
8th May 2023,Monday

[08/05/23, 8:45:40 AM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: Project : May 6 opd audit toward creating persistent clinical encounters in individual patients to optimize overtesting and overtreatment

[5/6, 9:34 AM] 1.

Op no.20230509700


Complaints of chest pain since 2 days 

Bloating present 

Complaints of burning sensation in the epigastrium on consumption of spicy food

No h/o SOB and palpitations 

No history of fever, cold,cough, abdominal pain,belching 

No h/o regurgitation of food 

Patient was advised for admission but not willing

[5/6, 10:04 AM]: 2.

Op no: 20210518263


Complaints of B/L pedal edema since 1 week 

Facial puffiness since 1 week

C/o SOB since 1 month (grade-2)

H/o polyuria and nocturia present 

K/c/o HTN ,Dm since 2 years (on regular medication)

Patient was advised for admission but not willing

[5/6, 10:06 AM]: 3.op no 20210205942

H/o pedal edema  2months back

Was diagnosed with liver infection


Now no fresh complaints came for follow up for getting investigation 

Pt is not willing for addmission

[5/6, 10:09 AM]: 4.

Op no: 20210518264


C/O B/L knee pain since 3 months 

H/o difficulty in getting up from sitting position 

Not a k/c/o HTN,DM,Thyroid,CVA

Patient was advised for admission but not willing

[5/6, 10:11 AM]: 5.Op no 2023500720

Pt came for general check up 

Not a k/c/o dm,htn,cvs,cad,tb, asthma, epilepsy

Pt is not willing for addmission

[5/6, 10:14 AM] Rakesh Biswas: No testing. 

Please explain to patients that it's not that we are not testing because they are not getting admitted. 

We are not testing them because without a good history taking and clinical examination it's largely unnecessary. 

We are asking them to get admitted 'so that we can give them more time to do a better focused history taking and clinical examination and then order tests if necessary

[5/6, 10:44 AM]: 6.op no 20230509802

26 M

C/o involuntary movements of both upper lateral since 1 year intially started with left u/l and started in rgt since 5-6 months 

Involuntary movements of neck since 4 yr

Pt is admitting

[5/6, 10:53 AM]: 7.op no 20230508531


C/o sob since 4days on exertion,fever (on and off), headache since 4days

Pt is admitting

[5/6, 11:24 AM]: 8.

op no :20230510250


C/o abdominal discomfort since 2 months (on and off)

C/o generalised weakness since 1 year 

C/o fever associated with body pains since 3 days 

No c/o belching ,constipation 

K/c/o HTN since 30 years (on regular medication-Tab.Telma-40)

Patient is not willing for admission

[5/6, 11:45 AM]: 9.

Op no: 20210425171


Complaints of fever since yesterday night associated with chills and rigors and body pains 

C/o cold ,cough (non productive)

C/o nausea since yesterday 

K/c/o HTN since 19 (on tab.ramipril2.5mg)

and DM since 16 years (on regular medication tab.Glimi -m1 )

Patient was advised for admission but not willing

[5/6, 11:54 AM]: 10.

Op no:20230510267


C/o lower back pain since 10days(dragging type )

C/o tingling sensation of B/L lower limbs since 1 month

K/c/o type 2 DM since 6 months (on regular medication Glimi -m1)

Not a k/c/o HTN,TB ,asthma ,cva

Patient is not willing for admission

[5/6, 12:07 PM]: 11.

Op no: 20230510307


C/o headache (frontal region)since 1 year 

Associated with neck pain and radiating to both upper limbs 

C/o facial puffiness since yesterday night 

C/o low backache since 1 year 

And Tingling and numbness of both lower limbs 

Not a k/c/o HTN,DM,thyroid,epilepsy,CAD

[5/6, 12:45 PM] +91 96183 36209: 12.

Op no:20230510345


C/o generalised body pains since 10days

Reduced urine output since 10days

Pedal edema since 3 days

Not a k/c/o Htn,DM ,TB ,Epilepsy 

Patient is getting admitted sir

[5/6, 12:49 PM] +91 96183 36209: 13.

Op no:20210312142


C/o chest pain since 1 week

Insidious in onset ,lasting for 20mins ,radiating to left hand scapula ,relieving spontaneously 

No h/o cough ,fever and cold 

Not a k/c/o HTN,DM,epilepsy,asthma ,TB

[5/6, 12:58 PM]: 14.

Op no:20230510341


C/o pain in lower back region since 1 week

C/o burning micturition since 1 week associated with increased frequency of micturition 

No h/o Fever 

Not a k/c/o Htn,DM,TB ,epilepsy,cva 

Patient is advised for admission but not willing

[5/6, 1:06 PM]: 15.

Op no :20230510343


C/o eating of raw rice and mud since 3 years 

C/o lethargic behaviour since 2-3 years (on and off)

No h/o decreased appetite 

No h/o palpitations ,generalised weakness 

Not a k/c/o HTN,DM,thyroid ,TB,epilepsy

patient is advised for admission but not willing

[5/6, 1:12 PM]: 16.

Op no:20230510344


C/o cold since 4 days associated with sneezing 

c/o cough since 4 days (non productive)

No h/o Fever ,headache 

Not a k/c/o Htn, dm,TB,asthma 

Patient is not willing for admission

[5/6, 2:29 PM]: 17.op no  20210125203

87 m

C/o difficultly in breathing for walking 100 mts since 10 days 

C/o chest pain in left side non radiating since 4-5days

H/o pedal edema 10days back relieved on medication h/o fever 

Not a k/c/o dm,htn,tb,asthma

Pt is advised for admission but not willing

[5/6, 2:36 PM]: 1 causality case admission

90 yr old male with altered behaviour

[5/6, 2:47 PM]: 18.op no 20230510353


C/o tingling sensation in both palms and feet since 3months 

H/o chest pain left side intermittent in nature 1month back ,sob present on climbing stairs since 5months 

Pt is advised for admission but not willing

[5/6, 2:53 PM]: 19.op no 20230510847


Pt came with c/o blunt head trauma since 3 months (3times in the last 6months)

No h/o nausea, vomiting

No ent bleed

No h/o loss of consciousness

Pt is advised for admission but not willing

[5/7, 7:07 AM] Lohith Varma PG Kims 2022: Only 19 patients were seen in the OP yesterday sir, 

maybe because it was Saturday, there were less patients 

Out of them two were admitted 

And one admission from casualty 

@⁨Prachetan Kims 2022 PG⁩ @⁨Pavan 2021 PG Kims Med⁩  sir were there in the OP yesterday

[08/05/23, 9:07:55 AM] ~ Vaishnavi: 1.op no 20230511516
k/c/o diabetic since 4 months on metformin+ glimepiride 2 mg
H/0 burning micturation intermittent 
No h/o polyuria,polydypsia,easy fatigability,fever 
Not a K/c/o htn,asthma,tb, epilepsy
Pt was advised for admission but not willing

[08/05/23, 9:17:45 AM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: Please mention what was done for the patient

[08/05/23, 9:18:13 AM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: 2mg once a day?

[08/05/23, 9:19:40 AM] ~ Vaishnavi: Once  a day in the morning sir

[08/05/23, 9:20:53 AM] ~ Vaishnavi: Pt was not willing for admission so we didn't adviced any investigation..he returned back

[08/05/23, 9:24:49 AM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: But how are we going to ensure follow up and help him? 

Shouldn't we have another intern to prepare his PaJR group and case report and also advice Fbs,  ppbs once weekly along with hba1c once in three months? 

Most of the tests that he needs can be done near his home but what he needs is you to follow him up and guide him? Where is he from?

[08/05/23, 9:29:51 AM] ~ PAVANI: 2.
Op no.20210417921
C/o abdominal pain since 3 days  intermittent type.umblical region and in right iliac fossa ,stools passed yesterday.
Patient came for follow up 
Cheif complaint of burning micturition  1 month back 
No c/o pain during  micturition, fever .
On examination:BP:110/60

[08/05/23, 9:32:48 AM] ~ Vaishnavi: Advised fbs,ppbs,HBA1c

[08/05/23, 9:34:54 AM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: No that won't do. He'll just take the test report and go elsewhere. 

First prepare the doctor patient relationship with him and ensure follow up. If necessary he can get the test near his home not here today. 

Where is he from?

[08/05/23, 9:35:16 AM] ~ Dr.ramyareddypebbeti: 3.
Op no:20210524184
K/C/o  type 2 DM since 4 yrs came for general checkup (on tab.GLIMI-M2)
C/o tingling sensation of both feet since 1 week
C/o blurring vision (to near vision)since 1 month
C/o generalised body pains since 1 week 
No h/o burning micturition,polyuria,polydypsia,polyphagia,nocturia
Not a k/c/o HTN,Tb,epilepsy,CAD
K/c/o alcoholic since 15 yrs 
Patient is advised for admission 
But not willing

[08/05/23, 9:36:13 AM] ~ Dr.Sai Pavan: 4.Op no.20210318049
C/o tightness of abdomen ,bloating + aggravated on intake of spicy food 
C/o low backache since 2 years , aggravated on bending down ,relieved on rest 
C/o nocturia since 2 months ,burning micturition+
No polyphagia and polydypsia
N/k/c/o HTN;DM;CVA;CAD,TB,Asthma
Patient is a known case of hypothyroidism since 5 yrs on medication since 1 yr 50 mcg ----->75 mcg po/od
K/c/o  Renal calculi since 6 months ,used medications 2.

On examination:BP:130/90 mm hg 

[08/05/23, 9:39:20 AM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: Tell us what you did to help the patient!

[08/05/23, 9:39:31 AM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: Tell us what you did to help the patient!

[08/05/23, 9:51:02 AM] ~ PAVANI: 5.
Op no.20230511536
C/o diffuse chest pain (burning sensation) intermittent type since 15 days bleching present ,no history of bloating,no history of regurgitation,history of sweating during pain episode ,history of chestpain  aggravated on heavy food 
History of sob(G 1) since 2 months. 
History of Bilateral pedal edema present for 4to5 days ,1 month ago ,history of diuretic usage for 1 day.
No c/o decreased urine output. 
Not a known case of ,Hypertension,epilepsy,asthma,tuberculosis. 
Polydipsia present no polyuria,polyphagia,no burning micturition.
K/c/o diabetes since 3 days.
We advised patient for admission  but not willing for admission.

[08/05/23, 9:56:22 AM] ~ Dr.Sai Pavan👨‍⚕️: 6.Op no:20230511959
C/o left sided headache  in temporal and occipital region since 3 months 
No photophobia 
No phonophobia 
Loss of appetite+
No blurring of vision 
No watering from eyes 
No ear pain and tinnitus
N/K/C/O DM2;HTN;TB, epilepsy ,CVA,CAD
Patient advised for admission,but not willing

[08/05/23, 10:05:05 AM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: Tell us what you did to help the patient!

[08/05/23, 10:05:08 AM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: Tell us what you did to help the patient!

[08/05/23, 10:07:27 AM] ~ PAVANI: 7.

C/o chest pain and neck pain since 2 months which is of intermittent type.non radiating,
Generalised body pains since 6 months ,lower back ache present  which is releived on rest.
History of Sob on ordinary activity since 6 months.(mmrc grade 2) 
Pitting type of pedal edema present ,profuse sweating present ,no decreased urine output,no orthopnea,no PND.
not a known case of hypertension,CAD,Asthma,epilepsy,tuberculosis,cva.
On examination:pallor PRESENT  ,pitting type pedal  edema present.
Cvs:S1,S2 HEARD no murmurs. No rise in jvp.

HISTORY OF CATARACT surgery 2 months ago.
We advised patient for admission but patient is not willing for admission.

[08/05/23, 10:09:29 AM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: At least tell us what is your clinical diagnosis of her requirements and your plan to manage those requirements!

[08/05/23, 10:12:37 AM] ~ Rajkumar Adepu: 8.Op no:20230511963
C/o of SOB (Grade : 3) since 10 days 
C/o abdominal pain in left hypochondriac region since 10 days 
Burning micturition +
No decreased urine output
No loin pain 
No chest pain 
Passed stools today morning 
Surgical h/o: B/L DJ stenting under LA on 24/01/23
N/K/C/0 HTN,DM2,TB, epilepsy,CAD,CVA 

[08/05/23, 10:13:28 AM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: What did you do for his shortness of breath? 

What is your plan for his abdominal pain?

