of spicy food
Complaints of burning micturition on and off since 2 years
No history of fever, cold,cough, abdominal pain
Patient was advised for admission but not willing

[05/05/23, 3:56:28 PM] ~ Rithika: 40
Op no.20230438261
Complaints of tingling and numbness since 1 year in lower limbs
Polyphagia present
No history of polyuria,polydypsia,nocturia
K/c/o type 2 dm since 1 year on and off and on regular medication
Patient was advised admission but not willing

[05/05/23, 8:25:19 PM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: Thanks. How many admitted from opd today?

[05/05/23, 10:41:17 PM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: Who were the PGs on opd duty today ?

[05/05/23, 10:41:28 PM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: 👆

[05/05/23, 10:41:45 PM] ~ Keerthi Madireddi:sir

[05/05/23, 10:43:27 PM] Lohith Pg Gm : 4 admissions from OP sir

6th May 2023,Saturday 

[06/05/23, 9:34:34 AM] ~ Dr.ramyareddypebbeti: 1.
Op no.20230509700
Complaints of chest pain since 2 days 
Bloating present 
Complaints of burning sensation in the epigastrium on consumption of spicy food
No h/o SOB and palpitations 
No history of fever, cold,cough, abdominal pain,belching 
No h/o regurgitation of food 
Patient was advised for admission but not willing

[06/05/23, 10:04:45 AM] ~ Dr.ramyareddypebbeti: 2.
Op no: 20210518263
Complaints of B/L pedal edema since 1 week 
Facial puffiness since 1 week
C/o SOB since 1 month (grade-2)
H/o polyuria and nocturia present 
K/c/o HTN ,Dm since 2 years (on regular medication)
Patient was advised for admission but not willing

[06/05/23, 10:06:42 AM] ~ Vaishnavi: 3.op no 20210205942
H/o pedal edema  2months back
Was diagnosed with liver infection
Now no fresh complaints came for follow up for getting investigation 
Pt is not willing for addmission

[06/05/23, 10:09:38 AM] ~ Dr.ramyareddypebbeti: 4.
Op no: 20210518264
C/O B/L knee pain since 3 months 
H/o difficulty in getting up from sitting position 
Not a k/c/o HTN,DM,Thyroid,CVA
Patient was advised for admission but not willing

[06/05/23, 10:11:48 AM] ~ Vaishnavi: 5.Op no 2023500720
Pt came for general check up 
Not a k/c/o dm,htn,cvs,cad,tb, asthma, epilepsy
Pt is not willing for addmission

[06/05/23, 10:14:30 AM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: No testing. 

Please explain to patients that it's not that we are not testing because they are not getting admitted. 

We are not testing them because without a good history taking and clinical examination it's largely unnecessary. 

We are asking them to get admitted 'so that we can give them more time to do a better focused history taking and clinical examination and then order tests if necessary

[06/05/23, 10:44:20 AM] ~ Vaishnavi: 6.op no 20230509802
26 M
C/o involuntary movements of both upper lateral since 1 year intially started with left u/l and started in rgt since 5-6 months 
Involuntary movements of neck since 4 yr
Pt is admitting

[06/05/23, 10:53:53 AM] ~ Vaishnavi: 7.op no 20230508531
C/o sob since 4days on exertion,fever (on and off), headache since 4days
Pt is admitting

[06/05/23, 10:56:14 AM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: Pt is admitting whom?

[06/05/23, 10:57:48 AM] ~ Vaishnavi: Pt is getting admitted sir

[06/05/23, 11:24:53 AM] ~ Dr.ramyareddypebbeti: 8.
op no :20230510250
C/o abdominal discomfort since 2 months (on and off)
C/o generalised weakness since 1 year 
C/o fever associated with body pains since 3 days 
No c/o belching ,constipation 
K/c/o HTN since 30 years (on regular medication-Tab.Telma-40)
Patient is not willing for admission

[06/05/23, 11:45:16 AM] ~ Dr.ramyareddypebbeti: 9.
Op no: 20210425171
Complaints of fever since yesterday night associated with chills and rigors and body pains 
C/o cold ,cough (non productive)
C/o nausea since yesterday 
K/c/o HTN since 19 (on tab.ramipril2.5mg)
and DM since 16 years (on regular medication tab.Glimi -m1 )
Patient was advised for admission but not willing

[06/05/23, 11:54:38 AM] ~ Dr.ramyareddypebbeti: 10.
Op no:20230510267
C/o lower back pain since 10days(dragging type )
C/o tingling sensation of B/L lower limbs since 1 month
K/c/o type 2 DM since 6 months (on regular medication Glimi -m1)
Not a k/c/o HTN,TB ,asthma ,cva
Patient is not willing for admission

[06/05/23, 12:07:04 PM] ~ Dr.ramyareddypebbeti: 11.
Op no: 20230510307
C/o headache (frontal region)since 1 year 
Associated with neck pain and radiating to both upper limbs 
C/o facial puffiness since yesterday night 
C/o low backache since 1 year 
And Tingling and numbness of both lower limbs 
Not a k/c/o HTN,DM,thyroid,epilepsy,CAD

[06/05/23, 12:40:39 PM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: Only 11 patients till now?

