Week -1

29th April 2023,Saturday

[29/04/23, 3:22:48 PM] ~ Sowmya Rani: A patient of 35 yrs male  resident of chityala work as driver came to opd


SOB-3 days

Fever- 3 days

Cough-2 days 

Cold-2 days

HOPreI: Patient apparently asymptomatic 3 days back then he had

SOB - insidious onset, gradually progressive, relieved by taking medicine advised from medical store, Grade 2, no Orthopnea and PND,wheezing during sleeping 

FEVER- sudden in onset,gradually progressive, high grade during morning with high spikes, relieved evening &raise of temperature during night with chills and rigors 

COUGH- sudden in onset, gradually progressive with sputum in yellow color, no foul smell, 

COLD- sudden in onset, gradually progressive 

H/o loss of weight  of 15 kgs

H/o of    Sweatings

H/o of regurgitation of food, 

No H/ o of loose tools, nausea, burning micturition 



Family history: not significant 



Bowel &Bladder- regular

Appetite- normal 

Loss of weight-15 kgs 

sleep adequate  

Food allergies-absent 

Alcohol-3-4days weekly, 250 ml / day


ASTHMA, Bronchospasm

General examination:conscious, coherent and cooperative 

No pallor, Icterus, Cyanosis, Clubbing, lymphedenopathy, pedal edema 


PR  - 78 beats /min

RR- 24counts/ min

[29/04/23, 4:04:42 PM] ~ Bhuvana phanindra Sharma: 29/4/23; Saturday

OPD cases


1)35/M- SoB,cough,cold and fever-admitted

2)45/F- fever since two days

3)32/M- chest pain -burning sensation with belchings,ecg-nsr

4)55/M f/c/o histoid Hansen with enl.          

 C/o abdominal distension since 20days.

Admission advised-pt wants to come after 2 days.

5)22/M-anemia with hemarroids 

Advised admission-bed charges issue-admitted

6)60/f weekneds of right upper and lower limb.with deviation of mouth to left since 1week

K/c/o htn since 7years

Advised admission-not willing,want to get admitted on Monday.

7)50/F-headache since 1 year

Advised admission.

8)55/M-k/c/o DmT2 since 4 years

C/o abdominal distension with retrosternal pain.

9)30/M-tingling sensation over face since 1week

Advised admission -wants to get admitted on Monday

10)28/f- c/o headache since 1 year.

11)40/f- b/l pedal edema since 1year, SoB since 1year, pallor+

Advised admission -no attenders,wants to get admitted later.

12)50/f- giddiness since 1 year

Advised admission -admitted


1)53/f- polyarthritis since 8months with anemia

Advised admission -wants to get admitted on Monday.

2) 65/M- weakness of right upper limb and lower limb since 1 day ,

MRI -hypertensive bleed

No patient,reports brought by attender.

3)58/m- headache since 6days fever since 6days

4)30/f- headache since 1day,

Helper in hostel

5)50/M- pain in epigastrium since 2days with dyspepsia, ecg-nsr

6) /F-  b/lpedal edema, SoB


2D echo- dilated chambers.

Advised admission -wants to get admitted on Monday.

7)31/M- chest pain since 1month


8)50/F- low back ache.

9)49/M- denovo DM, explained diabetic diet 

10)45/F- fever with chills, burning micturition.

Advised admission -wants to get admitted later

11)45/F- DM T2 since 20years, uncontrolled;fbs-550,plbs-447,Hba1c-7.5 , on Inj.MIXTARD 15-10U.

Advised admission -not willing (not prepared).

12)50/M-T2 DM since 2 years (hba1c-7.5) advised admission - not prepared for admission.

13)60/M - k/c/o T2DM since 18yrs

Fbs-580, plbs-732, HbA1c-8.1


[29/04/23, 4:25:33 PM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: Thanks. 

So we had 25 patients in opd today and three admissions? 

@As OPD Pg incharge please get our non duty interns from other units to share the case report and PaJR links to the new ward admissions asap while the duty interns can do it for the Casualty patients

[29/04/23, 4:29:02 PM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: Well done @👏👏

Please share his chest X-ray asap @


What about the case reports by the 2019 posted with us?