[08/05/23, 10:14:00 AM] Lohith Pg Gm : H/o neck pain and chestpain started after lifting heavy weights - thinking of it as muscular pain… advised ultracet 1/2tab QID for 3days 

As she is having Low Hb,SOB grade 2 to 3 and pitting edema 
Shall we advice for hemogram and ecg sir

[08/05/23, 10:14:01 AM] ~ Dr.Sai Pavan👨‍⚕️: Adviced 
Tab.NAPROXEN 250mg po/bd for 2 days
Adviced Ophthalmology review i/v/o refractory error

[08/05/23, 10:15:08 AM] Lohith Pg Gm : O/E pallor was present sir

[08/05/23, 10:15:11 AM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: No ask her to come back after her preliminary relief

[08/05/23, 10:15:41 AM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: Don't send them to other OPDs as it will distract

[08/05/23, 10:37:36 AM] ~ Dr.Sai Pavan👨‍⚕️: 9.Op no .20230511978
Patient came for follow up
Referred from UHTC as RBS-520 mg/dl
K/c/o DM2 since 5 years
Using GLIMI M1 since 10 days po/od
Used metformin 500 mg po/od for 5 years
N/k/c/o HTN,TB, epilepsy,CVA,CAD

[08/05/23, 10:44:35 AM] ~ Dr.ramyareddypebbeti: 10.
Op no:20210525372
C/o pain in RIF since 2 months 
H/o loin to groin pain +
H/o burning micturition +
H/o renal calculi for which he underwent surgery 
Not a k/c/o HTN,DM, TB,asthma 
Usg findings: 
E/o multiple calculi noted in right kidney largest measuring 16mm in interpolar region 
B/L renal cortical cysts 
Referring to urology opd (follow up case of urology)

[08/05/23, 10:51:00 AM] ~ Dr.Sai Pavan:11.Op no: 20230512073
Patient came for follow up 
K/c/o DM2 since 2 years using unknown medication 
K/C/O HTN since 6 years using unknown medication 
No acute complaints 
Adviced FBS,PLBS
[08/05/23, 10:53:57 AM] ~ PAVANI: Op:11 20230512032 48/F
K/C/O Hypothyroidism since 8 years. 
And is on tab:thyroxine50 mcgpo/od since 8 years.
History of generalized weakness amd easy fatiguability on doing ordinary work.
History of difficulty in swallowing since 2 to 3 months to solids but not to liquids.
No history of recent hair fall weight gain or weight loss,no hoarseness of voice.
No history of fever ,cold,sob ;chest pain.
Not a k/c/o DM,htn,tb,asthma,Epilepsy CAD.
No pallor and lymphadenopathy. 
Thyroid gland Palpable.

[08/05/23, 10:57:37 AM] ~ PAVANI: Op:12

[08/05/23, 11:02:38 AM] ~ PAVANI: Op:13


[08/05/23, 11:07:17 AM] ~ PAVANI: Op no.20230441407

[08/05/23, 11:13:55 AM] ~ Rajkumar Adepu: 14.
Op no.202315012462
C/o pain in neck region from 3 years 
Pain radiating to left shoulder along with neck pain 
No h/o parasthesia tingling sensation 
C/o occasional dysphagia 2 months back
C/o swelling in anterior aspect of neck
Pt is advised to admit but not willing

[08/05/23, 11:23:07 AM] ~ Vaishnavi: 15.Op no 20230512061
Patient came for follow up
H/o anemia Hb:6.8
No H/o palpitations, fatigability,shortness of breath,hematura,hairloss, melena
Patient is advised for admission but not willing

[08/05/23, 11:24:50 AM] ~ Rajkumar Adepu: 16.
Op no 20230512064
C/o bilateral pedal edema since 4 days pitting type till knees
B/l knee pains rt>lt since 1 yr
Neck pain since 7 months associated with giddiness 
No h/o tingling sensation and parasthesia
Abdominal bloating present since 15 days not associated with belching
No c/o fever loose stools vomiting
No c/o decrease urine output, hematuria frothy urine
K/c/o hypertension since 2 months on T. Telmisartan 40 mg + amlodepine  5mg
Pt advised for admission but not willing

[08/05/23, 11:27:04 AM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: What about admission and case report and PaJR link for follow up

[08/05/23, 11:27:41 AM] ~ Rajkumar Adepu: 17.
Op no. 202310510413
K/c/o DM 1 since 6 months came with complaints of generalized weakness and tingling sensation
Advised HbA1c PLBS and FBS
Pt advised for admission but not willing

[08/05/23, 11:28:34 AM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: No testing!! 😨

[08/05/23, 11:29:39 AM] ~ PAVANI: 18
Op no. 20230512467
History of silp and fall at home 2 months ago .
Swelling in the head was present in the left side for 2 to 3 days ,subsided spontaneously 
No history of loss of consciousness,vomiting,ent bleed,no c/o blurring of vision.dragging type of intermittent pain (headache)once in 3to 4 days present in left temporal and Frontal headache .
No photo phobia,but phonophobia present,no excess lacrimation,no h/o nausea,noh/o giddiness. 
Not a known case of Diabetes mellitus,Hypertension,epilepsy,asthma,Epilepsy,CAD,TB. 
Cvs:S1 s2 heard and no murmurs 
P/A soft and NT

[08/05/23, 11:31:12 AM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: No testing! The idea is to help these patients. 

Blanket testing doesn't help them. Knowing more about their sequence of external and internal events does  

Let's prepare their case reports and PaJR links 

Don't worry about opd time. Take them to wards after 4 PM 

Don't rush

[08/05/23, 11:32:07 AM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: Send her to neurosurgeon

[08/05/23, 11:32:11 AM] ~ Rajkumar Adepu: 19.
Op no 20230512075
C/o sweating , Headache, giddiness since 3 days
Generalized weakness pain in upper and lower limbs
No history of fever sob abdominal pain burning micturition pedal edema
N/k/c/o HTN DM.
Pt was advised for admission but not willing

[08/05/23, 11:32:25 AM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: No testing!! 😳😨

[08/05/23, 11:33:01 AM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: Prepare her PaJR and case report asap

[08/05/23, 11:41:07 AM] ~ Rajkumar Adepu: 20.
Op no 20230512472
C/o tingling sensation in bilateral palms and soles since 15 days
Headache (diffuse) since 15 days
Neck pain since 15 days non radiating
Not k/c/o DM HTN TB asthma
Pt advised for admission but not willing

[08/05/23, 11:43:07 AM] ~ PAVANI: 21
Op no.20230512060
C/O epigastric pain radiating to chest since 1 month 

[08/05/23, 11:45:08 AM] ~ Rajkumar Adepu: 22
Op no 20210114280
C/o headache since morning 
H/o trauma to head during bike accident 
No episode of loss of consciousness
No episode of vomiting 
K/c/o hypothyroidism since 6 months on thyronorm 12.5mcg
Pt was advised for admission but not willing

[08/05/23, 11:55:37 AM] ~ Rajkumar Adepu: 23
Op no 20210516301
C/o weight gain since 2 years (almost 20 to 25 kgs)
No complaints of hair loss , constipation, Palpitations, polyphagia
Pt advised for admission but not willing

[08/05/23, 11:56:58 AM] ~ PAVANI: 24
Op no:20230512591
C/o severe headache in B/L temporal and occipital region 
 since 1 month
No photo phobia and no phonophobia
Ear pain +
No tinnitus 
Blurring of vision+
Watering from eyes+
N/k/c/o HTN DM TB epilepsy CVA CAD

[08/05/23, 11:59:47 AM] ~ Rajkumar Adepu: 25.
Op no 202103818049
C/o generalized weakness and headache since 2 weeks
K/c/o DM and HTN since 5 years on medication 
No history of giddiness , fever , trauma, hairloss, wt loss , 
Pt advised for admission but not willing

[08/05/23, 12:08:40 PM] ~ Rajkumar Adepu: 26.
Op no. 20210522567
C/o b/l back pain from 1 month sharp type, intermittent in nature associated with aggrevated on physical exertion, deep seated pain 
C/o hematuria 2 episodes in last 1 month
No h/o pedal edema facial puffiness
Pt advised for admission but not willing

[08/05/23, 12:09:04 PM] ~ PAVANI: 27.
Op no :

[08/05/23, 12:11:28 PM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: Why is he having headache and tingling for 15 days? 

Use your history taking and examination skills to tell us that or else surrender your internship and mbbs degree

[08/05/23, 12:12:16 PM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: What is your hypothesis for his abdominal pain?

[08/05/23, 12:12:37 PM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: Trauma when?

[08/05/23, 12:13:14 PM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: Share the images of visceral fat and muscle mass! Age? Gender?

[08/05/23, 12:14:10 PM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: What is your hypothesis for the headache? 

Age?  Gender?

[08/05/23, 12:14:45 PM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: What is the reason for his loin pain and hematuria?
[08/05/23, 12:14:53 PM] ~ Rajkumar Adepu: Today morning

[08/05/23, 12:15:05 PM] ~ Rajkumar Adepu: Male 14 years

[08/05/23, 12:15:18 PM] ~ Vaishnavi: 28.
Op no:20210313208
52 yr/FEMALE 
C/o weakness since 1 week
Bloating sensation present
Generalised body pains present
Belchings absent
 No SOB 
No Pedal edema
No Palpitations
C/0 multiple joint pains since 3 days 
No morning stiffness
No h/o fever

[08/05/23, 12:16:04 PM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: Why is she having tingling and neck pain since one month?

[08/05/23, 12:16:45 PM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: On examination? 

Share everyone's visceral fat and muscle mass images asap

[08/05/23, 12:26:03 PM] ~ PAVANI: 29
C/O diffuse headache.
Since 1 month.
Photophobia,Phonophobia present. Nausea present,neckpain present and no rigidity. 
History of similar complaints since 4years.
PATEINT was on domperidone 10mg+NAPROXEN 500mg
C/o bloating sensation since6 months 
Belching present .
Aggravated after having food
Adviced Ultracet 1/2qud for 3 days.
We advised patient for admission but she is not willing sir.

[08/05/23, 12:31:41 PM] ~ Dr.Sai Pavan👨‍⚕️: 30.
Op no :20230512632
33 yrs/female 
C/o of diffuse abdominal pain in hypogastric region since 5 days 
Burning micturition present 
C/o low grade  fever since 2 days 
Not associated with chills and rigors 
No cold and cough 
No evening raise of temperature  
N/K/C/O HTN,DM,TB ,epilepsy ,CVA,CAD
Patient advised for admission but not willing

[08/05/23, 12:32:04 PM] ~ Rajkumar Adepu: 31
Op no 20230512604
C/o headache with neck pain associated with left upper limb pain and tingling sensation since 15 days
Low backache since 1 week non radiating
No C/o photophobia phonophobia vomiting lacrimation
N/k/c/o DM HTN TB asthma

[08/05/23, 12:32:27 PM] ~ Rajkumar Adepu: Pt advised for admission but not willing

[08/05/23, 12:37:15 PM] ~ Rajkumar Adepu: 32
Op no 20210419028
C/o bilateral pedal edema since yesterday morning pitting type till shin of tibia
Burning micturition since morning non foul smelling
No c/o decreased urine output, frothy urine, hematuria
No c/o fever, loose stools, vomiting, cough
K/c/o HTN since 6 months on Telmisartan 20 mg of
Pt advised for admission but not willing

[08/05/23, 12:41:15 PM] ~ Rajkumar Adepu: 33.
Op no 20230512580
C/o pain abdomen in hypogastric region followed by diffuse in nature since 7 days 
Indigestion present
Abdominal bloating with belching
H/o fever since 1 month not associated with chills resolved now
Generalized body pains present 
Pt advised for admission but not willing

[08/05/23, 12:43:36 PM] ~ PAVANI: 34
Patient came for regular follow up k/c/o hypothyroidism since 15 years. 
Tab.thyroxine 80mcg  from 15 years and 2yrs ago 100mcg and since 1year 125 po/od
C/o swelling of entire body and weight gain since 3 years.
History of hairfall present generalised weakness present
History of difficulty in swallowing. Since 2to3 years.
No cold intolerance,no hoarseness of voice.
Not a k/c/o Dm,htn,asthma,tb,epilepsy. 
We advised patient for admission but she is not willing for admission

[08/05/23, 12:50:12 PM] ~ PAVANI: 35
C/O generalised body pains of upper and lower limbs since 10 days.
No h/o fever ,cold ,cough.
Noc/o sob,chest pain.
Nocomplaints of polyuria,polyphagia,polydipsia,
Noc/o weight loss /gain , nohistory of cold intolerance
No history of hairfall ,
Not a known case of htn,dm,CVA,CAD,tb,asthma. 
No c/o joint pains.
We advised tab:Ultracet 1/2 po/qid×3days.
We advised patient for admission but he is not willing for admission

[08/05/23, 2:30:50 PM] ~ Prathyusha Singam: 52
Decayed tooth, planned for extraction, referred i/v/o high BP. 
K/c/o DM since 2years. On medication. 
N/k/c/o HTN, TB, asthma.

[08/05/23, 2:39:17 PM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: One similar patients got admitted recently after she lost her vision!

[08/05/23, 2:39:46 PM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: Why acute headache?

[08/05/23, 2:40:03 PM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: Why acute edema?

[08/05/23, 2:41:00 PM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: Why fever since one month?

What is the best approach to help these patients even if they don't admitted?

[08/05/23, 2:41:51 PM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: What would be the likely cause for her dysphagia?

[08/05/23, 2:42:22 PM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: Dengue?

[08/05/23, 2:42:43 PM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: Admitting for BP control?

[08/05/23, 2:45:10 PM] ~ Prathyusha Singam: 55

C/o bloating sensation of abdomen after having food since 1year. 
No h/o sob, chest pain, palpitations.
N/k/c/o HTN, DM,TB, CVA, asthma. 
CVS:S1,S2+. No murmurs
RS: BLAE+. No added sounds. 
Diagnosis: GERD
Rx: T. RAZO 40mg PO/OD before breakfast for 14days. 
Avoid spicy and tangy food.

[08/05/23, 2:45:25 PM] ~ Prathyusha Singam: 60/F

[08/05/23, 2:50:15 PM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: You think no one gave him razo for 1 year! 👺

[08/05/23, 2:54:07 PM] ~ Prathyusha Singam: 56
C/o abdominal bloating since 2 days after having food. 
Belching -
Regurgitation -
Aggravated on having spicy, tangy food. 
N/k/c/o HTN, DM, TB, CVA. 
Diagnosis: Acid peptic disease 
Rx: T. Pan 40mg PO/OD before breakfast
Avoid spicy food.