[06/05/23, 12:45:03 PM] ~ Dr.ramyareddypebbeti: 12.
Op no:20230510345
C/o generalised body pains since 10days
Reduced urine output since 10days
Pedal edema since 3 days
Not a k/c/o Htn,DM ,TB ,Epilepsy 
Patient is getting admitted sir

[06/05/23, 12:49:59 PM] ~ Dr.ramyareddypebbeti: 13.
Op no:20210312142
C/o chest pain since 1 week
Insidious in onset ,lasting for 20mins ,radiating to left hand scapula ,relieving spontaneously 
No h/o cough ,fever and cold 
Not a k/c/o HTN,DM,epilepsy,asthma ,TB

[06/05/23, 12:50:30 PM] ~ Dr.ramyareddypebbeti: Not willing for admission sir

[06/05/23, 12:54:20 PM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: Only 13 patients seen in opd till now? Share the sister's opd register

[06/05/23, 12:58:05 PM] ~ Dr.ramyareddypebbeti: 14.
Op no:20230510341
C/o pain in lower back region since 1 week
C/o burning micturition since 1 week associated with increased frequency of micturition 
No h/o Fever 
Not a k/c/o Htn,DM,TB ,epilepsy,cva 
Patient is advised for admission but not willing

[06/05/23, 1:06:58 PM] ~ Dr.ramyareddypebbeti: 15.
Op no :20230510343
C/o eating of raw rice and mud since 3 years 
C/o lethargic behaviour since 2-3 years (on and off)
No h/o decreased appetite 
No h/o palpitations ,generalised weakness 
Not a k/c/o HTN,DM,thyroid ,TB,epilepsy
patient is advised for admission but not willing

[06/05/23, 1:12:57 PM] ~ Dr.ramyareddypebbeti: 16.
Op no:20230510344
C/o cold since 4 days associated with sneezing 
c/o cough since 4 days (non productive)
No h/o Fever ,headache 
Not a k/c/o Htn, dm,TB,asthma 
Patient is not willing for admission

[06/05/23, 1:13:34 PM] ~ Dr.ramyareddypebbeti: Some cases are yet to be seen sir

[06/05/23, 2:20:31 PM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: Which means only 16 cases seen since morning?

[06/05/23, 2:29:38 PM] ~ Vaishnavi: 17.op no  20210125203
87 m
C/o difficultly in breathing for walking 100 mts since 10 days 
C/o chest pain in left side non radiating since 4-5days
H/o pedal edema 10days back relieved on medication h/o fever 
Not a k/c/o dm,htn,tb,asthma
Pt is advised for admission but not willing

[06/05/23, 2:36:58 PM] ~ Vaishnavi: 1 causality case admission
90 yr old male with altered behaviour

[06/05/23, 2:44:57 PM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: The one who was discharged recently?

[06/05/23, 2:47:38 PM] ~ Vaishnavi: 18.op no 20230510353
C/o tingling sensation in both palms and feet since 3months 
H/o chest pain left side intermittent in nature 1month back ,sob present on climbing stairs since 5months 
Pt is advised for admission but not willing

[06/05/23, 2:51:04 PM] ~ Vaishnavi: No sir it is new case he previously came to our hospitals with same complaint in 2021 where MRI ,CSF Examination done where metabolic causes are ruled out.

[06/05/23, 2:53:33 PM] ~ Vaishnavi: 19.op no 20230510847
Pt came with c/o blunt head trauma since 3 months (3times in the last 6months)
No h/o nausea, vomiting
No ent bleed
No h/o loss of consciousness
Pt is advised for admission but not willing

[06/05/23, 4:07:49 PM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: Only 19 patients today seen IN opd ?

[06/05/23, 4:10:33 PM] Rakesh Biswas Sir:?

7th May 2023,Sunday

[07/05/23, 6:56:14 AM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: How many patients seen in opd yesterday? Who was on duty? 

[07/05/23, 7:07:03 AM] Lohith Pg Gm : Only 19 patients were seen in the OP yesterday sir, 
maybe because it was Saturday, there were less patients 
Out of them two were admitted 
And one admission from casualty 
  sir were there in the OP yesterday

[07/05/23, 10:32:49 PM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: Please share the links to the PaJR groups of the two patients admitted yesterday. How many more later admitted overnight?

[07/05/23, 10:41:25 PM] Lohith Pg Gm : Two from OPD and One case from casualty was admitted sir


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