[29/04/23, 4:30:32 PM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: Please share in how many of these 23 patients who didn't get admitted, we ordered tests and which tests were ordered

[29/04/23, 4:33:24 PM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: Please mention your batch year and your online portfolio link that you can find in our dashboard here 👇

[29/04/23, 4:33:44 PM] ~ Kotha Kavya: Ok sir

[29/04/23, 4:36:20 PM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: Where's the CNS examination and fundoscopy finding that is essential for any patient with headache? 

[29/04/23, 4:38:06 PM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: 👆Which patient is yours in this list here?

[29/04/23, 4:41:43 PM] Rakesh Biswas Sir:  This patient is the first one in the list of opd patients prepared today by ?

[29/04/23, 4:41:46 PM] ~ Kotha Kavya: Morning adminission no:7 sir

A 50/F-headache since 1year advised admission.

[29/04/23, 4:42:21 PM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: You reduced her age by 10 years?

[29/04/23, 4:43:28 PM] ~ Sowmya Rani: Yes sir

[29/04/23, 4:44:29 PM] ~ Kotha Kavya: This is K.KAVYA ROLL.NO:167 

2019 batch.

A 50yrs old female who is a resident of suryapet who is a daily labourer came with 


        Headache since 1year

        Giddiness since yesterday.


        Patient was apparently asymptomatic 1 yr back and then she had headache with increased severity since yesterday which is incidious in onset and gradually progressive

which is throbbing type and no associating or relieving factors. And associated with giddiness since yesterday without loss of counciousness.

No h/o fever , vomitings, nausea

No h/o weakness 

No h/o body pains, shortness of breath, burning micturition 

No h/o eye pains.


        H/o hysterectomy 20yrs back

    N/k/c/o Diabetes, HTN, asthma, CVA, epilepsy,CAD.


        Using medications for headache since 1year.

FAMILY HISTORY: Not significant.


     Diet : mixed

     Sleep : adequate

     Bowel and bladder : regular

     Appetite: normal

     Addictions: nil

     Allergies: nil


   Patient was conscious coherent and cooperative

Moderately built and nourished.

    VITALS: BP:90/60 mmhg



    No pallor,icterus, clubbing,cyanosis, lymphadenopathy and pedal edema.

[29/04/23, 4:44:58 PM] ~ Kotha Kavya: Sorry sir. I kept the changes now

[29/04/23, 4:47:21 PM] Lohith Pg Gm : interns from other units, will be doing the PaJRs for the 4 admitted cases sir

30th April 2023,Sunday

[30/04/23, 12:08:45 PM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: Although medical tests are integral to clinical manage￾ment, clinicians have the ability and responsibility to
limit overtesting and to prevent harm to patients and
the healthcare system. This thematic framework describes factors that influence decisions to request tests
as a first step in developing clinician-targeted interventions to reduce overtesting.

[30/04/23, 12:14:08 PM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: In this OPD audit group we are trying to develop a framework for our opd patients where we are limiting all over testing and overtreatment for our opd patients such that the large majority of our opd patients are encouraged to stay as inpatient for a day so that we can make a much more meticulous and detailed case report than what is feasible from a 5 minute opd consult and then subsequently create their PaJR links before their discharge the next day

[30/04/23, 12:17:48 PM] Rakesh Biswas Sir:Who are the SRs and intern JRs posted in OPD duty tomorrow (separate from the casualty duty SRs and interns) 

Tomorrow I shall be in the opd supervising this process along with the opd SR (the one who may have had casualty duty on Thursday or Friday and not tomorrow)

[30/04/23, 12:19:49 PM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: Frequency and duration of headache since one year? Daily continuous? Weekly for few hours or monthly for a few minutes? Or something else?

[30/04/23, 9:00:56 PM] Rakesh Biswas Sir: I guess no UG 2018-21 batchers are staying back in this one month vacation for the month of May to work with us in our departmental projects as part of their summer research?

[30/04/23, 9:08:45 PM] ~ Pavan kumar Kasaraneni: Tomorrow nishitha, venkat sai and lohith are posted in opd sir 
Dr zain sir is on duty sir


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