[08/05/23, 2:54:58 PM] ~ Bhuvana phanindra Sharma: 57
C/O neck pain since 4days.insidious in onset, dragging type,no aggregating and reliving factors
associcated with headache and nausea.
No h/o fever ,cold ,cough.
Noc/o sob,chest pain.
Nocomplaints of polyuria,polyphagia,polydipsia,
Noc/o weight loss /gain , nohistory of cold intolerance
No history of hairfall ,
Not a known case of htn,dm,CVA,CAD,tb,asthma. 
No c/o joint pains.
We advised tab:Ultracet 1/2 po/qid×3days.
We advised patient for admission but he is not willing for admission

[08/05/23, 2:56:41 PM] ~ Afeefa Farzana: 51
C/O chest pain since 3 months on and off,non radiating 
H/0  lifting weight, burning sensation in epigastric region after intake of spicy foods
Belchings present
No palpitations, sweating,pedal edema,SOB,PND,orthopnea
N/k/c/o HTN, DM,TB,epilepsy, CAD 
Treatment given
Ultracet half tab qid
Avoid spicy foods
We advised patient for admission but she is not willing for admission

C/O pain in left loin region since 2 days which is insidious in onset,continuous dragging type of pain aggravated on daily activities no relieving factors ,radiating to thigh and lower leg
No H/O fever,burning micturition, Lower abdominal pain 
No H/O pedal edema 
No H/O decreased urine output 
Not k/c/o DM, HTN, epilepsy, thyroid, TB,asthma 
Pallor present
No renal angle tenderness 
T.ultracet half tablet po /qid
We advised patient for admission but she is not willing for admission

C/O right side chest pain since 2 days only after lifting heavy weights,non radiating 
Belchings absent,no chest tightness
No palpitations, sweating,pedal edema,SOB,PND,orthopnea
N/k/c/o HTN, DM,TB,epilepsy, CAD 
Treatment given
Ultracet half tab qid
We advised patient for admission but he is not willing for admission

[08/05/23, 3:02:03 PM] ~ Prathyusha Singam: 58
C/o belching present since 6months. 
C/o burning sensation in chest 
C/o abdominal tightness + which aggravated on having tangy food 
No c/o sob, chest pain
N/k/c/o HTN, DM, TB, CVA, CAD
 Diagnosis: Acid peptic disease
Rx: T. RAZO - D 40mg PO/OD before breakfast. 
Avoid spicy food.

[08/05/23, 3:02:36 PM] ~ Prathyusha Singam: Advised for admission but patient is not willing for admission

[08/05/23, 3:03:57 PM] ~ Prathyusha Singam: We advised for admission but she is not willing to admit sir.

[08/05/23, 3:18:45 PM] ~ Prathyusha Singam: 60
C/o B/L headache(temporal region) aggravated since 6months- present since 2years. It is present everyday since 6months, intermittent,   throbbing headache in nature.
Photophobia and  photophobia + 
No neck pain, nausea, giddiness. 
No excessive lacrimation. 
No earache, buzzing sensation in ear. 
N/k/c/o HTN, DM, TB, CVA, CAD.
Rx: T. Naproxen 250mg PO/BD (@8am & 8pm) for 5days.

[08/05/23, 3:18:53 PM] ~ Afeefa Farzana: 58
C/O giddiness 3 days back
First episode 
Headche present,No loss of consciousness, no ear pain,no tinnitus,no nystagmus, rombergs negative,no postural hypotension, no postural variation,no ear discharge, no neck pain

C/O knee pain since 4 months
Restriction of movements present
Crepitus present
k/c/o HTN since 3 years using tab.cinod 10 mg OD
DM since 3 years using glucroyl M2 OD 
not K/c/o TB,epilepsy, CAD 
Treatment given
Ultracet half tab qid
We advised patient for admission but he is not willing for admission

[08/05/23, 3:38:12 PM] ~ Prathyusha Singam: 61
C/o epigastric pain since 2years(dragging type).  Aggravated since 1 month and on having tangy & spicy food. 
Relieved after having food, taking antacids. 
Regurgitation - 
No c/o sob, chest pain, PND, orthopnea. 
Diagnosis: Acid peptic disease
Rx: T. RAZO 40mg PO/OD before breakfast

[08/05/23, 4:19:48 PM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: Wouldn't they have been better off visiting a pharmacy and getting pantoprazole?

[08/05/23, 4:24:24 PM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: Why are you all wasting valuable typing time typing negative histories? 
Tell us a proper sequence of events in detail! 

Start with what were the patients daily activities when he was absolutely alright 

Then tell us what happened to those activities once the problem started and what are his current day to day activities. 

Every patient must have been very troubled by their problems to have taken a day off to come and visit you all and waste an entire day. What have be done to understand their requirements and solutions?

[08/05/23, 4:25:18 PM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: 5 days is a lot  

2 days should have been enough

[08/05/23, 4:26:23 PM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: Ultracet should never be given more than two days. 

In USA they put doctors in jail for over prescribing opiods

[08/05/23, 4:28:01 PM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: Razo can be taken from pharmacy 

What can justify this person's wasting his entire day here ?

[08/05/23, 4:28:02 PM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: How many admissions out of 61? 

[08/05/23, 4:29:22 PM] ~ Keerthi Madireddi: 3 admissions sir

[08/05/23, 4:32:27 PM] ~ Afeefa Farzana: Yes sir we gave only for 2 days

9th May 2023,Tuesday

[09/05/23, 9:32:21 AM] ~ Rachana Gangula: 9/5/23
Sno 1 
Op no 20230513374
C/O neck pain on the right side since 1 month. Non-radiating type of pain,
Aggregated on sleeping on bed. 
No h/o trauma. Not associated with headache. 
Farmer by occupation and has significant history of bearing heavy weights overhead. 

Advised admission for further evaluation but patient not prepared and not willing for admission

[09/05/23, 9:33:32 AM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: Weight bearing since? 

What factor precipitated the pain since one month?

[09/05/23, 9:35:45 AM] ~ Rachana Gangula: Weight bearing since almost 20 years until 6 months ago sir.

[09/05/23, 9:37:42 AM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: Why did he stop?

[09/05/23, 9:52:51 AM] ~ Rachana Gangula: 9/5/23
Sno 5
Op no 2023051337
Patient is a k/c/o type 2 DM since 4 years ( on medication Tab. metformin 500mg po/od) 
K/c/o HTN since 1 year, on unknown medication
K/c/o hypothyroidism since 10 years  on TAB Thyronorm 100mcg 
Patient came for regular investigations, Advised admission for the same, but patient not willing for admission

[09/05/23, 9:56:49 AM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: Weekly glucometer readings? 

PaJR link for follow up with diet and activities for life style modification?

[09/05/23, 10:02:28 AM] ~ Rachana Gangula: 9/5/23
Sno 3
Op no 20230513758
C/O burning sensation of bilateral feet since 3 days, insidious in onset. No aggregating or relieving factors. 
N/K/C/O DM, HTN, TB, Asthma, , Epilepsy, CAD. 
H/O cataract surgery to left eye 3 years back. 
H/o cataract surgery to right eye 3 months back 
Patient advised admission for further evaluation but patient not willing for admission

[09/05/23, 10:14:11 AM] ~ Rachana Gangula: Sno 2
Op no 20230500668
C/O Right sided chest pain since 3 days
C/o SOB since 10 days
SOB grade-Ill relieved by taking rest,
No orthopnea , NO PND
Palpitations+ Intermittent 
C/0 Nocturia since 2 months 
Burning micturition since 2 months 
C/O constipation since 6 years
K/C/O haemorrhoids since 6 years
Blood in stools+ intermittent 
K/c/o  HTN  since 6 years on regular medication 
N/K/C/O  Dm, CVA, CAD, TB, Epilepsy 
Patient advised admission for further evaluation but patient not willing for admission.

[09/05/23, 10:19:05 AM] ~ Dr. Meesum Abbas: 6. 
Op no. 20210119480
Came for blood investigations. 
K/c/o DM since 2 yrs, using T. Metformin 500 mg po/od before lunch 
K/c/o HTN since 1.5 years using T telma 40 mg po/od after breakfast

[09/05/23, 10:24:21 AM] ~ Dr. Meesum Abbas: 8. 
Op no. 20210119480
C/O headache since 1 year in b/l temple region
No nausea, vomiting, photophobia, phonophobia
Relieved on medication 
C/o nocturia and hesitancy since 1 year
Patient advised admission for further evaluation but not willing

[09/05/23, 10:27:16 AM] ~ Rachana Gangula: 9/5/23
Sno 7
Op no 20210422941
C/O generalised weakness since 1 year. 
C/O intermittent tingling sensation of bilateral limbs upper limbs and lower limbs. 
No h/o polyuria, polydipsia, polyphagia, fever, loose stools. 
N/K/C/O  Dm, CVA, CAD, TB, Epilepsy
On examination- Pallor + 
Patient advised admission for further evaluation but patient not willing for admission.

[09/05/23, 10:38:25 AM] ~ Rachana Gangula: Sno 9
Op no 20230513807
C/O Headache - 5 days
clo Neck pain - 5 days
Body pains - 5 days
Fever 3 days back 
low grade, relieved on taking medication
c/o cough  - 5 days
dry cough , relieved on taking medication 
C/O Nocturia since 4 months 
No Polydipsia, No tingling sensations 
K/clo DM-II  since 4 months  on GLIMI -M1 po/od
N/K/C/O  HTN, CVA, CAD, TB, Epilepsy, Asthma 
Patient advised admission for further evaluation but patient not willing for admission.

[09/05/23, 10:40:56 AM] ~ Dr. Meesum Abbas: 11. 
Op no. 20230613784
C/o burning micturition since 10 days
K/c/o Hypothyroidism since 3 years (on thyronorm 50 mcg)
C/o weight gain since last 2 months, fatigue since 2 months
Patient advised admission for further evaluation but not willing to get admitted

[09/05/23, 10:51:39 AM] ~ Dr. Meesum Abbas: 12. 
Op no. 20230513837
C/o c/o heaviness in chest since 10 days, no pain, non radiating 
SOB since 10 days, grade 2, orthopnea +, PND+ 
No pedal edema or palpitations 
C/o vomitings since 10 days, 5-6 episodes in 10 days, non projectile, non bilious, content- food
C/o menorrhagia but last cycle 2days/28 days, white discharge p/v
Patient advised admission for further evaluation but not willing

[09/05/23, 10:59:44 AM] ~ Dr. Meesum Abbas: 10. 
Op no. 20230513832
C/o b/l lower limb swelling from knee to ankle since 10 days, insidious in onset aggravated on sitting for a long time
C/o burning sensation in b/l feet since 7 days
H/o fever 4 months back relieved after taking medication 
H/o similar complaints 2 years back
K/c/o HTN since 6 years. On telma 40 mg metoprolol 50 mg po/od
Patient advised admission for further evaluation but not willing

[09/05/23, 11:13:19 AM] ~ Rachana Gangula: Sno 16 
Op no 20230513902
C/O constipation since 2 months. 
No h/o pain abdomen, vomitings, nausea. 
H/0 Burning micturition since 10 days. 
H/O burning sensation and tingling sensation of both feet since 10 days 
N/K/C/O DM, HTN,TB, Asthma,CAD,CVA. 
O/E- mild tenderness in left lilac fossa 
Patient advised admission for further evaluation but patient not willing for admission.

[09/05/23, 11:17:58 AM] ~ Dr. Meesum Abbas: 17. 
Op no. 20230513927
C/o generalised body pains since 2 years
C/o burning sensation of b/l UL and LL since 1 year
C/o itching of whole body since 1 year
C/o constipation since 1 year once for 6-7 days, no blood in stools, hard stools+
K/c/o DM2 since 1 year. On tab glimi m2 po/bd
K/c/o HTN since 3 years on tab Amlokind-at
Patient advised admission for further evaluation but not willing

[09/05/23, 11:28:15 AM] ~ Dr. Meesum Abbas: 18. 
Op no. 20230513935
K/c/o hypothyroidism since 6 years
C/o loss of hair, excessive sweating and weight gain
No c/o palpitations, fatigue, irregular cycles 
No goitre or hoarseness of voice 
Patient advised admission for further evaluation but not willing

[09/05/23, 11:36:37 AM] ~ Rachana Gangula: Sno 24
Op no 20230514400
C/O weakness of both lower limbs since 1 month associated with difficulty in walking since 1 month. 
K/C/O type 2 DM since 15 years and one regular medication. 
Patient advised admission for further evaluation but patient not willing for admission.

[09/05/23, 11:43:31 AM] ~ Dr. Meesum Abbas: 19. 
Op. no. 20230513954
C/o generalised body weakness since 1 month
C/o SOB grade 3 since 1 month, decreased after medication 
Orthopnea+, PND+, pedal edema+
C/o decreased appetite since 1 month
K/c/o AF, Tachy Cardiomyopathy
Patient on T Digoxin 0.25
T Met-xl 50 mg
T. Xapilis 2.5 mg 
T. dytor plus 10/50 
H/o trauma to head 1 month back, bleeding+
Patient advised admission for further evaluation but not willing

[09/05/23, 11:46:25 AM] ~ Rachana Gangula: Sno 14 
Op no 20230428629
C/O pain abdomen since 10 days
Burning type, diffuse, more before eating and relives after eating.
C/O decreased appetite since 10 days. 
Patient advised admission but not willing for admission.

[09/05/23, 12:20:36 PM] ~ Rachana Gangula: Sno 22
Op no 20210110835

C/o Fever- 3days
Low grade , Intermittent, a/w chills and rigors 
relieved on medication.
clo cough -2 day.
Dry cough
C/o burning micturition Since 1 week
No deceased urine output 
K/C/o HTN since 5 years using unknown medication 
N/K/C/O DM, TB, Asthma,CAD,CVA
Patient advised for admission for further evaluation but patient not willing.

[09/05/23, 12:21:28 PM] ~ Dr. Meesum Abbas: 25. 
Op no. 20230514421
C/o burning sensation in epigastric region since 15 days, more on food intake, relieved after 30 mins
Advised admission for further evaluation but not willing

[09/05/23, 12:35:15 PM] ~ Dr. Meesum Abbas: 26. 
Op no. 20230514438
C/o tingling sensations of b/l UL and LL since 10 days
C/o burning sensation of b/l feet since 10 days
SOB on exertion and relieved on rest
K/c/o DM since 5 years on Glimi 1 mg Metformin 500 mg po od 
K/c/o HTN since 5 years on Tab Amlong 5 mg atenolol 15 mg
Patient advised admission for further evaluation but not willing

[09/05/23, 12:39:39 PM] ~ Rachana Gangula: Sno 15 
Op no 20230513844

C/o chest pain left side on and off since 20 days radiating to left hand and left side of neck. Associated with palpitations, sweating, insidious in onset. Aggravated on food intake and exertion. 
No C/o SOB, pedal Edema, fever, decreased renal output. 
Patient advised admission but not willing for admission.

[09/05/23, 12:44:22 PM] ~ Dr. Meesum Abbas: 27. 
Op no 20230514370
C/o headache since 7 months 
H/o nausea, photophobia, phonophobia
C/o blurring of vision of both eyes since 3 months
H/o foreign body sensation of left eye and watering of eye occasionally since 3 months 
H/o cataract surgery 10 months ago
C/o tingling sensation of whole body since 5 months 
Patient advised admission for further evaluation but not willing

[09/05/23, 12:48:15 PM] ~ Rachana Gangula: Sno 24
Op no 20230544169

c/o Burning Sensation and tingling sensation  of left-side of head, left UL and LL since 5 months  (Intermittent)
Also complains of Numbness of left UL and LL since 5 months
C/O chest pain, Non radiating, Needle pick type of pain with SOB grade I. No orthopnea, NO PND. 
Patient advised admission but not willing for admission.

[09/05/23, 1:30:03 PM] ~ Dr. Meesum Abbas: 30. 
Op no. 20230514471
C/o yellowish discolouration of eyes since four years (on and off) 
C/O pain in epigastric, and in umbilical region since 4 years, pain of squeezing type
No fever, cold, cough
C/O oligomenorrhoea since 4 year, 1 day/28 days 
Patient advised admission for further evaluation but not willing

[09/05/23, 2:41:46 PM] ~ Rachana Gangula: Sno 31
Op no 20230514473

C/o SOB and cold since 2 years (on and off) 
Associated with dry cough 
SOB grade 2, sudden in onset
Not associated with chest pain, palpitations, orthopnea, PND
No C/o pedal Edema facial puffiness or decreased urine output 
H/O Covid in 2021 
Patient advised admission for further evaluation but not willing for admission.

[09/05/23, 2:45:26 PM] ~ Rachana Gangula: Sno 32
Op no 20210219581
C/O pain abdomen since 7 days 
C/o fever since 7 days 
Pain abdomen- Umbilical and right hypochondriac region squeezing type, non radiating, 
No h/o vomitings constipation or loose stools 
Fever since 7 days, high grade, intermittent, associated with chills and rigor, relieved on medication. 
Generalised weakness since 7 days present 
Patient advised admission for further evaluation but not willing for admission.

[09/05/23, 3:05:02 PM] ~ Dr. Meesum Abbas: 33. 
Op no. 20230514818
H/o CVA 14 years back, deviation of mouth to left side
No slurring of speech, no involuntary movements
Patient came with c/o watering eyes since 4 years on and off
Advised admission for further evaluation but not willing to admit

[09/05/23, 3:46:53 PM] ~ Rachana Gangula: Sno 40
Op no 20250514857

C/O pain Abomen the Epigastric Region
Since 1 month.
H/o Alcoholism since 17 years of age
40-180ml /day
K/C/o HTN since 1 month and on -Tab TELMA 40mg 
N/K/C/O DM, TB, Asthma,CAD,CVA
Patient advised admission for further evaluation but not willing for admission.

[09/05/23, 3:50:05 PM] ~ Rachana Gangula: Sno 46
Op no 20250514852

C/O Epigastric pain since 2 months
C/O burning sensation in epigastric region 
Burning sensation Relieved on taking food.
K/C/o HTN since 6 years and on regular medication 
N/K/C/O DM, TB, Asthma,CAD,CVA
Patient advised admission for further evaluation but not willing for admission.

[09/05/23, 3:55:42 PM] ~ Dr. Meesum Abbas: 43. 
Op no. 20230514824
C/o abdomen pain in epigastric region since 1 month on and off. Burning type of pain
H/o alcoholism since 15 years (90-180 ml per day)
?alcoholic gastritis 
Patient advised admission for further evaluation but not willing to get admitted

[09/05/23, 4:07:41 PM] ~ Dr. Meesum Abbas: 44. 
Op no. 20230514910
C/o cough and cold since 2 days
Headache since today morning 
No h/o fever, ear pain, vomitings, loose stools
Patient advised admission for further evaluation but not willing to get admitted

[09/05/23, 4:27:08 PM] ~ Dr. Meesum Abbas: 47. 
Op no. 20230514914
C/o Generalised Body pains
since 2 days
C/o Left shoulder pain since 6 months
H/o trauma to the left shoulder 6 months back
Patient advised admission for further evaluation, but not willing to get admitted

[09/05/23, 4:37:33 PM] ~ Rachana Gangula: Sno 38
Op no 20230514837

C/o weakness of right UL and LL since 4 days 
C/o involuntary micturition since 5 days 
H/O fever 5 days back 
K/C/O HTN since 3 years 
Patient is getting admitted in AMC

10th May 2023,Wednesday 

[10/05/23, 9:59:45 AM] ~ A.R.T.TEJASRI: s no 1
OP no 20230515225
57/F  came for follow up 
k/c/o diabetic for 5 years on gluconorm m2 and istamet.
 patient advised for admission ,but not willing to admit.

[10/05/23, 10:03:03 AM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: Tell us what you are doing to help the patient without testing

[10/05/23, 10:11:00 AM] ~ A.R.T.TEJASRI: s no 2.
60f ,diabetic since 1 year and hypertensive since 3 years ,follow up case 
OP no.20230513927, 
pallor (+) with itching all over body 
generalised myalgia since 1 year with tingling sensation advised to 
continue t.glimi+met and pregabalin 
advised admission for anemia but refused.

[10/05/23, 10:12:05 AM] ~ A.R.T.TEJASRI: following up with a pajr. continuing his anti diabetic medication

[10/05/23, 10:20:20 AM] ~ A.R.T.TEJASRI: s no 3.
op no: 20230515704
diabetic since 7 years on tab voglibose+glimi+metformin
c/o chest pain on left side since 1 week ,feeling of food stuck in the chest since 1 week. ? GERD
advised Pantop(40mg) + domperidone(30mg) po/of for 4 days 
, not to sleep immediately after eating food ,, avoid spicy food 
patient advised for admission not willing to admit.

[10/05/23, 10:31:16 AM] ~ A.R.T.TEJASRI: s no 4
op no : 20230515754
chest pain since 4 months, pain relieved on eating food .
neck pains since 4 days radiating to bilateral shoulder and upper limbs.
bilateral knee pains
advised admission , not willing to admit
ultracet for 2 days
pantop for 5 days

[10/05/23, 10:37:07 AM] ~ A.R.T.TEJASRI: s no 5.
op no : 2021021049
c/olowerlimb pain since 4 days, more in  thigh, aggravated on walking, neck pain radiating to back decreased on rest
o/e slrt +ve on right 
abpi >0.9
Physiotherapy for right sciatic pain
advised for admission not willing to admit .

[10/05/23, 11:25:53 AM] ~ A.R.T.TEJASRI: s no 6
op no 20210208630
34 M
c/o fever since 1 week, intermittent in nature
myalgia since 1 week ,more low back pain  and burning micturition since 1 week , No increased and decreased frequency of micturition 
patient advised to admit , not willing for admission.

[10/05/23, 11:40:09 AM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: For 3, 4, 5, 6?

[10/05/23, 11:42:50 AM] ~ A.R.T.TEJASRI: s no 7
op no: 20230516246
55 F, came for regular check up
type 2 diabetes since 4 years on glimi m1 po/of.
hypertensive since 5 years on tab Thelma-H po/od.
advised admission not willing for admit.

[10/05/23, 11:45:23 AM] ~ A.R.T.TEJASRI: treatment given , patient advised for admission  according to their convenience

[10/05/23, 11:45:31 AM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: 👆

[10/05/23, 11:47:53 AM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: Not just medication 

PaJR is about learning from the patient's hourly activities (energy expenditure) and daily food plates (enery intake) 

Life style modification, the key to beating diabetes is all about the delicate balancing of energy!

[10/05/23, 12:12:40 PM] ~ Parvez Ansari: 8.
Op no. 20230516259
C/O fever high grade associated with chills for 3 days
C/O severe pain in right  hypochondrium region non radiating for 3 days
Advised admission for further evaluation 
Patient is not willing for admission

[10/05/23, 12:14:09 PM] ~ Parvez Ansari: 09
Op no:20230516263

C/o- headache for 2 weeks(over temporal region) 
C/O vomitings 2 episodes(non projectile) 
Patient was advised admission but they are not willing to get admitted.

[10/05/23, 12:27:11 PM] ~ A.R.T.TEJASRI: 10
op no :20230516298
35 F
c/o pain more in lowerlimbs
radiating from lumbar to ankle,more in calf
aggravated on walking for short distances
pip tenderness +
low grade fever since 1 month
abpi is 0.9
slrt negative 
patient was advised for admission , patient willing to get admitted tomorrow.

[10/05/23, 12:36:14 PM] ~ Parvez Ansari: 11
Op no:20230516303

C/O knee pain raditing to ankle
C/O shoulder pain radiating to hand for 5 months
K/c/o DM II for 10 years  and on medication glimi M1 
Patient was advised admission
She will come tomorrow for admission

[10/05/23, 12:37:28 PM] ~ A.R.T.TEJASRI: 11 
op no:2023051630
c/o seizure like episode 6 days ago
tongue bite with fronthing,regained consciousness after 2 weeks
first episode 3 years 
second episode 2 years ago
advised for admission not willing to admit.

[10/05/23, 12:43:29 PM] ~ A.R.T.TEJASRI: 12
op no : 20230516293
ENT referral 
advised admission for evaluation of bronchial asthma, ? metabolic syndrome,chronic uncontrolled hypertension. patient will come tomorrow for admission.

[10/05/23, 12:46:46 PM] ~ A.R.T.TEJASRI: 13

[10/05/23, 12:53:50 PM] ~ A.R.T.TEJASRI: 14.
op no: 20230516682
C/o fever since 1 week associated with chills and rigors high grade , flank pain since 3 days
advised admission getting admitted.

[10/05/23, 12:57:14 PM] ~ A.R.T.TEJASRI: 15.2023516680
c/o difficulty in breathing since 10days aggravated since 3 days
c/o headache in frontal area since 10 days 
supraorbital tenderness present 
? frontal sinusitis 
patient advised for admission  not willing to admit

[10/05/23, 1:04:20 PM] ~ A.R.T.TEJASRI: 16
op no : 20230516705
44/F handloom weaver 
c/o neck pain since 2 months radiating to right upper limb .k/c/o cervical spondylosis since 2 years
h/o trauma 2 years ago 
spurling test  negative .

advised admission not willing to admit .

[10/05/23, 1:04:44 PM] ~ A.R.T.TEJASRI: 17.

[10/05/23, 2:43:07 PM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: What were your differentials and please mention what would have you done for every patient after admission

[10/05/23, 2:44:13 PM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: Admitted or just PaJRed from previous?

[10/05/23, 2:45:03 PM] ~ Navya: Not willing for admission

[10/05/23, 2:45:36 PM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: What are your differentials and please mention what would you do for every patient after admission

[10/05/23, 2:46:27 PM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: Elaborate more about how you analyzed his weakness and sweating

[10/05/23, 2:47:55 PM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: How does one diagnose K/c/o cervical spondylosis since two years?

[10/05/23, 2:49:28 PM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: What is the diagnosis for his difficulty in breathing after history and clinical examination? How did you try to help him once he refused admission?

[10/05/23, 3:10:38 PM] ~ Navya: 18.
Op no. 20230316720
C/O neck pain radiating to both upperlimbs since 2 days
H/O body pains 3 weeks back

Advised admission for further evaluation but not willing for admission

[10/05/23, 3:15:42 PM] ~ Navya: 19.
Op no. 20230513807
C/O headache since 5 days
C/O neck pain since 5 days
C/O body pains since 5 days
H/O Fever 3 days back, low grade relieved by taking medication
C/O cough since 5 days relieved after taking medication
K/C/O DM-2 since 4 yrs on GLIMI -M1 PO/OD
C/o nocturia since 4 months 

Advised admission for further evaluation but not willing for admission

[10/05/23, 3:18:51 PM] ~ A.R.T.TEJASRI: ? peripheral arterial disease
? radicular pain
? spondyloarthritis
paracetamol given she wants to join tomorrow .

[10/05/23, 3:22:21 PM] ~ Navya: 20.
C/O:Left side chest tightness,palpitations since 2 days
No H/O chest pain,SOB, vomitings,fever, diarrhoea,cough
N/K/C/O CAD,CVD,TB,Asthma,Epilepsy, Thyroid abnormalities
H/O Alcohol intake present (90ml per day daily)
Adviced for admission for further evaluation,but not willing to get admitted

[10/05/23, 3:27:51 PM] ~ A.R.T.TEJASRI: * nasal obstruction since 10days aggravated since 3 days , with running nose since 10 days 
differential Rhinosinusitis sir

[10/05/23, 4:36:10 PM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: Would that cause difficulty in breathing? 

What's the reason for his difficulty in breathing?

[10/05/23, 4:36:35 PM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: Only 20 cases seen in opd today! 😳

[10/05/23, 4:38:37 PM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: Sometimes I find myself wishing I had AI language model avatars of our interns particularly on whatsapp platforms as those would at least answer back! @919000166698

[10/05/23, 5:34:09 PM] ~ A.R.T.TEJASRI: no difficulty in breathing, its just nasal obstruction sir.

[10/05/23, 5:35:06 PM] ~ A.R.T.TEJASRI: yes sir.

[10/05/23, 9:59:52 PM] ~ A.R.T.TEJASRI: I meant ,there is no shortness of breath or awareness of his own breath sir .

11th May 2023,Thursday

[11/05/23, 9:24:35 AM] ~ Rishitha: 1.
Op no:20230517078
C/O Generalised body pains
Pain in B/L upper and lower limbs since 20 days aggravated on taking non veg,non relieving factors 
No back pain,tingling sensation 
K/c/o HTN since 1 month(T.Telma 40mg OD)
Patient adviced for admission but not willing

[11/05/23, 9:30:45 AM] ~ Vasitha: 2. Op no:20210513482
C/o hyperthyroidism since 10years
On T.Carbimazole 5mg OD
No fresh complaints 
Patient advised for admission but not willing

[11/05/23, 9:42:30 AM] ~ Vasitha: 3.Op no:20230517092
C/o headache since 6months
Unilateral-R side
Blurring of vision
Neck pain
Patient advised for admission but not willing

[11/05/23, 9:46:08 AM] ~ Rishitha: 3.Op no:20230517093
C/O pain abdomen since 1 day
Squeezing type in umbilical and hypogastric areas
C/o giddiness since 20 days on and off
P/A-tenderness in hypogastric region 
Patient advised for admission but not willing

[11/05/23, 10:03:01 AM] ~ Rishitha: 5.op no:20230517494
C/o shortness of breath on exertion and decreased appetite since 1 month
SOB aggravated on activity and relieved on lying down
C/o right sided chest pain decreased now after taking medication 
F/c/o prerenal AKI secondary to dehydration 
K/c/o pneumonia 4 years back
K/c/o DM since 6 years on tab.Glimi M2 PO BD
Decreased breath sounds in rt side
Patient advised for admission but not willing

[11/05/23, 10:07:05 AM] ~ Vasitha: 6. op no: 20210526475
C/o chest pain since 1day (Rt side)
Non radiating
Pain in upper back since 1 day
H/o trauma(fist fight) ,since the he had complaints of chest pain&upper back
Patient advised for admission but not willing

[11/05/23, 10:14:21 AM] ~ Rishitha: 7.op no:20230517521
F/c/o decompensated chronic liver disease 
C/o distension of abdomen decreased
Shortness of breath decreased
C/o pin abdomen in left hypochondrium since 1 month(pricking type)
Increased on sitting and relieved on lying down
Patient advised for admission but not willing

[11/05/23, 10:33:17 AM] ~ Vasitha: 8. Op no: 20230517502
C/o Right knee pain f/b b/l knee pain since 2.5yrs
Right shoulder joint pain since 2yrs
Pain in Left wrist joint since 1year
K/c/o Rheumatoid Arthritis &on medication
Early morning stiffness 
Patient advised for admission but not willing

[11/05/23, 10:39:04 AM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: Clinically is she euthyroid?

[11/05/23, 10:39:37 AM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: What medications is she currently on?

[11/05/23, 10:41:06 AM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: Please mention detailed clinical history and examination findings and create a PaJR and case report for every patient that would be made after admission 

@918317669334 Please ensure this asap!

[11/05/23, 10:42:39 AM] Lohith Pg Gm : Okay sir

[11/05/23, 10:44:53 AM] ~ Vasitha: T.Methotrexate 7.5mg weekly once 
T.Folic acid 5mg OD
T.Deflazacort 6mg OD

[11/05/23, 10:46:49 AM] ~ Vasitha: Yes sir

[11/05/23, 10:49:17 AM] ~ Rishitha: 9.op no:20230518017
C/o cough with expectoration since 20 days
Whitish,mucoid,non blood tinged,non foul smelling
SOB on exertion since 15 days increased on physical activity and relieved on lying down
Patient advised for admission but not willing

[11/05/23, 10:56:28 AM] ~ Vasitha: 10. Op no: :20230518012
C/o chest pain(Left side) since 1 month
pricking type
Non radiating
K/c/o HTN since 5 years &on medication - Amlodipine 5mg OD
Patient advised for admission but not willing

[11/05/23, 10:59:59 AM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: Is it Grave's hyperthyroidism? Or toxic adenoma? Did she have only medical management?

[11/05/23, 11:00:47 AM] Rakesh Biswas Sir:Ensure a detailed history for this patient

[11/05/23, 11:01:10 AM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: Also clinical examination findings using standard online available templates

[11/05/23, 11:01:49 AM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: Details!

[11/05/23, 11:02:21 AM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: Since when?

[11/05/23, 11:02:50 AM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: Details!

[11/05/23, 11:18:58 AM] ~ Rishitha: 11.op no:20230518071
Occupation:Rice mill worker since 40 years
C/o while working in ricemill yesterday afternoon 
Patient hair got struck in treadmill of machine and hair got plucked(parietal region)and had pain over that area and right ear
Injury to right ear:contusion seen
No H/O LOC,seizures,bleed over the injured area,hearing abnormalities,skin changes
On examination:
Pt is C/C/C
No murmurs
Higher mental functions intact
Tenderness + in parietal area,right ear pinna
No signs of depressed fracture

[11/05/23, 11:21:25 AM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: Since when? 

Clinical image of the affected area?

[11/05/23, 11:22:38 AM] ~ Rishitha: Yesterday afternoon this incident happened sir

[11/05/23, 11:31:18 AM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: Pointer to the affected area?

[11/05/23, 11:38:42 AM] ~ Rishitha: 12.op no:20210527839
C/o fever since 5 days
Low grade,intermittent
C/o toothache(right upper molar)on and off since 6 months associated with Jaw pain since 1 day
No c/o cold,cough,burning micturition,pain abdomen,vomitings,loose stools
On examination:
Pallor present
Oral examination:
Poor oral hygiene 
Dental caries present
CVS:S1,S2 +
No murmurs
Patient advised for admission for further evaluation but not willing

[11/05/23, 11:54:17 AM] ~ Vasitha: 13. Op no: 20210225234
C/o headache since 4 days(parietal region)
C/o bloating sensation since 4days
K/c/o hypothyroidism since 2 years
On thyronorm 50 mcg
No h/o nausea, vomiting,photophobia,giddiness,photophobia  
CVS:S1,S2 +
No murmurs
Patient advised for admission but not willing

[11/05/23, 12:15:41 PM] ~ Vasitha: 14. op no: 20210125559
C/o b/l pedal edema since 20 days 
Facial puffiness since 20 days
Burning micturition since 20 days
B/l knee pains since 20years  relieved on ayurvedic medication 
B/l crepitus present 
ROM: Decreased 
No hematuria,frothy urine 
Pt is c/c/c 
CVS:S1,S2 +
No murmurs 
P/A : soft,NT
No raised JVP
Pedal edema- Pitting type till knee

Patient advised for admission but not willing

[11/05/23, 12:31:05 PM] ~ Vasitha: 15.Op no : 20210115619

C/o Giddiness since 1 month. 
c/o tingling sensations on b/l upper
C/o profuse  sweating since 1 month.
C/o Neck  pain since 1 month 
H/o chikungunya 3yrs back
C/o Rt Knee pain associated with swelling 3 yrs back - septic arthritis? For which pus was draining and was managed
C/o left sided neck pain since 1 month
Pain increased on neck movements 
associated with giddiness 
associated with tingling sensation in b/l upper limbs
N/k/c/o HTN ,TB,Asthma,CAD,Epilepsy,CVA
Pt is c/c/c 
CVS:S1,S2 +
No murmurs 
P/A : soft,NT
 Patient advised for admission but not willing

[11/05/23, 12:37:51 PM] ~ Vasitha: 16. op no: 20230518196

C/o Generalised body pains since 4 months 
increased on physical activity 
on and off
relieved on taking medication 
H/o fall from bike 5  months back
(Bike skid and fall) 
Since  then he had c/o body pains
No h/o fever ,cough,vomitings,loose stools

No c/o pedal edema / decreased urine  output/ hematuria/ frothy urine 
NO c/o involuntary movements/ tingling sensation / parasthesias.

Pt is c/c/c 
CVS:S1,S2 +
No murmurs 
P/A : soft,NT
 Patient advised for admission but not willing

[11/05/23, 12:42:26 PM] ~ Rishitha: 17.Op no:20230518114
C/o pain in palms ans soles since 3-4 years
No tingling sensation/numbness
Pain in hands and calf muscles present
No joint tenderness,redness,itching
No H/o fever during pain
No c/o SOB,palpitations,chestpain
Not an alcoholic/smoker
Hairloss in beard and moustache since 3 months
C/o weight gain
O/E:pt is c/c/c
CVS: S1,S2 +
Reddish patches(macules)seen on palms and soles:tenderness +

[11/05/23, 12:50:49 PM] ~ Vasitha: 18. Op no: 20230518167
C/o  pain  abdomen since 2 weeks 
Left hypochondrium (pricking type) 
Aggravated sine 3 days
Non radiating 
pain abdomen not increased/decreased on changing postures
No c/o loose stools/ vomitings 
C/o left sided neck pain 
Radiating to left upper limb
Not a/w tingling sensation 
not a/w gildiness
relieved on taking medication given by local rmp
K/c/o DM 
On medication 
T .Glimestar m2 forte 
No c/o fever,cough,sob
N/k/c/o HTN ,TB,Asthma,CAD,Epilepsy,CVA

Pt is c/c/c 
CVS:S1,S2 +
No murmurs 
P/A : soft,NT
 Patient advised for admission but not willing

[11/05/23, 12:51:43 PM] ~ Rishitha: 19.op no:20230518188
C/o decreased appetite since 4 days
Abdominal tightness present
Generalised body pains since 4-5 days
H/o weight loss,constipation,Belching present
No c/o SOB, palpitations,chestpain,fever,burning micturition,pain abdomen
On examination:
Pt is c/c/c
Skin turgor decreased 
Dry tongue present
CVS:s1,s2 +
Patient advised for admission but not willing

[11/05/23, 1:01:29 PM] ~ Rishitha: 20.op no:20230518578
C/o burning micturition since 1 day
Normal urine output
No C/o pain abdomen,fever,sob,chestpain,itching,hematuria
Normal menstrual history
No white discharge 
N/k/c/o HTN,DM,Asthma,TB,epilepsy,thyroid disorders
Pt is c/c/c
No murmurs
Patient advised for admission but not willing

[11/05/23, 1:12:44 PM] ~ Rishitha: 21.op no:20230518186
C/o nausea and sob since 15 days
Decreased appetite 
Sob increased after taking food
K/c/o hypertension since 1 year on T.Telma 40 mg OD
N/k/c/o DM,Asthma,TB,epilepsy,thyroid disorders
Pt is c/c/c
No murmurs
Patient advised for admission but not willing

[11/05/23, 2:18:51 PM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: Not sent him to dental college?

[11/05/23, 2:19:31 PM] ~ Rishitha: Sent sir

[11/05/23, 2:34:47 PM] ~ Rishitha: 22.op no:20230518608
C/o low back ache since 20 days
Left sided radiating to left lower limb
Tingling sensation present 
No C/o numbness,weakness
N/k/c/o HTN,DM,Asthma,TB,epilepsy,thyroid disorders
No similar complaints in the past
No pain/tingling of right lower limb
Pt is c/c/c
No murmurs
Patient advised for admission but not willing

[11/05/23, 2:46:01 PM] ~ Rishitha: 23.op no:20230518609
C/O Fever 1 month back not associated with chills,intermittent,no diurnal variation,relieved after taking medication 
C/O fever since 1 week not associated with chills
C/o nausea,vomiting,decreased appetite since 5 days
2-3 episodes of vomiting day before yesterday,2 episodes yesterday,bilious and non projectile 
B/L knee pains (left more than right)aggravated since 4 days
Generalised weakness since 4 days
N/k/c/o HTN,DM,Asthma,TB,epilepsy,thyroid disorders
Pt is c/c/c
No murmurs
Patient advised for admission and getting admitted

[11/05/23, 3:11:18 PM] ~ Vasitha: 24. Op no: 20230518620
C/o abdominal bloating,indigestion since 2years
C/o burning sensation since 2 years
Belchings present 
decreased sleep
No c/o chest  pain/ S0B/ palpitations/
syncopal attacks
K/c/o HTN
On medication since 3 years
Amlodipine 5mg OD
N/k/c/o TB,Asthma,CAD,Epilepsy,CVA

Pt is c/c/c 
CVS:S1,S2 +
No murmurs 
P/A : soft,NT
Patient advised for admission but not willing

[11/05/23, 3:14:34 PM] ~ Rishitha: 25.op no:20230518619
C/o pain abdomen(burning type)with regurgitation of food since 1 year aggravated since 5 days
Pain abdomen inversed after taking food 
C/o tingling sensation in right hand since 5 days
No H/O fever,loose stools,burning micturition,vomitings
No H/o chest pain,palpitations,syncopal attacks
N/k/c/o HTN,DM,Asthma,TB,epilepsy,thyroid disorders
Pt is c/c/c
No murmurs
Patient advised for admission but not willing

[11/05/23, 3:26:57 PM] ~ Vasitha: 26.Op no: 20230518589
C/o  Neck pain(left side)since 1 month
Radiating to left shoulder 
No c/o giddiness 
No c/o tingling sensation/ parasthesia
No c/o headache 
No restriction of movements
H/o trauma to Neck 1 year back
N/k/c/o HTN,TB,Asthma,CAD,Epilepsy,CVA
Pt is c/c/c 
CVS:S1,S2 +
No murmurs 
P/A : soft,NT
Patient advised for admission but not willing

[11/05/23, 3:27:45 PM] ~ Rishitha: 27.op no:20210212984
C/o pain in right lumbar region radiating to umbilical area since today morning 
C/o burning micturition since last night 
No c/o nausea,vomiting,loose stools,constipation,fever
C/o abdominal bloating and distension since today morning 
Normal urine output 
N/k/c/o HTN,DM,Asthma,TB,epilepsy,thyroid disorders
Pt is c/c/c
No murmurs
Patient advised for admission but not willing

12th May 2023,Friday

[12/05/23, 8:28:04 AM] Rakesh Biswas Sir:How many admitted out of 27 seen in OPD?

[12/05/23, 8:29:04 AM] Lohith Pg Gm : 2 admissions sir

[12/05/23, 9:58:35 AM] Deepthi Ma’am : 1. Op no :20230518916
C/o pain in left  side neck starts in left occipital region  dragging type since 3years associated with headache in left fronto parietal region ,pain not relieved by taking rest
N/k/c/o DM ,HTN,tb epilespsy ,asthma
No swelling/tenderness over left occipital region
CVS:s1 s2+
No murmers 
Patient advised admmision but not willing for admission

[12/05/23, 10:06:07 AM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: Share more about the history 

What are the hourly activities of the patient from early morning till sleeping at night and when does he experience the pain? What is the duration and frequency of the pain 

Create a PaJR group for those who can't be admitted to regularly follow up their pain. Tell them this case report is the most important report they need to get done. 

Ask all interns to do the same

[12/05/23, 10:17:57 AM] ~ Rithika: 2. OP NO: 20210321153
Complaints of pain while swallowing since 3 to 4 days
Complaints of difficulty in swallowing insidious in onset gradually progressive since 1 month
No history of fever, vomitings, diarrhoea,sob , palpitations, chest pain, increased sweating.
K/c/o hyperthyroidism on tab.carbimazole 10 mg PO/OD
N/K/C/O DM,TB, asthma , cad,cva
O/E : Diffuse Neck swelling present
Swelling moving with deglutition
RS - BAE +
No murmurs
Cns - nfnd
P/A - soft, NT
Patient is advised admission but not willing for admission

[12/05/23, 10:24:27 AM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: Since when is he on carbimazole? 

Share the details of the hourly activities of the patient from early morning till sleeping at night before his diagnosis and how it changed since incuding what difference was made with carbimazole.

Create a PaJR group for those who can't be admitted to regularly follow up their pain. Get his upper GI endoscopy. Can come empty stomach on Tuesday 

Tell them this case report is the most important report they need to get done. 

Ask all interns to do the same

[12/05/23, 10:25:10 AM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: What about his eyes? No exopthalmos?

[12/05/23, 10:26:02 AM] ~ Rithika: Tab.carbimazole since 1 month
No exophthalmos sir

[12/05/23, 10:29:42 AM] ~ Penchala Manogna: Sir patient left sir untill we could trace her

[12/05/23, 10:31:13 AM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: Her fault I guess

[12/05/23, 10:38:18 AM] Deepthi Ma’am : 2. Op no 20230519345 
75/m  who is a farmer by occupation   Wakes up every morning  6am ,
7am he has   Breakfast, then goes to work after finishing his farming work returns to home by evening. Since 1yr he stopped going to his work because of pain at b/l knee region, pain at neck region whichis dragging type,radiating  to right side of neck since 1yr

tenderness in cervical region
Both knee joint tenderness
Crepitus +
 Cvs: s1 ,s2 heard ,no murmers
P/A soft , NT

[12/05/23, 10:43:27 AM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: What does he do the entire Day hourly and at which time does he experience the pain?

[12/05/23, 10:50:01 AM] ~ Rithika: 4.op no.20210208751
Complaints of headache since 15 days More on Right side than left, more in the morning and again at the evening,
Associated with nausea, associated with giddness ,photophobia present, phonophobia present,
no h/o trauma,loc,tinnitus, hearing loss,sob,chestpain, palpitations,orthopnea,pnd,no c/o cough,fever,cold, burning micturition 
Cvs- s1s2 heard
RS - BAE +
P/A - soft,nt
Tenderness present b/l over medial canthus of eye 
Dix hallpike manoevre - negative
Patient was advised for admission but not willing.

[12/05/23, 10:50:10 AM] ~ Penchala Manogna: Wake up at 5:30 and she will cook for the children, she is experiencing headache(duration-1hr)at morning which is relieved by taking medications immediately and come to the hospital by 8:30, breakfast(9am) and will do duty(ophthalmic assistant) till 5pm,she will return to home 
And do household chores(cleaning), and will do dinner by 8:30,sleep till 9:30 
And she also has headache during evening
@penchala manogna

[12/05/23, 10:53:59 AM] ~ Rithika: Bp in supine position - 110/70
Standing position- 96/70

[12/05/23, 10:54:26 AM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: Was she absolutely alright before 15 days?

[12/05/23, 10:57:07 AM] ~ Shivang Sharma: She was experiencing headache intermittently sir once a week

[12/05/23, 10:57:09 AM] ~ Manohar Nadella: O.P no:20238518937
H/o Hypothyroidism since 1yr 
36 year old female who looks after household work ,1 year back she noticed gaining weight; went to local hospital diagnosed with hypothyroidism and started on tab thyronorm 75mcg ( tsh value not available) later she not on follow up, 1 wk back she got thyroid testing done outside TSH - 11 thyronorm dose increased to 100mcg outside 
TSH: 11.15
Pt is c/c/c
CVS:S1 S2 heard ; No murmurs
P/A Soft Nontender
Advised for admission but not willing for it.

[12/05/23, 11:04:47 AM] ~ Rithika: 6.op no 20230519319
Complaints of heaviness in chest since 3 to 4 months
Complaints of occasional palpitations since 3 to 4 months
Complaints of nausea throughout the day precipitated by emotional factors,noise
Complaints of sob since 6days grade 3 aggravated with daily routine works and releived with rest
No history of orthopnea, pnd,chest pain
Complaints of fever since 3 days not associated with chills and rigors relieved on medication.
Complaints of burning micturition since 5 to 6 days
No history of decrease the urine output ,cough , cold
Hypertensions since 5 months tab.met xl 50 mg po/od
N/k/c/o dm , thyroid disorder, epilepsy 

1st episode dec 22
Palpitations relieved only on taking medication
Frequency 1/week
Not associated with anxiety fever
No giddiness,sob,chest tightness
CVS - s1s2heard,no murmurs
Rs - bae +,nvbs
Patient was advised admission but not willing.

[12/05/23, 11:09:55 AM] ~ Rithika: 7.op no.20230519346
Complaints of cough since one year, associated with sputum, whitish yellowish in colour , scanty in amount ,blood tinged, non foul smelling,
Complaints of weight loss associated with low grade fever more in the evening
Complaints of pain in the epigastrium aggravated with spicy food intake relieved with medication
N/k/c/o htn.tb,dm, thyroid disorder.
Patient was advise for admission but not willing.

[12/05/23, 11:10:17 AM] Deepthi Ma’am : 3.op no:20230519836
55/M who is a daily labour by occupation wakes up every morning at 7am,then at 8 am he has breakfast ,then he goes to daily labour work but stopped  his  daily labour work due to sudden onset weakness left upper limb and left lowerlimb 3years back ( CVA) and was on ecospirin av but he stopped medication after using for 15days . He was not using medication due to affordability issues . 
H/o low backache radiating to b/l lower limbs associated with tingling sensation of distal extermities 1yr 
And he was given nsaids with pregabalin.
He noticed development of pedal edema after using pain killers he stopped taking them
 Now ,came  with Complaints ofdragging type of pain lf lowerlimb so he was unable to do his daily labourer job
K/c/o HTN  since 3years but not using any medication
Patient c/c/c
CVS: s1s2 heard 
P/A soft ,Non tender
CNS: antalgic gait
 Advised admission but not willing for admission

[12/05/23, 11:11:56 AM] Deepthi Ma’am : 8th*

[12/05/23, 11:14:06 AM] ~ Manohar Nadella: O.P no:20230519416
Bank employee came;C/O:Left side Chest Pain, since 3 days , he noticed pain after lifting heavy weight while doing his farming activity near house which is pricking type and increases on lifting weights.
Pain is non radiating, not associated with sob, palpitations, excessive sweating, giddiness

N/K/C/O Htn Dm Tb Epilepsy Asthma .
Pt is C/c/c
Tenderness present in left side of chest. 
CVS:S1 S2 + No murmurs 
P/A:Soft Non Tender 
Diag: ? Chest pain 2o to Musculoskeletal origin

[12/05/23, 11:18:28 AM] ~ Manohar Nadella: 9th

[12/05/23, 11:20:25 AM] ~ Rithika: 10.op no.20210524434
Complaints of headache since 3 to 4 days in the frontal region.
Associated with nausea, photophobia ,giddiness.

phonophobia absent 
No h/o loc, tinnitus, hearing loss,
No h/o sob,chestpain , palpitations ,orthopnea, pnd ,pedal edema,fever
N/k/c/o htn,dm,tb, epilepsy, asthma 
Cvs- s1s2 heard
RS - BAE +,nvbs
P/A - soft,nt
Patient is advised admission but not willing.

[12/05/23, 11:22:47 AM] ~ Shivang Sharma: 20230519348 22/F   c/o - generalised weakness since 10 days , c/o sob grade. 3 , aggregated with daily routine nd relived with rest , c/o occasional palpitations , pallor+ nt , no fever ,cough ,cold , burning micturition,diarrhea ,     no h/o low grade fever significant wt loss 5 kg with in 2 months .   Not a k/c/o htn dm , thyroid disorder   cvs - S1 S2 heard ,no murmur , rs - BAE + ,NVBS ,.    Per abdomen - soft ,non tender ,no organomegaly . patient is advised admission but not willing.

[12/05/23, 11:31:29 AM] ~ Manohar Nadella: 10. O.P no : 20230519421
Saree Weaver by occupation came with C/O: Fever on and off since 1 month which is Low grade ,a/w Lower Back ache and Pain Abdomen (Burning type) 
Both Knee joint pains.
Headache aggravated on alcohol intake.
C/o: Cough , Cold since 2 days 
Cough: Productive , Scanty sputum with brownish colour  , Non blood stained.
N /k /c/o : Htn Dm Tb Asthma Epilepsy 
O/E: Pt is C/c/c 
CVS :S1 S2 + No murmurs 
P/A : Soft Nontender
Diag:? Viral Pyrexia 
Pt. Advices for admission but not willing for it.

[12/05/23, 11:31:41 AM] ~ Penchala Manogna: Might not be grade-3 
Wake up at 7:00am, 
breakfast -10:30,
And start doing work(work from home)-duration-4hrs a day
Since 10days she is experiencing shortness of breath (not able to go upstairs-2floors which she used to do before)-grade -2

[12/05/23, 11:32:17 AM] ~ Rithika: 12.op no.20230519341
Complaints of neck pains since 3 to 4 days
Associated with headache more over the occipital region
Not associated with nausea vomiting photophobia phonophobia
Occasional lacrimation present from bilateral eyes
No loc,h/o trauma, fever chest pain palpitations increase the sweating sob 
Dix hallpike manoevre -negative
Cvs- s1s2 heard
RS - BAE + , NVBS heard
P/A - soft,nt
Patient is advised for admission but not willing.

[12/05/23, 11:33:16 AM] ~ Manohar Nadella: 13.
[12/05/23, 11:33:22 AM] ~ Manohar Nadella: *

[12/05/23, 11:42:04 AM] ~ Rithika: 14.Op no.20230519884
53 M
Complaints of knee pains since 2 months insidious onset and gradually progressive
Complaints of tingling and numbness of both upper and lower limbs since 2 months
Nocturia present
Polydypsia,polyphagia absent
Complaints of fever since 3 days associated with chills and rigor 
Complaints of constipations since one year
No history of cough cold burning micturition
N/k/c/o dm,htn , epilepsy, thyroid disorder, asthma 
Cvs- s1s2 heard
RS - BAE + , NVBS heard
P/A - soft,nt
Patient is advised admission but not willing

[12/05/23, 11:47:44 AM] ~ Rithika: 15.op no.20230519889
Complaints of tingling and numbness of both upper and lower limbs since 3 months
Complaints of generalised weakness since 3 months
No history of cold fever,cough,  burning micturition ,sob, chest pain ,palpitation ,pnd, orthopnea
N/K/c/o htn,dm, thyroid disorder 
Pallor + 
Cvs- s1s2 heard
RS - BAE + , NVBS heard
P/A - soft,nt
Patient is advised for admission but not willing.

[12/05/23, 12:06:27 PM] ~ Rithika: 16.op no.20230519921
Complaints of pain over suprapubic area since 10 days not associated with nausea and vomiting
Insidious in onset gradually progressive aggravated on food intake and relieved with medication
Complaints of constipation since 10 days
complaints of pain while defecations since 10 days
No history of fever, burning micturition,pedal edema ,decreased urine output,sob, palpitations, pnd orthopnea 
Tenderness present over suprapubic area
Cvs- s1s2 heard
RS - BAE + , NVBS heard
Patient is advised for admission but not willing

[12/05/23, 12:06:46 PM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: So her only issue was weight gain and no other symptoms of hypothyroidism? 

How did she notice weight gain?

[12/05/23, 12:07:23 PM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: What about her clinical images of visceral fat and muscle in her PaJR group?

[12/05/23, 12:07:58 PM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: Age? Gender?

[12/05/23, 12:08:25 PM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: Respiratory rate?

[12/05/23, 12:08:41 PM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: 6 minute walk test?

[12/05/23, 12:09:36 PM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: @917893782276 The SR's can also guide?

[12/05/23, 12:11:45 PM] ~ Manohar Nadella: 16.O.P: 20230519436
Daily Labourer by occupation came with C/O: Lower back ache and tingling sensation in  both the feet since 2 months,She stopped going to work since then and complains of pain even while rest
K/c/o: HTN since 1 yr. and on regular medication. 
Pt is C/c/c 
No tenderness in neck 
No tenderness in spine 
No restriction of movements 
CVS : S1   S2 + No murmurs 
RS : BAE + NVBS + 
P /A: Soft NonTender 
Diag : ? Lumbar spondylosis

[12/05/23, 12:12:00 PM] Deepthi Ma’am : 17Op no: 20230519425
69/F who is agricultural  labour by occupation came :
C/o neckpain since 4days insidious in onset ,aggravated during movements, not asscoiated with tingling senasation of b/l upperlimbs

  History of right upper limb and lower limb weakness with slurring of speech (CVA)10years back

K/c/o HTN  since 10 years and was on medication (TAB TELMA H 40/12.5mng
Tab telma, chlorthalidone, cilnidipine)40,6.125,10mg

O/E: no neck tenderness
No restriction of movements
Cvs:s1s2 heard ,no murmers
P/A: soft ,non tender
N/k/c/0  DM,tb ,epilepsy,asthma

 Patient advised admission not willing for admission

[12/05/23, 12:12:07 PM] ~ Rithika: 50/F
6 minutes walk test - negative

[12/05/23, 12:12:23 PM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: What was his daily hourly activity since he stopped work?

[12/05/23, 12:13:46 PM] ~ Manohar Nadella: 18

[12/05/23, 12:15:15 PM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: Negative means not done? 

Tell us how you did it in the OPD? 

Would tachypneoa not be a contraindication?

[12/05/23, 12:18:27 PM] ~ Manohar Nadella: She doesn’t mention regarding cold intolerance 
Menstrual abnormalities 
Her clothing was getting tight and cross check her weight .

[12/05/23, 12:20:07 PM] Deepthi Ma’am : Wake up at 6:00am, 
breakfast -8:00am
Sits ideally watches tv ,talks with his neighbours  ,
Sits outside in the evening   , spends time with his family

[12/05/23, 12:28:49 PM] ~ Rithika: 19. Op no.20210115696
Complaints of fever since 10 days associated with chills and rigor 
Relieved with medication
Complaints of heaviness in chest, complaints of sob ,grade 1 since 10 days
Complaints of burning micturition since 10 days
No decreased urine output ,chest pain, palpitations
N/k/c/o htn,dm, thyroid disorder 
Cvs- s1s2 heard
RS - BAE + , NVBS heard
P/A - soft,nt
Patient is advised for admission but not willing.

[12/05/23, 12:29:23 PM] ~ Rithika: 32/F

[12/05/23, 12:31:30 PM] ~ Manohar Nadella: 20. O.P no : 20230520023
Occu:Shopkeeper supplying plumbing material
C/o: Burning Micturition since 5 months 
Heaviness in both Lowerlimbs since 5 months 
Indigestion since 5 months
Generalised body weakness since 5 months 
N/K /c/o : Htn Dm TB Epilepsy   Asthma 
Pt is C/c/c
CVS : s1 s2 + No murmurs 
P/A : Soft Nontender 
Diag : ?  Acute gastritis 
            ? Dyspepsia 
Advised for admission but not willing for it

[12/05/23, 12:37:52 PM] ~ Rithika: 21.op no.20210116670
Complaints of heaviness in chest pain since 3 to 4 days
No c/o palpitations, orthopnea, pnd ,sob 
Complaints of generalised weakness of upper Limbs and lower limbs since 10 days
No history of fever, vomitings ,diarrhoea, burning micturition, decreased urine output
N/k/c/o htn,dm, thyroid disorder 
Cvs- s1s2 heard
RS - BAE + , NVBS heard
P/A - soft,nt
Patient is advised for admission but not willing.

[12/05/23, 12:40:27 PM] Deepthi Ma’am : 22.Op no :20230519977
47/M who is a school teacher by occupation came with
C/o pain in left side of chest since 1week as the
Patient had injury 1week back hit by wall on left side of chest,since then he developed pain in left side of chest wwhich is aggravated on sleeping on that side and relieved by sleeping on other side
 N/k/c/o HTN ,DM,Tb asthma, epilepsy
 Tenderness over 2nd and 3rd ribs on left side
 CVS: s1 s2 heard
P/A  soft ,nontender
Patient advised admission but not willing for admission

[12/05/23, 12:50:03 PM] ~ Rithika: 23. Op no. 20210507159
C/o sob grade 3 since 2years aggravated more since  2 months relieved with medication, more with daily activities
Associated with sputum whitish ,scanty ,mucoid, non foul smelling
No history of cough cold fever burning micturition
No history of chest pain palpitations orthopnea pnd
K/c/o asthma since 10 years using inhaler
Using dexamethasone 0.5mg tablets and montelukast tablets at time of attack 
N/k/c/o htn,dm, thyroid disorder 
Cvs- s1s2 heard
RS - BAE + , wheeze + in  right MA ,IAA,SSA,interscapular area 
P/A - soft,nt
Patient is advised for admission but not willing.

[12/05/23, 1:07:10 PM] Deepthi Ma’am : 23.op no20230519979
C/0 pain in right calf region since 4months ,pain aggravates on walking ,so he stops walking due to pain and takes rest
C/0 difficulty in passing urine since 1year
 Frequency ,urgency, hesitancy+
Pt c/c /c
CVS: s1 s2heard
PA :soft ,non tender
Patient advised admission not willing for admission

[12/05/23, 1:08:44 PM] Deepthi Ma’am : 24

[12/05/23, 1:11:34 PM] ~ Rithika: 25.op no.20230519431
Complaints of unilateral headache on left side since 3 months associated with neck pain
No complaints of nausea vomiting photophobia ponophobia
No complaints of giddiness, loc, trauma
No history of cough, cold, fever ,burning micturition, vomiting, diarrhoea 
No history of chest pain, palpitations, orthopnea ,pnd.
K/c/o hypothyroidism since 5 years on tab.carbimazole 10 mg po/od
N/k/c/o htn,dm, thyroid disorder 
Cvs- s1s2 heard
RS - BAE + , NVBS heard
P/A - soft,nt
Patient is advised for admission but not willing.

[12/05/23, 2:12:56 PM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: When in these hourly slots does he experience the low backache? For how long?

[12/05/23, 2:13:38 PM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: Any tenderness over the chest or on movement of his upper limbs?

[12/05/23, 2:14:38 PM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: Respiratory rate?
[12/05/23, 2:17:27 PM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: Carbimazole for hypo?

[12/05/23, 2:18:24 PM] ~ Rithika: Hyperthyroidism* sorry sir typing mistake

[12/05/23, 2:30:28 PM] ~ Shivang Sharma: 16 cpm

[12/05/23, 2:49:41 PM] Deepthi Ma’am : 26. Op no 20230520425
Farmer by occupation came with complaints of
Tingling of right side of body since 3days
N/k/c/o DM,Tb,asthma epilepsy
Cvs- s1s2 heard
RS - BAE + , NVBS heard
P/A - soft,nt
Patient is advised for admission but not willing.

[12/05/23, 2:55:48 PM] Deepthi Ma’am : Backache is present all time sir   but aggaravates on bending or walking for long distance

[12/05/23, 3:10:39 PM] Deepthi Ma’am : 27.op no: 20230520431
66/M who is a farmer by occupation came with hyperpigmented lesion on left foot which is 7 *5 cm associated with itching 6months back. 
Patient had thorn prick and had lesion that healed by taking some medication .after 3months he had itching over same area and patient started scratching over same area,then developed hyperpigmented lesion
K/c/o DM since 2years but not using any medication
N/c/k/o HTN,tb ,asthma epilepsy
Cvs- s1s2 heard
RS - BAE + , NVBS heard
P/A - soft,nt
Patient is advised for admission but not willing.

[12/05/23, 4:20:48 PM] ~ Manohar Nadella: Tenderness is present over chest.Also positive for abducting in acute can raise arms comfortably

[12/05/23, 4:23:51 PM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: Only 27 seen in opd today? How many admitted @918317669334 ?

[12/05/23, 4:31:31 PM] Lohith Pg Gm : One admission sir

13th May 2023,Saturday 

[13/05/23, 10:12:41 AM] ~ Vaishnavi: 1.Op no 20230521217
C/0 headache which is Unilateral on left side,sometimes on right side since 3-4 yrs associated with neck pain,trigerring factor are eating non veg food/cold water weekly thrice since 3-4yrs
  H/o sensitivity to light and sound present
Relieved on medication(dolo) within 1hr

No H/o nausea , vomiting fever,giddiness 

Cvs s1s2 heard no murmur
Cns nfnd
Rs BAE present
P/a soft non tender 
Diagnosis -? migraine 
Pt was advised for admission but not willing

[13/05/23, 10:14:26 AM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: Tell us in detail his hourly 24x7 routine before the headache 4 years back and how his routine was disrupted after the headache started

[13/05/23, 10:20:55 AM] ~ Rajkumar Adepu: 2.
Op no 20230521244
45 M farmer by occupation came with complaints of bloating since 2 years
Abdominal discomfort since 2 years
Increased After consumption of alcohol and spicy food
C/o early satiety 
H/o belching +
No h/o regurgitation of food
No h/o nausea, vomiting
No h/o chest tightness
O/E :
Pt is c/c/c
Bp 130/80 mmHg
Pr 80 bpm
P/A-soft ,non tender
Cvs S1 S2+
Provisional diagnosis:
Dyspepsia under Evaluation 
Pt advised for admission but not willing

[13/05/23, 10:22:16 AM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: Tell us in detail his hourly 24x7 routine before the abdominal discomfort 2 years back and how his routine was disrupted after the abdominal discomfort started

[13/05/23, 10:32:58 AM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: What kind of differential diagnosis are they making, None of you are checking! 

[13/05/23, 10:33:25 AM] ~ Vaishnavi: 4.Op no 20210411219
32 M
A supermarket worker came with c/o  pain in lower rgt sacral dimples radiating to rt lumbar region since 15days
No h/o increased frequency of urine, burning micturation,fever
Pain is increased on bending forward and relieved on its own without taking medication
Regular travel on bike from home to shop
Mild pain experience on traveling after bending forward which is dragging type of pain experience atleast 4times per day
Not a k/c/o DM,htn,tb,cva,cad, epilepsy, asthma
Diagnosis -?lower backache

Pt was advised for admission but not willing

[13/05/23, 10:34:06 AM] ~ Vaishnavi: Pt is c/c/c 
Cvs s1s2 heard no murmur
Cns nfnd
Rs BAE present
P/a soft nontender

[13/05/23, 10:34:40 AM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: Tell us in detail his hourly 24x7 routine before the abdominal discomfort months back before his stroke and how his routine was disrupted after the stroke happened and focus on motor and sensory

[13/05/23, 10:38:07 AM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: Don't write a blanket statement like "patient adviced admission but unwilling"!! 

Tell us the patient requirements and what is our plan after admission. 
 I have been coming daily to opd and crying hoarse about this! Do you want me to come with a stick now and beat up everyone in the opd?

[13/05/23, 10:39:53 AM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: What about examination of musculoskeletal system with spine?

[13/05/23, 11:07:20 AM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: Check out the case history written by here👇 and restart asap 

[13/05/23, 11:07:35 AM] ~ Rajkumar Adepu: 5.Op no 20210514853
22F clerk by occupation
Her daily routine 
She wakes up at 6am in the morning and completes her household chores by 8 am skips her breakfast and lunch intermittently in hurry to work and continues her work comes back by 6pm to home and completes her dinner by 10pm and goes back to sleep immediately after food
came with complaints of Abdominal pain since 3 months burning type, non radiating, epigastric region  increased on taking food not associated with belching, bloating
H/o decrease in appetite 
No H/o regurgitation of food
No H/o nausea, vomiting
No h/o fever
Pt is c/c/c
Temp afebrile
PR 84 bpm
Bp 100/60mmHg
P/A soft and non tender
Cvs S1 S2+
Provisional diagnosis
Acid peptic disease

[13/05/23, 11:10:23 AM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: Don't share negative history 

Share images of visceral fat and muscle mass as shown in the link above by 

[13/05/23, 11:12:32 AM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: Is it the routine three months before her symptoms? Did it change in the last three months after the symptoms started? At what point of time in her hourly routine were the symptoms noticed the most?

[13/05/23, 11:14:05 AM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: What about your cases from opd?

[13/05/23, 11:17:28 AM] ~ Vaishnavi: 6.Op no 20230521293
Pt was homemaker do farming activities during free time but stopped working from past 20yrs due to increase in age from that she wakes around7am and do normal small household activities and takes rest but from past 2month she has difficultly in standing, walking,passing urine
Pt came with c/o pain in low back, dragging type of pain radiating to left lower limb upto knee since 2-3 months

Able squat and stand byherselfand pain on standing 
K/c/o htn since 10yrs on medication (atenolol 50mg+amlodipine 6mg) po od
Pt is c/c/c
Musculoskeletal system examination 
On right side
Straight leg test  -60degree positive
Pain on abduction,adduction, external rotation of hip joint
Sacroiliac joint tenderness
Cvs s1s2 heard no murmur
Cns nfnd
Rs BAE present
P/a soft non tender
Diagnosis -?sciatica 
Patient was adviced xray of spine  and adviced for  admission but not willing

[13/05/23, 11:19:20 AM] ~ Vaishnavi: Xray of LS spine

[13/05/23, 11:23:23 AM] ~ Rajkumar Adepu: 7.
Op no 20210114449
Teacher by occupation
Her daily routine
Wakes up at 530am in the morning and completes her household chores by 7am and have her breakfast by 8 am and goes to school at 1230pm she will have her lunch and continues the work comes back home by 5pm and do the house work and eats dinner by 8pm and goes back to sleep by 10pm 
came with complaints of low backache since 1 month non radiating not associated with tingling sensation of lower limb 
No h/o trauma
H/o increase in pain on prolonged sitting or bending forwards decreased on lying down on bed
No h/o renal calculi
Paraspinal muscle tenderness
Cvs S1 S2+
P/A soft and non tender
Provisional diagnosis
Myofacial pain due to overuse

[13/05/23, 11:26:04 AM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: No testing! Ask her to plan her next visit for admission and necessary testing 

It's SI joint with LS spine not LS Spine alone

[13/05/23, 11:27:30 AM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: 20 years back she was 40! What do you mean increasing Age? 

Share visceral fat and muscle mass images as illustrated in the PaJR link above

[13/05/23, 11:30:14 AM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: Is it the routine one month before her symptoms? 

Did it change in the last one month after the symptoms started? 

At what point of time in her hourly routine were the symptoms noticed the most?

[13/05/23, 11:34:44 AM] ~ Ajay Kumar Reddy: No change in her daily routines prior sir 
She doesn't recollect any change in routines 
She is experiencing pain while traveling in the bus and on prolonged sitting

[13/05/23, 11:38:52 AM] ~ Rajkumar Adepu: 8.Op no 20230521356
36F housewife 
Daily routine 
Wakes up at 6am and does household chores by 8am and eats her breakfast by 10 am and cooks lunch for family and will have lunch around 1pm
And takes rest and prepares dinner by 8pm and have dinner and goes back to sleep by 10pm
Came with complaints of fever since 1 day
No H/o cold cough
No h/o burning micturition
Low backache since 2 months increased on bending forwards
C/o abdominal discomfort associated with bloating and nausea early satiety
H/o decreased appetite
H/o hypokalemic periodic paralysis
H/o myalgias and generalized weakness
No previous documentation available
Using syp POTCHLOR ON AND OFF since 5 years 
paraspinal tenderness
Cvs S1 S2+
P/A soft and non tender
Advised admission for further evaluation of hypokalemia I/v/o channelopathy
But pt wants to get admitted later

[13/05/23, 11:48:35 AM] ~ Rajkumar Adepu: 9.
Op no 20230521350
Was prior farmer continued farming until 5 years ago
Daily routine 
Ragi Java with butter milk daily at 8am 
1 cup of rice with curry and curd at 2pm 
1 cup of rice with curd at 8pm
Presented with complaints of burning sensation of left foot since 2 months 
K/c/o DM since 2 months not on medication 
HTN since 20 years on unknown medication 
Bp 110/60mmhg
PR 84bpm
CVS S1 S2+
P/A soft and non tender 
Pt advised for admission for DM evaluation and wants to get admitted on Monday

[13/05/23, 11:50:40 AM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: So the pain is mild and not having any significant effect on slowing her daily routine?

[13/05/23, 11:52:52 AM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: Since when does she have history of hypokalemic paralysis? 

Has her two months of low back ache changed her daily routine or is it insignificant?

[13/05/23, 11:55:37 AM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: In this daily routine you have mentioned only her meals? 

Has the burning sensation in her left foot affected her life significantly?

[13/05/23, 11:57:03 AM] ~ Rajkumar Adepu: 5 years back two episodes ? Respiratory paralysis
No change in routine

[13/05/23, 11:58:53 AM] ~ Ajay Kumar Reddy: Yes sir pain is mild 
She is able to carry out routine activities

[13/05/23, 12:01:21 PM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: All interns please mention their full names in their dp as all the conversational transcripts will be analysed for their learning outcome contributions to the department to assess their internship completion competence. The interns who's names don't feature here and in the other group "ward audit" are at risk for extension
[13/05/23, 12:02:23 PM] ~ Rajkumar Adepu: She takes injections at RMP for pain since 5 years

[13/05/23, 12:06:04 PM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: So her pain since 5 years hasn't changed her routine inspite of her having to take injections? How frequently does she need to take them?

[13/05/23, 12:07:36 PM] ~ Vaishnavi: 10.Op no 20230521352
Patient was apparently asymptomatic 17yrs ago then he had appearance of lesion plaque(non scaly)type over dorsal aspect of palm later all over the body which was diagnosed as psoriasis and on topical medication (steroid).
From 2013
He had c/o multiple joint pain i.e pain in tarso metatarsal joint with joint pain and restrictions of movement,mrng stiffnessand ,for he got investegated in 2013 for Ana -negative,
RA -negative
CCP negative
CRP 1.1
diagnosed with psoriasitic arthritis and on medication 
Now came with c/o deformity in both hand and finger
K/c/o DM 2 on glipizide 5mg since 10yrs
Htn since 3month on medication lisinopril
Left hand
Tenderness present in left first carpal
Second and third metacarpophalangeal joint
Joint deformity present in  PIP  
Unable to clasp his fist completely
Right hand
Tenderness present in second and third MCP joints
Joint deformity present in interphalangeal joints
Unable to close his fist left>>right
Plaque (non scaly)all over body more over dorsal aspect of hands
Cvs s1s2 heard no murmur
Cns nfnd 
Rs BAE present
P/a soft non tender
Diagnosis psoriasitic arthritis
Pt was advised for addmission for further clinical examination and follow up but he came from california to meet his brother who is suffering with cancer so not willing for admission

[13/05/23, 12:09:26 PM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: Good also open his PaJR group and shift this data there

[13/05/23, 12:25:01 PM] ~ Rajkumar Adepu: 11.
Op no 20210120917
Shepherd by occupation goes to work at 8am in the morning and comes back at 5pm 
came with complaints of neck pain since 1 week dragging type Associated with headache giddiness for 1 day in the past 1 week
Giddiness for 30 min relieved after taking unknown medication
No h/o Pedal edema , decreased urine output
Diagnosed as HTN 1 week ago not on any medications had high BP recordings 160/90 150/90mmhg for 2-3 days and took medication
N/k/c/o CVA, DM 
pt is c/c/c
Cvs S1 S2+
P/A soft and non tender
Pt attender is security gaurd here so advised ECG sr.creatinine

[13/05/23, 12:51:38 PM] ~ Rajkumar Adepu: 12.Op no 20230521769
Came with complaints indigestion and low grade fever since 1 week
3 to 4 times per day, immediately after food
Associated with pain abdomen squeezing type in epigastric to umbilical region
Pt is c/c/c
CVS S1 S2+
P/A soft and non tender 
Provisional diagnosis
?APD gastritis
Pt is getting admitted

[13/05/23, 2:38:58 PM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: Any causal association between his symptoms and mild hypertension? 

Were you investigating to screen for target organ damage? 

What are the target organs of hypertension you left out in your examination?

[13/05/23, 2:42:45 PM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: Both arthritis and Diabetes were diagnosed at the same time 10 years back?

[13/05/23, 2:43:09 PM] ~ Vaishnavi: Yes sir

[13/05/23, 2:44:11 PM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: He went to the doctor for arthritis and Diabetes was detected on incidental screening?

[13/05/23, 2:55:15 PM] ~ Ajay Kumar Reddy: Yes sir patient may have hypertension with the symptoms he  presented.  
Yes sir to look for any proteinuria, or nephropathy he has developed
We have left  fundoscopy for any retinal Changes

[13/05/23, 2:59:54 PM] ~ Vaishnavi: Op no 20230522158
Pt came with c/o chest pain left side non radiating since 3days relieved on its own and drinking water
Chest pain more during night
H/o giddiness during chest pain since 3days 
H/o regurgitation of food content during night time since 3days
No h/o loss of consciousness 
Not a k/c/o dm,htn, asthma,cad,cva
Local examination
Tenderness over 3rd rib on left side 
Systemic examination 
Cvs s1s2 heard no murmur
RA BAE present,
Cns nfnd
P/A soft non tender
Diagnosis- GERD
Patient was adviced for further examination and follow up but she was not willing as she have small kids at home

[13/05/23, 3:00:04 PM] ~ Vaishnavi: 13.

[13/05/23, 3:11:47 PM] ~ Shivang Sharma: 14 Op no  - 20230522126    40 yr F . Daily routine         wake up at 7am,breakfast - 8 am , and complete her house work by 10 am , and goes to farm ,she will have lunch at 2 pm , again goes to work and comes back by 6 pm , dinner at 8 pm and she goes to sleep by 9 pm    .c/o difficulty in breathing since 5/6 days associated with pain in abdomen ( epigatric region) since 5/6 days , c/o bloating since 5)6 days after eating .not k/c/o dm ,htn , cad ,tb ,asthma , epilepsy  . Fever -nt , loose stools - nt , vomiting - nt .                      Echo done on May 9 /23 ,    EF 62 % , trivial AR / MR + ve , normal LV function , no RWMA , no Ar / TR , no PE / PAH                                            O/E  PT IS C/C/C                                           cvs S1 S2 heard                    cns nfd.                                      p/a soft and non tender.      RS BAE+

[13/05/23, 3:30:35 PM] ~ Penchala Manogna: 15.
Daily routine- housemaker 
Wakes up at 6:00 am
Breakfast- 9:00am 
Their is a history of intake of spicy foods
She takes her lunch-2:00pm 
And do her daily chores(like cleaning) and sleeps at 9:00pm 
Patient came with the complaint of chest tightness since 2months 
She is experiencing early satiety and bloating 
Associated with belching 
Their is no history of regurgitation of food.
No H/o Vomiting
She is experiencing similar complaints which were intermittent,relieved on taking medications 
Not a k/c/o-asthma, tb, epilepsy, hypertension 
Pt is C/C/C
Abdomen-soft and non tender 
CVS S1 S2+
Provisional diagnosis
Dyspepsia under evaluation 
Patient is advised for admission but not willing to get admitted

[13/05/23, 3:33:27 PM] ~ Vaishnavi: 30F

[13/05/23, 4:03:06 PM] ~ Vaishnavi: 16.Op no 20230521776
Pt came with c/o difficulty in passing stool daily once since 6months
C/o drowsiness only while driving long distance @100kms happened last Sunday 
H/o loss of consciousness for 3-5sec only happened after tired days
H/o disturbed sleep since 2yrs only during more thoughts regarding family, office work
H/o hearing loss in both ears since 6yrs , hearing aid +in left ear
H/o both lower limb swelling after sitting for long hrs i.e 3-4hrssince  3yrs
No h/o giddiness
K/c/o htn since 7yrs on telmisartan +amolodipine po od
Pt is c/c/c
Bp 160/100
Cvs s1s2 heard no murmur
Cns nfnd
RA BAE present
P/a soft nontender
Pt was advised for further follow up but not willing

[13/05/23, 4:25:47 PM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: Overtesting! 

That may have been white coat hypertension due to your non busy opd?

[13/05/23, 4:27:04 PM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: Gerd with chest tenderness!! 

Regurgitation of food?

[13/05/23, 4:28:11 PM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: Respiratory rate? In a patient of shortness of breath that's the least we can mention?

[13/05/23, 4:28:36 PM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: Disease duration?

[13/05/23, 4:29:41 PM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: Past reports of renal function?

[13/05/23, 4:30:14 PM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: 16 patients total in opd today! 😳

[13/05/23, 5:48:20 PM] ~ Rajkumar Adepu: Op no 20230521769
Came with complaints of  indigestion and low grade fever since 1 week
3 to 4 times per day, immediately after food
Associated with pain abdomen squeezing type in epigastric and umbilical region
Pt is c/c/c
CVS S1 S2+
P/A soft and non tender 
Provisional diagnosis
Pt got admitted and absconded


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